Status: Study 1963. Gross mass: 75,000 kg (165,000 lb). Specific impulse: 350 s. Height: 25.00 m (82.00 ft). Span: 12.00 m (39.00 ft).
This would reduce both flight time and the earth-return velocity. The project was given the code name "Mavr" ('Moor' or MArs - VeneRa).
Crew Size: 3. Mishin reviews the work and configurations of the Lox/LH2 (S and Sr) upper stages for the N1 necessary to achieve various programs. Mishin reviews the work and configurations of the Lox/LH2 (S and Sr) upper stages for the N1 necessary to achieve various programs (Mishin Diaries 2-293). Here was see evidence for several previously hinted-at but poorly-documented projects: the Lunar Orbital Station (N1+Almaz), the MAVR manned Mars-Venus-Flyby Spacecraft: AM Isaev - about speeding work on the engine 11D56. AM Lyulka - about speeding work on the engine 11D57.
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Part of TMK
Mavr Mars Spacecraft
A model of the Mars flyby spacecraft 'Mavr' at the Tsniimash museum. Mavr was a revision of the TMK in the mid-1960's to incorporate a flyby of Venus on the return leg of the voyage. This would reduce propulsion requirements and total time for the primary Mars flyby mission.
Credit: © Mark Wade
Russian manned Mars flyby. Study 1963. A variation of the TMK-1 scenario by Maksimov's unit would still use a single N1 launch. However a flyby of Venus would be undertaken on the return voyage from Mars.
Family: Mars Expeditions,
Mars flyby.
Country: Russia.
Launch Vehicles: Mars tactical rocket,
N1 1969.
Propellants: Lox/Kerosene.
Agency: Korolev bureau.
Photo Gallery
Mavr Spacecraft
MAVR Mars-Venus flyby spacecraft. The original TMK was similar.
Credit: © Mark Wade
TMK Mars flyby
TMK Mars flyby spacecraft
Credit: © Mark Wade
Mavr manned Mars / Venus flyby spacecraft - 1960
Credit: © Mark Wade
Mavr spacecraft model at TsNIIMASH. The TMK-1 was similar
Credit: © Mark Wade
1970 October 20 - .
LV Family: N1.
1. S, Sr - LOS (lunar orbital station?) SNTV satellite for direct TV broadcasting, MAVT (MAVR?), DOS-II (later Mir).
2. S + Sr - L3M, Mavr, MKBS
3. S + S + Sp - L3M, MKBS, Mavr and others.
4. NII - DOS (20t - indecipherable) - this apparently refers to later plans to dump Chelomei's Proton vehicle and go back to the original plan to use the NII (consisting of the second and third stages of the N1) for this earth orbit payload class.
5. N1S => 110 t (the low earth payload for this version of the improved N1). (Mishin Diaries 2-293).
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