Jaafar joins F3 International Trophy

  • ️Tue Apr 26 2011

The Malaysian will compete for an F1 Superlicence in the six-race series, which will also visit Pau, Spa, Zandvoort, Macau and Yeongam.

The winner will receive the trophy at the FIA's annual prize-giving gala and the top three drivers will all qualify for Superlicences.

"The International Trophy gives me the opportunity to ace on some tracks which I haven't yet visited, to compete against the cream of the F3 drivers and to gain further experience at F3 level, as well as giving me more seat time during the season," said Jaafar, who will race in Germany this weekend under F3 Euro Series regulations.

"The biggest difference for me in Hockenheim will be running on Kumho tyres, instead of [the] Cooper Tires which we use in British F3. "We'll need to get on top of the set-up as quickly as we can, so we can use as much time as possible to optimise the aerodynamics and develop the car's performance.

"I raced at Hockenheim last year in British F3 and had my best finishes of the season there, with two podiums, so I have very happy memories of this visit and I hope I can have a strong showing there this weekend as well."

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