Renamed Addax team sign Grosjean
- ️Thu Feb 26 2009
The name change is a result of the departure of founder Adrian Campos at the end of last season, with new owner Alejandro Agag opting to re-title the team after the addax antelope, and in deference to main sponsor Barwa International.
Campos won the teams' championship in 2008 and took third in the drivers' points with Lucas di Grassi despite the Brazilian missing the first half of the season.
Renault Formula One test driver Grosjean has joined Addax after winning the GP2 Asia title and two races in the main series with former champions ART last year.
"There is very little to say about Romain having already reached Formula One status, in one of the best teams," Agag said. "We shall offer him a car that will give him the opportunity to demonstrate, not for the first time, his undoubted talent."
Grosjean added: "We have high expectations for the season to come. They have welcomed me warmly and I really feel that together we will be able to work efficiently and successfully from the get go."
Russian driver Petrov is about to start his third year with the team, having taken two victories in the main series and one race win in the Asian championship.
"We know each other perfectly and we know that he will guarantee us important points in the overall championship and offer other great moments like his victory in Valencia," said Agag. "And who is to say he won't be fighting for the drivers' championship."
Petrov, who first joined GP2 with DPR in mid-2006, admitted that this had to be a breakthrough season for him.
"For me the 2009 season will be probably the most important and difficult," he said.
"I'm really happy to stay one more year with Barwa Addax Team, which was my strong fortress for the last couple of years. I hope that together with my new teammate Romain we can repeat last season's result and become the strongest team in GP2."
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