Avenue Campus Memories homepage - remembering the former University of Northampton site
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Northampton College of Technology / Northampton School of Art / Nene College / University College Northampton (UCN) / University of Northampton (UON)
Welcome to the voluntary, independent ACM project, celebrating and remembering Avenue Campus, Northampton, UK, open 1932 - 2019. Most of Avenue was sold for redevelopment in 2020, with the last building transferred to a new owner in 2023. Do you have any photos, videos and papers that we might copy for the project? Please see Download Central (hosted by our sister project, PCM) and see if you can help fill gaps! Thanks to the UON Archive for many of the vintage images.
Contact us via our Facebook group or mail@ avenuecampusmemories.org.uk
The original concept was for the two wings to be linked by frontage of a similar style. The infill came in 1959 (above right) and was of a different design.
Right: Plaque from the official opening of Avenue in 1932. The ceremony was performed by HRH the Prince of Wales - later HM King George VI.
Alex Parthenis (Dean of Technology) and colleagues, outside the main entrance, circa 1983.
Left: 2011 Foundation Art & Design.
Right: Aerial view of site, 2008
Below: 2020 birdseye shot of Maidwell.
Above: An Avenue Foundation Art and Design student's colourful work from 2016.
Top row: Technical drawing in 1959, Maidwell Red (MR) corridors and Maidwell MR57 lecture theatre, both pictured in 2019.
Above: Official map from the 2010s, Students' work displayed in Walgrave, 2016, welding in around 1959 and Junior Technical School prospectus 1939.
Above but one row: NSA prospectus 1971-72, Senior Typing Class circa 1960s, a lecture in 2015, a busy night in the union in 2017.
Above: Maidwell front in 2020, an electrical engineering workshop ca. 1960s, students working in Newton in 2011, Gilbert and Sulivan event poster, 1977.
Above: Recording footage of Maidwell for the ACM project in 2021, east side of Maidwell in 2020, Automotive Engineering circa 1980s.
Left: The first intake of Avenue's BA Acting course, gathered post-graduation at Park Campus in 2010.
ACM would like to thank all those who have allowed us to reproduce their photos and Avenue-related material. Especial thanks go to the UON Archive for their considerable assistance in this regard.
Last page revision: Dec 2024
Avenue Campus Memories, Northampton, England, UK. An independent, voluntary project. � ACM 2020-2024
Views expressed are our own.
Photo credits for this page: UON Archive, UON, UON Students' Union.