
Antonov An-225 Mria - transport

Currently the world's largest aircraft, the An-225 Mriya (dream) stemmed from the need to transport large items for the Soviet space programme. Previously a converted Myasishchev Mya-4 'Bison' bomber had been used to carry outsize items on its back, but this had a limited payload capacity, meaning many components had to be disassembled or not carried at all.

In mid-1985 Antonov was entrusted with the design of a new aircraft able to carry the Buran shuttle orbiter, large components of the Energiya launch vehicles and other outsize items for construction and mining industries. Construction of the An-124 provided the basis for the new aircraft, Antonov using many of the same components to keep cost and development effort down.

The fuselage and wings are similar to the An-124, the cabin retaining the same cross-sectional dimensions but with increased length. To save weight the rear loading ramp is removed, but the An-225 retains the nose visor. Standard An-124, wings are grafted on to a new centre section, thereby increasing the span while keeping the engine installations the same. An additional pair of D-36T turbofans is fitted to the new centre section, raising thrust to an amazing 1377kN. In order to support the increased weight, seven pairs of wheels are fitted to each side as opposed to five in the An-124.

Outsize loads that cannot fit into the capacious cabin (including Buran and Energiya components) are carried 'piggy-back', the load supported on two main attachments above the centre section. These supports and other smaller ones along the fuselage top are faired over when not in use. To avoid buffeting from the 'piggyback' load, the An-225 has twin vertical fins mounted on the end of a large tailplane.

The prototype made its first flight on 21 December 1988, and in March 1989 set up no fewer than 106 world and class records in one flight from Kiev, at a maximum take-off weight in excess of 500000kg. Only two have been completed so far, and the first flew with Buran on 13 May 1989, This combination made a dramatic appearance in the West for the first time a month later at the Paris Air Salon.


� The An-225 made its first flight carrying the Buran space shuttle orbiter on 13 May 1989 from Baikonur cosmodrome.

� On 22 March 1989 the An-225 established 106 payload records.

� The Mriya is nearly twice the size of the American Lockheed C-5 Galaxy.

� On its record-breaking flights, the huge An-225 took off at an all-up weight of 508,200kg.

� Typically, the 'Cossack' carries two pilots, two flight engineers and two navigators.

� Like the Su-27, the flight system incorporates fly-by-wire controls.

 ENGINE6 x Lotarev D-18T, 229.5kN
  Take-off weight600000 kg1322780 lb
  Wingspan88.4 m290 ft 0 in
  Length84.0 m276 ft 7 in
  Height18.2 m60 ft 9 in
  Wing area905.0 m29741.33 sq ft
  Max. speed850 km/h528 mph
  Cruise speed700 km/h435 mph
  Range w/max.fuel15400 km9569 miles
  Range w/max payload4500 km2796 miles

ubaTaeCJ, e-mail, 21.02.2025 20:27



lxbfYeaa, e-mail, 14.03.2024 05:19



遠藤蘭丸, e-mail, 17.09.2023 10:12



Samuel, e-mail, 11.05.2023 00:56

Es una pena que los Ucranianos hayan sido tan descuidados y dejar que los Rusos lo destruyan


Kalman Burg, e-mail, 07.05.2012 12:13

Years ago I have seen it in Tripolis, Libya, parked beside some Boeing 747 Cargo. Made them looking small.


hans2603, e-mail, 14.06.2011 14:47

wenn dieses flugzeug fliegt , gehen alle v�gel zu fu�....


Kevin Morrow, e-mail, 17.04.2011 15:28

That is the worlds biggest heaviest transport aircraft....


Ken Ernst, e-mail, 06.03.2011 18:37

WOW, What a aplane. I was fortunate enought to get on it in Neark Airport when it was there for Chwrnobyl Reief Effort many years ago. The thing that amazed me was the technology looked very out dated in the the cabin. No modern electronics just lots of tube units. Very 50ish. But the size of the plane was bind blowing and what a landing gear!


ForTheReord, 28.12.2010 15:11

I would love to see 6 GE-90's on this plane [used on the long range Boeing 777]. That would be over 700K lbs of thrust instead of less than 400K.


Brian Rueger, e-mail, 22.12.2010 04:43

Can you just imagine what it cost to fill the fuel tanks!


SYED EJAZ H.SHAH, e-mail, 11.12.2010 16:55

This air craft is too large and heavy , which show the ability of human beings.


Royg, e-mail, 08.12.2010 23:42

Now this is an airplane!!!


Sgt.KAR98, 26.05.2010 02:42

This plane made a visit to Brazil last year.It landed on Cumbica Int Airport bringing something for Petrobras.It dragged major attention there.Wish I could have saw it.


Ta-183, 15.05.2010 17:00

An-225s rock:biggest plane in the World, can carry spacecraft, and was featured in the movie 2012.


RICK ESSIEN, e-mail, 14.05.2010 03:17

My knowlege about the existence of this wonderful machine was on 05-05-2010 thro a documentary on DISCOVERY CHANNEL ON DSTV.It came as both sadness and joy cos as i was baffled about this WONDERFUL MACHINE, the death of my president was announced.I have no adjectives to qualify the engineers they are really great men .


AбдУлP, e-mail, 05.12.2009 08:09

this is same plane used in movie 2012


Robero Dimande, e-mail, 19.11.2009 14:08

Its amazing and wonderfull.There will be no adjectives to qualify how could Russian Engeneers turn their Dreams(MRIA
),in to reality building AN 225...This plane,it is up to n
ow an impossible Plane to Build all over the world.My las
t wish is to fly on in it,and all so shake the hands of th
e designers one by one...they are extraterrestrial people
...Robrto Dimande-Maputo /Mozambique.


wasabi, e-mail, 11.09.2009 21:37

it exise only one of this
second is not completed


matthew, 15.09.2008 05:58

ive been in one ov these there realy cool to take off in really loud sumtyms


bill, e-mail, 22.05.2008 15:10

This aircraft came to the US as part of the Chernobyl relief effort. While it was in Hartford CT (circa 1991) I was able to walk around on it and under it, snapped a few photos and traded Rubles for dollars with the crew. I watch it take off, truly an awesome sight. A lot of C-5's fly around due to local AF base, however this baby really is noticeably larger. I was within 500 yards when she rotated and gracefully climbed out of Hartford Ct.


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