Stationed at 65 deg W. Brazilsat 1 & 2 provide telecommunications services to Brazil. Canada's Spar Aerospace was awarded a $125 million contract to build, under license, two satellites based on Hughes' HS-376 design (similar to Anik D). Brazilsat 1 & 2 were the first two elements of Brazil's national Sistema Barasilero de Telecommunicacoes por Satelite (SBTS) network. Spacecraft: Based on Hughes HS-376, single antenna on despun platform, spin stabilised, hydrazine thrusters, body mounted solar cells provide 982 W BOL. Payload: 24 C-band transponders with 6 spares, 10 W TWTA, EIRP >34 dBW over most of Brazilian territory Stationed at 105 deg W. Brazilsat 1 & 2 provide telecommunications services to Brazil. Canada's Spar Aerospace was awarded a $125 million contract to build, under license, two satellites based on Hughes' HS-376 design (similar to Anik D). Brazilsat 1 & 2 were the first two elements of Brazil's national Sistema Barasilero de Telecommunicacoes por Satelite (SBTS) network. Spacecraft: Based on Hughes HS-376, single antenna on despun platform, spin stabilised, hydrazine thrusters, body mounted solar cells provide 982 W BOL. Payload: 24 C-band transponders with 6 spares, 10 W TWTA, EIRP >34 dBW over most of Brazilian territory
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Brazilian agency. Telebras, Brazil.
Country: Brazil.
Projects: Brasilsat.
1985 February 8 - .
23:22 GMT - .
Launch Site: Kourou.
Launch Complex: Kourou ELA1.
LV Family: Ariane.
Launch Vehicle: Ariane 3.
Contract issued in 1990 for 2 units HS-376W. B1-B2 have dedicated transponders for government use. Positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 65 deg W in 1985-1994; 63 deg W in 1994-1996; 79 deg W in 1996-1998; 144 deg W in 1998-1999 As of 5 September 2001 located at 143.96 deg W drifting at 0.005 deg E per day. As of 2007 Mar 9 located at 145.69E drifting at 2.591W degrees per day.
1986 March 28 - .
23:30 GMT - .
Launch Site: Kourou.
Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2.
LV Family: Ariane.
Launch Vehicle: Ariane 3.
Contract issued in 1990 for 2 units HS-376W. B1-B2 have dedicated transponders for government use. Positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 70 deg W in 1986-1995; 92 deg W in 1995-1999 As of 4 September 2001 located at 62.91 deg W drifting at 0.007 deg W per day. As of 2007 Mar 7 located at 32.58W drifting at 2.263W degrees per day.
1995 March 28 - .
23:14 GMT - .
Launch Site: Kourou.
Launch Complex: Kourou ELA2.
LV Family: Ariane.
Launch Vehicle: Ariane 44LP.
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