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Russian intermediate range ballistic missile. First and third stages of SS-13. Cancelled after 8 test firings. Claims to have been deployed briefly.

AKA: 8K99;RT-20P;Scrooge;SS-15;SS-XZ. Status: Cancelled 1965. Height: 15.09 m (49.50 ft). Diameter: 1.80 m (5.90 ft). Span: 1.80 m (5.90 ft).

Maximum range: 4,800 km (2,900 mi). Number Standard Warheads: 1. Warhead yield: 1,000 KT. Boost Propulsion: Solid rocket. Initial Operational Capability: 1970. Total Number Built: 8.

Family: IRBM, vehicle-launched. People: Nadiradze. Country: Russia. Bibliography: 476, 8555.

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