The Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies
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New Publications Plutonium Separation in Nuclear Power Programs: Status, Problems, and Prospects of Civilian Reprocessing Around the World , IPFM Report, July 17, 2015How to approach nuclear modernization?: A Russian response , by Eugene Miasnikov, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , Vol 71(3), pp.12-15, May-June, 2015Development of Strategic Conventional Arms: Dangers for the Russian Strategic Forces - Real and Imagined (audio, in Russian ), Eugene Miasnikov, Presentation at the seminar "Problems of Nuclear and Conventional Arms Reductions", Moscow Carnegie Center, April 17, 2015Arms Control: The Problem of Today (in Russian) , by Eugene Miasnikov, Index Bezopasnosti , Vol 21(1), Spring, 2015Strengthening Stability in Turbulent Times , The Second Report of the Deep Cuts Commission, April 21, 2015Russia's National Perspective In Promoting Nuclear Security , by Vladimir Rybachenkov, a presentation at the XIX Edoardo Amaldi Conference on International Cooperation for Enhancing Nuclear Security, Safety, Safeguards and Non-Proliferation (Rome, Italy, March 30-31)One Out of Ten Light Bulbs in the US is Powered by Russian Uranium , (in Russian ), by Vladimir Rybachenkov, The Rare Earth Magazine , N4, 2015Nuclear decisions, long-lasting consequences , by Eugene Miasnikov, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Development and Disarmament Roundtable, February 6, 2015Verification and Confidence Building Measures Related to Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Obstacles on the Way Forward , by Eugene Miasnikov, Presentation at CSIS Track-II Dialogue on Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons, January, 2015Constructive Steps, Not Dominance , by Eugene Miasnikov, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Development and Disarmament Roundtable, January 16, 2015Modernization and "zero": Compatible tendencies? , by Eugene Miasnikov, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Development and Disarmament Roundtable, January 7, 2015On Significance of the Russian Edition of James Acton's Report "Silver Bullet? Asking the Right Questions About Conventional Prompt Global Strike" , (in Russian ), by Eugene Miasnikov, remarks at the book presentation, Carnegie Moscow Center, November 19, 2014Reflections on the Ukrainian crisis , by Vladimir Rybachenkov, International Affairs , Moscow, November 14, 2014Prospects for Conversion of HEU-Fueled Research Reactors in Russia , by Anatoli Diakov, Science & Global Security , 22, no. 3, 2014Arms Control: Current Agenda (in Russian ), by Eugene Miasnikov (presentation at the Extended Meeting of the PIR Center Advisory Board and the International Trialogue Club), Moscow October 4, 2014Russian-American Project �Second Line of Defense� (now in English ), by Nikolai Kravchenko and Vladimir Rybachenkov (a presentation at US-Russia Forum 2014, Moscow, September 8-9, 2014On the role of nuclear weapons in modern world, interview with Eugene Miasnikov, The Voice of Russia (in Russian ), August 29, 2014Global Nuclear Zero As A Multilateral Minimum Deterrence Concept — A View From Russia , by Vladimir Rybachenkov, presentation at the International Conference "The Arab Spring As A Complicating And Enabling Factor For The Helsinki Conference" (Nicosia, June 12-14 2014)Statement by Eugene Miasnikov at the Deep Cuts Report Presentation, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., April 28, 2014
Deep Cuts Commission Releases its First Report , April 28, 2014Plutonium Affairs , (in Russian ), by Anatoli Diakov and Vladimir Rybachenkov, Military-Industrial Courier , February 12, 2014Disposition of Excess Weapon Grade Plutonium: New Developments (now in English ), by Anatoli Diakov and Vladimir Rybachenkov, January 16, 2014Looking Back: The U.S.-Russian Uranium Deal: Results and Lessons , by Aleksandr Pavlov and Vladimir Rybachenkov, Arms Control Today , December 2013Status and Prospects for Russia's Fuel Cycle , by Anatoli Diakov, Science & Global Security , 21, no. 3, 2013Beyond the New START: The Prague Agenda after Berlin , by Eugene Miasnikov, remarks at the Conference "The Prague Agenda 2013: Prospects and Challenges" , September 5-6, 2013Strategic Stability and Missile Defense — a View from Russia , by Vladimir Rybachenkov, presentation at the International conference "Arms Control and Strategic Stability", Beijing, August 8-9, 2013On Conversion of Research Reactors in Russia , by Anatoli Diakov, August 10, 2013The Role of Nuclear Weapons in Global Politics and Maintaining Russia's Security (in Russian ), by Eugene Miasnikov, remarks at the International Summer School on Global Security, organised by PIR-Center, Abramtsevo, Russia, July 3, 2013HEU-LEU Project: a Success Story of Russian-US Nuclear Disarmament Cooperation , by Aleksandr Pavlov and Vladimir Rybachenkov, June 5, 2013Strategic Nuclear Forces: Goals and Possible New Arms Control Measures (now in English ), by Eugene Miasnikov, remarks at the CENESS-ACA-BASIC-IFSH workshop on prospects for Russia-US arms control, Moscow, May 29, 2013The Air-Space Threat to Russia (now in English ) by Eugene Miasnikov, a chapter from the book Missile Defense: Confrontation and Cooperation (ed. by Alexei Arbatov and Vladimir Dvorkin, Carnegie Moscow Center, 2013) May 16, 2013Non-strategic Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Possible Scope and Conditions for Information Sharing, Transparency Measures and Verification , by Eugene Miasnikov, Working paper for The Warsaw Workshop: Prospects for information sharing and confidence building on Non-Strategic Weapons in Europe , Warsaw, Poland, 7-8 February, 2013 (PDF)Counterforce Capabilities of Conventional Strategic Arms , by Eugene Miasnikov, Presentation at ISODARCO XXVI Winter Course "New Military Technologies: Implications for Strategy and Arms Control" , Andalo, Italy, 6-13 January, 2013 (PDF, slides)Non-State Actors and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles , by Eugene Miasnikov, Presentation at ISODARCO XXVI Winter Course "New Military Technologies: Implications for Strategy and Arms Control" , Andalo, Italy, 6-13 January, 2013 (PDF, slides)Older publications can be found in sections .:. Our Center's Views .:. Opinion .:. Exclusive .:. Our Comment .:.Strategic Arms Reductions: Problems, Events, Analysis (STAR Site) Non-proliferation and Reduction of Weapons of Mass Destruction Regime and National Security
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