R-1E (A-1)

  • ️Thu Jun 07 1956

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R-1E (A-1)
Part of V-2
Russian short range ballistic suborbital launch vehicle.

Status: Retired 1956. First Launch: 1956-06-07. Last Launch: 1956-06-07. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 13,400 kg (29,500 lb). Height: 14.10 m (46.20 ft). Diameter: 1.65 m (5.41 ft). Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).

Family: short range ballistic, suborbital launch vehicle. Country: Russia. Launch Sites: Kapustin Yar, Kapustin Yar V-2. Stages: R-1 stage. Agency: Korolev bureau.

1956 June 7 - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar V-2. LV Family: V-2. Launch Vehicle: R-1E (A-1).
  • Biological mission - . Nation: Russia. Agency: Korolev bureau. Apogee: 100 km (60 mi). Payload, instruments, left and right animal containers all recovered. Smoke container functioned. Carried dogs..

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