Robotic Satellite Servicer
After the Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle encountered developmental problems in 1989-90, NASA tried to integrate the OMV and Flight Telerobotic Servicer into a 'Robotic Satellite Servicer.' This in turn was cancelled when the station's free-flying space platforms were deleted. The Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle also encountered many problems in 1989-90 as the estimated total cost ballooned to $1 billion dollars -- an increase of $600 million. NASA then tried to integrate the OMV and Flight Telerobotic Servicer into a 'Robotic Satellite Servicer.' TRW and Martin Marietta were awarded $1.3-million phase B contracts in June 1990. However, neither project survived the Space Station redesign in late 1990; the cost was too high. The FTS was no longer necessary after the Space Station in-orbit assembly procedures were greatly simplified in 1990-91 while the OMV became less important after the Station's free-flying space platforms were cancelled. Article by Marcus Lindroos
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Robotic Satellite Servicer
Space Tug - MM -1990
Robotic Satellite Servicer - Martin Marietta, 1990. NASA tried to integrate the OMV and Flight Telerobotic Servicer into a "Robotic Satellite Servicer." TRW and Martin Marietta were awarded $1.3-million phase B contracts in June 1990. The illustration depicts Martin's proposal.
Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos
American logistics spacecraft. Studied for ISS, but cancelled when the station's free-flying space platforms were deleted.
Family: Logistics spacecraft,
USA - Space Stations.
Country: USA.
Agency: NASA,
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