Epsilon sign Frenchman Marsoin
- ️Tue Feb 19 2008
The 18-year-old finished third in last season's French Formula Renault championship with Stephane Guerin's dominant SG Formula team, and completed three days of World Series testing with KTR at Le Castellet and Valencia over the winter.
"When KTR signed Daniil Move two weeks ago I began speaking seriously with Epsilon Euskadi," said Marsoin.
"It helped that I drove for Epsilon in French Formula Renault two years ago and know Michel Leconte (now no longer involved full time with the team). He spoke with the team on my behalf, and I visited their factory last Friday. It's beautiful.
"Even if my teammate and myself are rookies, the team have enormous experience, having been champions in the past. I will also be working with the engineer who helped Brendon Hartley to the Formula Renault Eurocup crown so I think that I am going learn a lot."
Epsilon Euskadi were classified fourth in last year's team standings, taking Filipe Albuquerque to fourth, and top rookie, in the drivers' standings.
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