Balalaika music album "Barynya Russian folk songs"

For fast price quote contact Mikhail Smirnov at Barynya Entertainment

"Barynya Russian folk songs" compact disk recorded by balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski and Mikhail Smirnov (guitar). CD released by "AS IS recording" in Philadelphia, USA. Cover for the CD by artist Yury Tarler. Both musicians are members of Russian folk dance and music ensemble Barynya from Brooklyn, New York. There are Russian folk tunes, dances and songs including "Evening bells", "Kalinka", "Katyusha", "Moscow Nights" and "Dark Eyes".

Balalaika music album free MP3 download sampes

Name of the song in English Name of the song in Russian
Waltz "Day Dreams" by V.V. Andreev Вальс "Грезы" В.В. Андреев
Birch-tree Ах ты, береза
By the long road Дорогой длинною
Evening Bells Вечерний звон
Gori Гори, гори, любовь цыганки
I met you Я встретил Вас
Kalinka Калинка
Katyusha Катюша
The Moon is shining Светит месяц
Moscow nights Подмосковные вечера
Murka Мурка
Nadya Девочка Надя
Dark Eyes Очи Черные
Steppe Степь да степь кругом
Tzar Nikolai Царь Николай

To order "Barynya Russian folk songs" compact disk please use PayPal link below. Price is $25 US dollars including US first class or airmail shipping anywhere in the world. Compact disk is usually shipped withing 48 hours of your payment. This compact disk is offered only from Barynya merchandise website with verbal permission of Alex Siniavski and Mikhail Smirnov. There is no other place you can purchase music of these musicians.

"Duo Russian Balalaika": Alex Siniavski and Mikhail Smirnov Picture taken at Wheaton Village concert
Balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski arrived in the United States in 1992 from St.Petersburg, Russia. He was a leading member of The Andreev State symphonic balalaika orchestra, one of the most prestigious in former USSR. Alex Siniavski graduated with honors from the Leningrad State Musical Conservatory. Balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski
Alex Siniavski
Russian singer and musician Mikhail Smirnov
Mikhail Smirnov
Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar) arrived in the United States in 1991 from Moscow, Russia. After graduating from Moscow State Academy of Arts Mikhail Smirnov was performing with Moscow State Folk Center "Russian Song" ("Russkaya Pesnya")

Compact disk "Barynya Russian folk songs" by balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski and Mikhail Smirnov (guitar), CD cover by artist Yury Tarler
Album cover by artist Yury Tarler


One piece from this compact disk (Those were the days, my friend), has been selected for Compact Disk "Balalaika. Compilation of Russian Classic Folklore" released by Helicon Records ( in Israel.

What people say: Hello Mikhail Smirnov! Compact disks and video arrived this morning. Wonderful! Nobody has done anything all day except listen to them... everybody has to listen to me whistle 'Gori Gori' pretty much non-stop... Is there such a thing as music for the tunes on the Barynya CD? Gori, Murka, Tzar Nicolai... I might figure these tunes out eventually, but it sure would be nice to have sheet music... Meanwhile thanks again for the great music...
Regards, Christopher

Descriptions of recorded music, songs lyrics and translations

Please be aware that on actual recording there is no singing. Russian songs lyrics provided just in case if you are interested.

Day Dreams Waltz.mp3, 2653 KB
waltz by "father" of Russian balalaika Vassily Vassilievich Andreev (born 186l) also known as "the genius of Russian musical culture". During his lifetime the fame of Andreev spread beyond Russian borders. His name was highly appreciated in the United States and Europe. Early in the XXth century, the English newspaper "Daily Telegraph" wrote: "V. Andreev brilliantly expressed Russia's national creation. The activities and deserts of this unique artist must be highly appreciated by his compatriots". As A. Rubinstein noted, Andreev introduced - "a new element in music". He improved fine Russian folk instrument - the balalaika. He constructed the family of balalaikas and domras, and on this basis created the Great Russian Orchestra. The Orchestra of Andreev and its soloists performed on the stages of the most prestigious music-halls of Russia, Europe, and the United States, and they always were a great success.

Beryoza.mp3, 1246 KB
Russian folk tune "Birch-tree"

Those were the days, my friend.mp3, 2470 KB
Famous gypsy romance

Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours,
And dreamed of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought theyd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we chose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance Id see you in the tavern
Wed smile at one another and wed say
Those were the days...
Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me?
Those were the days...
Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friends were older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same
Those were the days...
Those evening bells! Those evening bells!
How many a tale their music tells
of youth, and home and that sweet time,
When last I heard their soothing chime.
Those joyous hours are past away,
And many a heart that then was gay
Within the tomb now darkly dwells
And hears no more these evening bells.
And so 'twill be when I am gone;
That tuneful peal will still ring on
while other bards will walk these dells,
and sing your praise, sweet evening bells.

Gori,Gori.mp3, 2040 KB

music, lyrics by E. Dimitrievich
Burn, burn, love of gypsy woman,
Love of the beautiful dark skin
There is a burning power above us
Beautiful love is burning...

I met you.mp3, 3531 KB
Popular Rusian romance, lyrics by Fedor Tyutchev, music of unknown author, translation by F.Jude

I met you and the past
came back to life in my dead heart.
Remembering a golden time,
my heart became so warm.
Just as in late autumn
there are days, the transient hour,
when suddenly spring wafts again
and something stirs within us,
so, winnowed within by the breath
of fullness my soul knew in those years,
with a rapture I thought I'd forgotten,
I stare into your dear face.
As if we'd been apart for ages
I stare at you and think I'm dreaming,
and suddenly sounds unsilenced in me
could be heard within me, but louder!
That was more than reminiscence:
my life began to talk once more,
as did in you that very same charm,
as did in my soul that very same love!

Kalinka.mp3, 2844 KB
Russian folk song

Juniper, juniper, my juniper, 
in the garden there's the berry, my raspberry. 
Under the pine, under the green pine, 
lay me down to sleep, 
Oh, you dear pine, oh you green pine, 
don't you rustle so loud over me, 
Beautiful maid, dear maid, 
please fall in love with me...

Katyusha.mp3, 1374KB
Popular Song from the period of W.W.II. Text: M. Issakowski, Music: M. Blanter

Apples and pears were blossomin
mist on the river floating
on the bank katyusha stepped out
on the high steep bank
stepped out, started a song
about one grey steppe eagle
about her loved one
whose letters she cherished
oh song, maiden's song
fly towards the clear sun
and to the warrior on a far away border
bring katysha's greeting
may he remember this simple maiden
and hear her signing
may he save our motherland
and love, katyusha will save

Svetit Mesyats (The moon is shining).mp3, 2078 KB
Russian folk song

The moon is shining, shining brightly
Shining the white sunrise,
The path is well lighten for me
all the way to the darling's house...

Moscow Nights.mp3, 2485 KB
Popular Russian song, Music - V. Solovjov-Sedoj, lyrics - M. Matusovskij

Not even a whisper is to be heard in the garden,
Everything has calmed down until dawn.
If you only knew how dear they are to me,
The evenings near Moscow!
The river is moving and (sometimes) not,
All made of the moons silver.
A song sounds and is not to be heard
In those quiet evenings.
Why do you, darling, look at me from the side,
Bending your head so low?
It is not easy to tell
All the things that are in my heart.
And dawn is getting more and more visible.
So, please, be so kind:
You, also, dont forget
These summer evenings near Moscow. 

Murka.mp3, 2284 KB
Author of music and lyricks unknown

Hello, my Murka
Darling Murka,
Hello, my Murka, 
and goodbye
you've betrayed
all our gang
and here's a bullet for it

Nadya.mp3, 1541 KB
two step dance

- Oh, girl Nadya,
What do you want? 
- I want nothing, 
but chocolate...— 

Ochi_Chernye.mp3, 3325 KB
gypsy romance, lyrics by E.Grebenka

Eyes black, eyes burning 
Eyes passionate and beautiful 
As I love you as am afraid of you 
To know I has seen of you I not at kind o'clock

Steppe all around (Step da step krugom).mp3, 1913 KB
Traditional Russian Song, lyrics by E. Surikov

Steppe, endless steppe,
the way lies far before us,
and in that dense steppe
a coachman lay dying.
He summoned up all his strength,
as he felt death approaching,
and he gave an order
to his comrade:
"My dear friend,
do not think of the bad times,
but bury me here
in this dense steppe.
Give to my wife
a word of farewell;
and give back to her
this wedding ring.
And tell her that I died here,
in the freezing steppe,
and that I have taken her love
away with me."

Tzar_Nicolai.mp3, 1475 KB
Russian folk tune



Traditional Russian Entertainment database
New York based Russian folk dance and music ensemble "Barynya"
Russian Wedding Orchestra of the United States
Russian Band USA
Balalaika Dance Trio
Brooklyn Balalaikas
Brighton Beach Menestrels
Russian folk dance and music trio "Barynya"
The Balalaika Russe
"The three Stooges balalaika group"
Balalaika Russian folk duo. Alex Siniavski, Mikhail Smirnov
"Russian Balalaika and Garmoshka Duo"
Kalinka Duo, Austin, TX
History of Russian balalaika
120 years old balalaika
Contrabass Balalaika and Bass Balalaika
Balalaika-contrabass player Leonid Bruk
Lev Zabeginsky - balalaika player from New York City, New York, USA
Balalaika virtuoso Gennady Zut, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA
Russian balalaika virtuoso Sasha Ressetar
Simon Lemberskiy - balalaika prima, Brooklyn, New York
Balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski
Balalaika Contrabass Buying Guide by Mikhail Smirnov
Christmas Diary of the balalaika player

Фольклорный ансамбль Барыня из Нью-ЙоркаDance and music ensemble Barynya from New York. Russian folk dancersDance and music ensemble Barynya from New York. Russian folk entertainment database BarynyaDance and music ensemble Barynya from New York. Russian folk instruments and costumes

русские артисты > ансамбль барыня > дуэт русская балалайка > Русские народные песни

Алекс Синявский (балалайка), Миша Смирнов (сопровождение)
Компактный диск "Барыня" Русские народные песни
Русская балалайка - бесплатно скачать файлы в MP3 формате

Страница представляет компактный диск "Барыня" Русские народные песни записанный балалаешником-виртуозом Алексом Синявским в сопровождении Михаила Смирнова (гитара). Запись сделана на концерте в Буддистском Центре на Западной улице Апсэл, город Филадельфия, США. На диске более 15 русских народных и популярных песен, танцев, мелодий и наигрышей. Обложка компактного диска "Барыня" Русские народные песни сделана художником Юрием Тарлером
обложка диска
Балалаешник-виртуоз Алекс Синявский
Алекс Синявский
Алекс Синявский приехал в США в 1992 из Ленинграда, где работал как балалайка-прима в знаменитом Академическом Русском народном оркестре им. В.В.Андреева, одном из престижнейших коллективов бывшего СССР, закончил с отличием Ленинградскую Консерваторию. Он также мастерски играет на тромбоне и баритоне.
Михаил Смирнов находится в США с 1991 года. После окончания Московского Института Культуры работал в центре "Русская Песня", в Америке выступает с русским фольклорным ансамблем Барыня. Михаил Смирнов
Михаил Смирнов
Алекс Синявский и Михаил Смирнов выступают вместе с 1993 года в качестве дуэта "Русская Балалайка". Дуэт принял участие в более 1000 шоу и концертов на различных сценах США, Европы и Африки, во многих теле - и радиопередачах.

Одна из песен в репертуаре дуэта ("Дорогой длинною, да ночкой лунною") была включена в компактный диск "Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора", выпущенный студией звукозаписи "Геликон" ( в Израиле.

"Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора"-компактный диск студии звукозаписи "Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора"-компактный диск студии звукозаписи "Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора"-компактный диск студии звукозаписи На этом компактном диске Алекс Синявский и Михаил Смирнов попали в компанию таких знаменитых ансамблей и исполнителей как Государственный академический русский оркестр имени В. Андреева, хор Донских Казаков, оркестр Осипова, трио Реликт, Терем-квартет, ансамбль песни и пляски Александрова, бас Борис Христофф, Николай Массенкофф и других.

"Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора"-компактный диск студии звукозаписи "Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора"-компактный диск студии звукозаписи "Балалайка, сборник классического Русского фольклора"-компактный диск студии звукозаписи

Вальс.mp3, 2653 KB
Музыка "отца" русской балалайки Василия Андреева (род в 186l).

Берёза.mp3, 1246 KB
Русская народная песня

Дорогой длинною.mp3, 2470 KB
Известный цыганский романс

Ехали на тройке с бубенцами,
А вдали мелькали огоньки.
Мне б сейчас, соколики, за Вами,
Душу бы развеять от тоски.
Дорогой длинною, да ночью лунною,
Да с песней той, что вдаль летит звеня,
И с той старинною с той семиструнною,
Что по ночам так мучала меня...
Так живя без радости, без муки,
Помню я ушедшие года,
И твои серебряные руки
В тройке, улетевшей навсегда...
Дни бегут, печали умножая,
Мне так трудно прошлое забыть.
Как-нибудь однажды, дорогая,
Вы меня свезете хоронить.
Вечерний звон, вечерний звон!
Как много дум наводит он
О юных днях в краю родном,
Где я любил, где отчий дом.
И как я, с ним навек простясь,
Там слушал звон в последний раз! 
Уже не зреть мне светлых дней
Весны обманчивой моей!
И сколько нет теперь в живых
Тогда веселых, молодых!
И крепок их могильный сон;
Не слышен им вечерний звон.
Лежать и мне в земле сырой!
Напев унывный надо мной
В долине ветер разнесет;
Другой певец по ней пройдет.
И уж не я, а будет он
В раздумье петь вечерний звон!

Гори, гори".mp3, 2040 KB

Гори, гори, любовь цыганки (А.Дмитриевич)
Гори, гори, любов цыганыки,
Одной красавицы смуглянки,
Царит над нами сила властная,
Царит одна, а любовь прекрасная!
Гори, гори, гори, гори, гори, любов цыганки,
Одной красавицы смуглянки, оп,
Царит над нами да сила властная
Царит одна любов прекрасная.
1.Я цыган, сын воли и полей,
  Мне горят безумные ночей.
  Пляски звон, огни гитар, оп,
  И прени... да, пленительный угарррр.
  Лишь только хорррр да мало запоет,
  Ночью  страстью сердце обожгет, оп,
  И прольется в душу сладкий яд, что ты
  А гитары плачут и звенят.
Гори, гори, гори, гори, гори, любов цыганки,
Одной красавицы смуглянки,
Царит над нами сила власт....  оп оп оп
Царит ..... любовь прекрасная!
2. Всё промчалось, дивный сон,
   Бес гитары страстный звон.
   Отзвучали песенки цыган
   И закрыли любимый ристоран.
  Да в разлуке с милою страной, что ты!
  Я живу теперь в стране теперь чужой.
  Здесь в Париже, для милых парижан
  Я пою Вам песенки цыган.
Гори, гори, любовь цыганки
Одной красавицы смуглянки
Царит над нами сила властная
Царит одна любовь прекрасная
Гори, гори, гори гори, любовь цыганки
Оп оп оп
Царит над нами сила властная
Царит одна любовь прекрасная.

Я встретил Вас.mp3, 3531 KB
слова Фёдора Тютчева, музыка неизвестного композитора

Я встретил вас - и все былое
В отжившем сердце ожило;
Я вспомнил время, время золотое -
И сердцу стало так тепло...
Как поздней осени порою
Бывают дни, бывает час,
Когда повеет вдруг весною,
И что-то встрепенется в нас, -
Как после вековой разлуки,
Гляжу на вас, как бы во сне, -
И вот - слышнее стали звуки,
Не умолкавшие во мне...
Тут не одно воспоминанье,
Тут жизнь заговорила вновь, -
И то же в вас очарованье,
И та ж в душе моей любовь

Kалинка.mp3, 2844 KB
Русская народная песня

Калинка, калинка, калинка моя,
В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя,
Под сосною под зеленою
Спать положите вы меня.
Ах! Ай, люли, люли, ай, люли, люли,
Спать положите вы меня.
Ах! Сосенушка ты зеленая,
Не шуми же надо мной!
Ай, люли, люли, ай, люли, люли,
Не шуми же надо мной!
Ах! Красавица, душа девица,
Полюби же ты меня!
Ай, люли, люли, ай, люли, люли,
Полюби же ты меня!

Katyusha.mp3, 1374KB
Popular Song from the period of W.W.II. Text: M. Issakowski, Music: M. Blanter

Расцветали яблони и груши, 
Поплыли туманы над рекой; 
Выходила на берег Катюша, 
На высокий берег, на крутой. 
Выходила, песню заводила 
Про степного, сизого орла, 
Про того, которого любила, 
Про того, чьи письма берегла. 
Ой, ты песня, песенка девичья, 
Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед, 
И бойцу на дальшем пограничье 
От Катюши передай привет. 
Пусть он вспомнит девушку простую, 
Пусть услышит, как она поет, 
Пусть он землю бережет родную, 
А любовь Катюша сбережет. 
Расцветали яблони и груши, 
Поплыли туманы над рекой; 
Выходила на берег Катюша, 
На высокий берег, на крутой.

Светит месяц.mp3, 2078 KB
Russian folk song

Светит месяц, светит ясный,
Светит белая заря.
Осветила путь дорожку
Мне до милого двора.
Мне не спится, не лежится,
И сон меня не берет.
Я сходил бы к милой в гости,
Да не знаю, где живет.
Попросил бы я товарища,
Мой товарищ доведет.
Мой товарищ меня краше –
Боюсь Машу отобьёт.
Подхожу я к дому милой,
А у милой нет огня.
Постучал я под окошком,
Моя Маша спать легла.
- Стыдно, стыдно тебе, Маша,
Со вечера рано спать.
- А тебе, мой друг, стыднее,
До полуночи гулять

Moscow Nights (Podmoskovnye vechera).mp3, 2485 KB
Popular Russian song, Music - V. Solovjov-Sedoj, lyrics - M. Matusovskij

Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Все здесь замерло до утра,
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера.
Речка движется и не движется,
Вся из лунного серебра,
Песня слышится и не слышится
В эти тихие вечера.
А рассвет уже все заметнее,
Так, пожалуйста, будь добра,
Не забудь и ты эти летние
Подмосковные вечера.
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Все здесь замерло до утра,
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера.

Murka.mp3, 2284 KB
Author of music and lyricks unknown (муз. и сл. неизвестного автора)

Прибыла в Одессу банда из Амура,
В банде были урки, шулера.
Банда занималась темными делами
И за ней следило ГубЧК.
Мурка, ты мой Мурёночек, Мурка, ты мой котёночек!
Мурка, Маруся Климова, прости любимого!
Речь держала баба, звали её Мурка,
Хитрая и смела была.
Даже злые урки и те боялись Мурки,
Воровскую жизнь она вела.
Вот пошли провалы, начались облавы,
Много стало наших пропадать.
Как узнать скорее, кто же стал шалавой,
Чтобы за измену покарать.
Раз пошли на дело, выпить захотелось
Мы зашли в шикарный ресторан.
Там сидела Мурка в кожаной тужурке,
А из-под полы торчал наган.
Слушай! В чём же дело?
Что-ж ты не имела, разве я тебя не одевал?
Кольца и браслеты, юбки и жакеты
Разве я тебе не добывал?
Здравствуй, моя Мурка, здравствуй, дорогая!
Здравствуй, моя Мурка, и прощай!
Ты зашухарила всю нашу малину
И за это пулю получай.

девочка Надя.mp3, 1541 KB
two step dance

Ой, девочка Надя,
Чего тебе надо, 
Ничего не надо, 
Кроме шоколада...— 

Очи черные.mp3, 3325 KB
цыганский романс, слова И. Гребенка

Очи черные, очи страстные, 
Очи жгучие и прекрасные, 
Как люблю я вас, как боюсь я вас, 
Знать, увидел вас я в недобрый час.
Часто снитесь мне в полуночном сне, 
Очи черные, непокорные, 
А проснулся я, ночь кругом темна, 
И здесь некому пожалеть меня.
Ох, недаром вы глубины темней, 
Вижу траур в вас по душе моей, 
Вижу пламя в вас я победное, 
Сожжено на нем сердце бедное.
Скатерть белая залита вином, 
Все цыгане спят непробудным сном. 
Лишь один не спит, пьет шампанское 
За любовь свою, за цыганскую.

Степь да степь кругом.mp3, 1913 KB
Русская народная песня, слова Сурикова

Степь да степь кругом, 
Путь далек лежит,
В той степи глухой 
Замерзал ямщик. 
И, набравшись сил, чуя смертный час,
Он товарищу отдавал наказ: 
"Ты, товарищ мой, Не попомни зла,
Здесь, в степи глухой, схорони меня! 
А коней моих сведи батюшке,
Передай поклон родной матушке. 
А жене скажи 
Слово прощальное,
Передай кольцо 
А ещё скажи - 
Пусть не печалится,
По душе найдет
Про меня скажи, 
Что в степи замерз,
А любовь ее 
Я с собой унес".
Ухарь-купец.mp3, 1475 KB
Русская народная песня


Ensemble Barynya Album 2011 Jewish Valenki «Еврейские Валенки»Ensemble Barynya 2011. Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya's compact disk. Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals)... MP3 samples, order

Barynya Brentwood, New York 2009Barynya performance at The Van Nostrand Theatre, Brentwood, New York (USA) on Sunday, October 4th, 2009. Barynya presented a program of Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, Gypsy and Jewish traditional dancing, music and songs. Video recording Alexander Feygin, video editing Leonid Bruk...

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Zhenya Shevchenko & Barynya 2008Legendary Russian Gypsy singer Zhenia Shevchenko and ensemble Barynya DVD. Concert was recorded in New York City on January 26, 2008. Fifteen performers: six dancers, three singers, six musicians. Performers: Sergey Ryabtsev - violin, Mikhail Smirnov - garmoshka, vocal, guitar, Alex Siniavski - Gypsy guitar, balalaika, Alexander Menshikov - Russian Gypsy singer, tambourine, Leonid Bruk - balalaika-contrabass, Gennady Gutkin - bayan, Lev Zabeginsky - balalaika, Andrij Cybyk - dancer, choreographer, Ganna Makarova - dancer, Olga Chpitalnaia - dancer, Vitaliy Verterich - dancer, choreographer, Valentina Kvasova - dancer, singer, Mikhail Nesterenko - dancer, Victoria Pichurova - singer, Gabriel Yakubov - Gypsy dancer. Musical instruments: Balalaika, garmoshka, bayan, violin, balalaika-contrabass, Gypsy guitar, Russian 7 string guitar. Program of Russian Gypsy songs, music, Russian, Gypsy, Cossack and Ukrainian folk dancing...

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Barynya Ohio 2007 Russian dance, song and music ensemble Barynya 2007. This DVD was recorded at live performance in Lakeside, Ohio at the Hoover Auditorium. July 2007...

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Barynya Wisconsin 2006Russian dance Russian music video ensemble Barynya 2006. This DVD is from live performance of Russian dance, song and music ensemble Barynya from the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan, Wisconsin in October 2006...

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Barynya 2004Russian traditional dance and music dvd. Russian folk dances, songs, virtuoso performances on balalaika, bass-balalaika and garmoshka. Runtime: 1 hour, cover art: Anna Nagorskaya

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Russian Gypsy Klezmer songs music dance Cabaret Moscow New York City 1998. Live performance in cabaret "Moscow", Lexington Ave/54 street, New York City. Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, Klezmer music and dances. Runtime: about 40 minutes...

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Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian and Gypsy dance video. Runtime: 60 minutes. On this DVD ensemble Barynya dancers are performing Russian, Cossack, Gypsy and Ukranian folk dances including "Kalinka", "Katyusha", "Barynya", "Two Guitars"...

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ensemble BarynyaEthnic Russian Music Album recorded by New York based Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya in December 2006. Album contains favorite Russian melodies and songs performed on garmoshka, balalaika, Gypsy and classic guitars and contrabass...

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Garmoshka Russian traditional music album recorded by Misha Smirnov, performer, musician, folk singer, founder of New York based Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya in February 2007. Recording was made possible by singers-songwriters, Russian bard musicians Yuriy and Viktor Tenman from New York at their recording studio in Staten Island (Villa Nova Studio). Album contains traditional Russian tunes: "Kalinka", "Moscow nights", "Korobushka" and other Russian favorite songs performed on Russian garmoshka.

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Barynya 2006Russian folk music, song and dance album. Runtime: 64 minutes. Songs: "The Peddlers", "You stood me up", "Angry mother (bila mene maty)", "Tongue Twister". Dances: "Hopak", "Sailor's Dance", "Barynya", "Kalinka". Balalaika solo: "The Moon is shining", "Chardash".

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Russian Christmas Music Balalaika Album. There are 25 favorite Christmas and Holiday selections such as Carol of Bells, Deck The Halls, Father Frost, Jingle Bells, Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, Joy To The World, Folk Carol from Smolensk region of Russia, Snowstorm, Snegoorochka. Runtime: 51 minutes.

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"Sergey Gusarov" Russian folk songs and balalaika music album from Russian folk dance and music ensemble Barynya from New York. Russian folk music, tunes, songs and dances including title song "Sergey Gusarov". Runtime: 65 minutes...

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Balalaika music album Barynya Russian folk songs from Balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski and Mikhail Smirnov (guitar). There are Russian folk tunes, dances and songs including "Evening bells", "Kalinka", "Katyusha", "Moscow Nights" and "Dark Eyes". Runtime: 35m 09s, Cover Art: Yury Tarler...

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"Beyond The Don River" Russian folksongs Russian folk duo Misha and Natasha from Russia compact disk. There are Russian folk lymericks, Cossacks ballads and marching songs, popular tunes and chastushki with accompaniment of garmoshka, guitar and balalaika. Cover Art: Vladimir Nekrasov...

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Lev ZabeginskyRussian Balalaika plays Music Of The World recorded by New York City composer, arranger, jazzman, balalaika virtuoso and domra player Lev Zabeginsky. Lev had made several USA-CANADA tours with the Russian-Gypsy superstars such as Alyosha Dimitrievich of Paris and B.Rubashkin of Vienna, legend of Russian Emegree Zhenia Shevchenko...

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Bibs EkkelRussian Gypsy Music Balalaika Albums by Bibs Ekkel. Born in 1946 in England of mixed Polish-English background, Bibs Ekkel is both musician and linguist. His career as one of very few outstanding professional balalaika players outside Russia has brought him much recognition worldwide, including in the balalaika's Motherland, where he has performed on radio and TV as well as at Moscow's prestigious "Hall of Columns" and "Tchaikovsky Hall"...

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Nikolai MasenkoffRussian singer Nikolai Massenkoff compact disk "EVENING BELLS". Album of the singing star of the internationally acclaimed, Massenkoff Russian Folk Festival. 14 Russian folk songs, violin and guitar virtuoso solos including "Evening Bells" "Coachman", "Two Guitars", "Those Were The Days" and "I Loved You..."

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MassenkoffMASSENKOFF RUSSIAN FOLK FESTIVAL CD Nikolai Massenkoff, in his voice and personality, has been compared by critics to the prominent singers in the classical world as well as the pops, from Fyodor Chaliapin to Frank Sinatra. 11 popular Russian folk songs including "Accordionist", "Dark Eyes", "Kalinka", "Karobushka", "Katusha" and "Volga Boatmen", "Moscow Nights", "Accordionist", "Two Guitars" and "Along Petersburg"...

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The Balalaika Russe - "Heart On The Snow" Album Since its inception in the early 1970's, the BALALAIKA RUSSE has grown in popularity and proficiency and is now considered the finest ensemble of its kind in the USA. This colorful sextet has performed from Washington to Maine and Europe, at such venues as society balls and affairs, at local church halls, outdoor concerts and festivals, weddings, club dates, and on the concert stage....

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Zhenia DVDRussian Gypsy singer Zhenia Shevchenko DVD "Zhenya! The Singing Legend". Jenia Shewtchencko's 2006 interviews, video from 2005 and 2006 performances with New York based Russian dance and music ensemble "Barynya". Shevchenko Zhenya (Eugenia Pavlovna) - performer of Russian and Gypsy (Roma) songs and romances from New York City. She was born in Kiev in 1927, in 1942 immigrated with her family to Prague. She has a unique voice - deep contralto...

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Don Cossacks State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble from Rostov Compact Disk 1Don Cossacks State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble from Rostov Compact Disk 1. The Artistic Director is the National Artist of Russia, Professor Anatoly Kvasov. It is the Don folk song and dance traditions that form the basis of the ensemble's artistic work. The program of the chorus includes small cycles of songs linked by the same thematic material, girlands of songs of military and historical songs and bylinas (epic songs). The Ensemble had a magnificent success on the sold out concerts in Europe, Azia, America and Africa...

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Don Cossacks State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble from Rostov Compact Disk 2Don Cossacks State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble from Rostov Compact Disk 2. Don Cossacks State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble from the Don River region of Russia, town of Rostov-Na-Donu, was established in 1936. The ensemble consists of 30 singers, 30 dancers and 14 musicians...

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For fast price quote contact Mikhail Smirnov at Barynya Entertainment


Barynya Entertainment established in 1991 (on-line since 1998). Cabaret, Vegas, can-can, musicians, singers, masters of ceremonies, folk dancers, wedding bands, disc jockeys, jazz, storytellers, folk dance troupes, traditional music ensembles, Bellydancers, Jewish, Ukrainian, Gypsy, one-man-bands.
- Live Russian Music Wedding Band, MC and colorful dance show.

Russian garmoshka traditional music
Russian garmoshka traditional music
Mikhail Smirnov 2007

Ethnic Russian Music
Ethnic Russian music
Ensemble Barynya 2006

Barynya 2006
Russian folk music, song and dance 2006 Barynya in Wisconsin

Russian Christmas
Russian Christmas Music Balalaika 2005 A.Siniavski,M.Smirnov

Sergey Gusarov
Sergey Gusarov 2005
Ensemble BARYNYA
songs, balalaika music

barynya album
Balalaika music Russian folk songs 2004 A.Siniavski,M.Smirnov

Beyond The Don River
Beyond The Don River Misha & Natasha 1995

Balalaika virtuoso Lev Zabeginsky
Russian Balalaika plays Music Of The World
Lev Zabeginsky

Nikolai Masenkoff
Evening Bells
Russian folk singer Nikolai Massenkoff

Katyusha, Kalinka, Dark Eyes, Polyushko, Gari-Gari, Moscow Nights

Nikolai Massenkoff
Nikolai Massenkoff sings with balalaika orchestra

Bibs Ekkel
Bibs Ekkel: Russian Gypsy Music Balalaika

Russian folk music free mp3 download

Gena Sergienko
Sir Genka in the Windy City Russian chanson album by Gena Sergienko from Chicago, Illinois


Russian musical instruments
Russian musical instruments

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