Ergebnisse der Bart-Weltmeisterschaft 2013 - Results of the world beard and moustachechampionships 2013 in Leinfelden-Echterdingen
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At the WORLD BEARD AND MOUSTACHE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2013 we had a record with 331 competitors from 24 nations in 18 classes. Two participants from New Zealand had the longest journey with over 11 000 air-miles one way. 11 worldchampion-titles went to Germany, 6 to America and one in Hungary. The organising club "Belle Moustache" was the most successful club with four worldchampion-titles. There was a huge crowd of visitors in the Filderhalle. The area in the front of the catwalk was crowded with a dozen television crews from all over the world and many photographers. Using Livestream you could track all competitions worldwide. On livestream we had a lot of spectators. Star-cook Johann Lafer was the honorary award "Beard of the Year 2013" awarded in form of a handmade sculture beard and a photo-graphic by President Jürgen Burkhardt. Already during the welcome-party prevailed great atmosphere with many international guests. While the bearded competed for trophies in cabbage-caulking, have been the first "Whiskerinas Competition" at a worldchampionship women from Amerika, France, England, and Germany showed their creative side imaginative art beards. A rustic finale there was a bus ride to the Event-local "ALB STADL" on the Swabian Alb. For "Belle Moustache" it was a successful worldchampionship 2013. We hope to see us together at the next official worldchampionship 2015 in Leogang/Austria or 2017 in Austin/Texas USA. Other worldchampionships are not official.
Results and winning-photos of the individual classes:
Kaiserlicher Schnauzbart/ Moustache Imperial: 1 46,5 Eugen Hipp Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GER |
Schnauzbart Naturale/Moustache Natural 1 48 Wolfgang Schneider Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GER |
Schnauzbart Englisch 1 50 Patrick Fette Derby City Whisker Club USA 2 45,5 Jochen Kälber IG Schnorreswaggler GER 3 42,5 Klaus Schissler Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GER 3 42,5 Samuel Holcombe kein Verein / no club USA 3 42,5 Bernd Hildebrandt Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GER |
Schnauzbart Dali/Moustache Dali 1 45,5 Josef Zeiler Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GER |
Schnauzbart Ungarisch/Moustache Hungarian:
Schnauzbart Freistil/Moustache Freestyle: 1 47,5 Daniel Lawlor Los Angeles Facial Hair Society 2013 USA |
Kinnbart Naturale/Geatee Natural: 1 47 Bernhard Greller Ostbayerischer Bart- und Schnauzerclub GER |
Kinnbart Chinesisch 1 49 Sean Raiger Moustache and Beard Social Club (sacramentUo,S cAa) 2 47 Lutz Giese 1. Berliner Bartclub 1996 e. V. GER 3 46 Ted Sedman Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GBR |
Kinnbart Musketier 1 45,5 Erwin Butsch Bart & Kultur Club Belle Moustache eV. GER |
Kaiserlicher Backenbart/Whiskers Imperial: 1 49 Karl-Heinz Hille 1. Berliner Bartclub 1996 e. V. GER |
Kinnbart Freistil/Chin-Beard Freestyle: 1 50 Willi Chevalier Höfener Bart- und Schnorresclub GER |
Backenbart Freistil/Goatee Freestyle: 1 48,5 Dieter Besuch Pforzheimer Schnäuz GER |
Vollbart Naturale/Full Beard Natural: 1 49 Jeff Langum Philadelphia Beard & Moustache Club USA |
Vollbart Naturale mit gestyltem Oberlippenbart/Full Beard Natural with styled Moustache: 1 48 Kenny Burke Beard Team USA USA |
Vollbart Garibaldi/Full Beard Garibaldi: 1 48 Franz Pill Schwäbischer Bart- und Schnauzerclub Schömberg |
Vollbart Verdi/Full Beard Verdi:
Vollbart Freistil/Full Beard Freestyle: 1 46 Aarne Bielefeldt, Terminal Length Beard Club (TLBC) USA |
Premiere-Klasse Trendbart/Premium-Class Trendbeards:
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Danke unseren Sponsoren:
Die Ergebnisse und Fotos der letzten Bart-Weltmeisterschaften: - bitte auf die Flagge klicken!
The results and pictures of the last worldchampionships: - click on the flags! -
2009 Gründau/Deutschland Anchorage/USA
Die nächsten offiziellen Weltmeisterschaften - the next official worldchampionships:
2015 Leogang/Austria - 2017 Austin/Texas USA
no others are official!
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© Photos & Design by Jürgen Burkhardt, Postfach 300109, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
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