Aurora Advisors, Inc. - Management Consulting


    Susan Webber


    Aurora Advisors Incorporated and affiliates, 1989-present. Founder.

    Built a management consulting firm in New York and Sydney. Projects include:

    Financial services
    • Managed the profitable start-up of a trading service including negotiating with prospective clients; overseeing the development of contracts; resolving back office issues; determining training and support needs; assessing pricing and likely financial results. First month's operating profits were $5 million, 5 times the fully-loaded start-up costs
    • For an international credit card organization, devised improvements in governance, solicitation, training and support for their international joint venture partners (5 continents), setting the foundation for a rapid increase in growth from 12 partners to over 60
    • For a top derivatives firm, identified an overlooked product area, leading to multiple transactions, typically $1 million of trading profit each
    Transaction advisory
    • Recommended which stock was most attractive over 3-5 year horizon of 5 possible buyers in the $1.4 billion sale of a cable business. Stock chosen appreciated over 300%; next best improved only 50%; rest held or lost value for a difference in outcomes of over $2 billion
    • Successfully vetted investments for the technology investment arm of a major hedge fund, including superhard materials, advanced batteries, thin-film solar panels
    • Assisted a media holding company in renegotiating a $1.5 billion joint venture, including valuation, analyzing various financing options, assessing financial and business implications of the partner's proposals
    • Helped raise funds for the sale of a software business by a major bank

    The Sumitomo Bank, Ltd., 1987-1989. Head of Mergers and Acquisitions.

    Established and led a New York-based mergers and acquisitions department for the world's second-largest bank. As part of worldwide effort, achieved top position in U.S.-Japan transactions in 1988 and first half of 1989.

    McKinsey & Company, Inc., 1983-1987. Engagement Manager.

    Devised investment banking strategy and assisted Sumitomo Bank in making $500 million investment in Goldman Sachs. Served international financial institutions extensively on strategy, organization, assessment of acquisitions and new ventures, and operational effectiveness projects. Evaluated investments for the firm.

    Goldman, Sachs & Co., 1981-1983. Associate, Corporate Finance.

    Participated in the firm's acquisition of J. Aron & Company. Worked on 18 public offerings, several private placements as well as real estate financings, leveraged buy-outs, and merger and corporate finance advisory projects.

    Salomon Brothers, 1980. Associate.

    Divided summer between corporate finance and mortgage finance.


    Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1979-1981 M.B.A. Concentrated in Finance and General Management. Baker Scholar. Loeb Fellow (finance prize)

    Harvard College, 1975-1979 A.B. Concentrated in History and Literature (honors major). Phi Beta Kappa (elected junior year, top 2% of class)