Bosporus Kingdom

Bosporus Kingdom - Black Sea

There are two references in my library for Bosporus coinage: "Monetno Delo Bospora" by Anokhin, 1986, 178pp, 39 plates and one page of monograms - this book is in Russian and since I can't read cyrillic, I do not use it much yet. The other reference is a new work by David MacDonald entitled "An Introduction to the History and Coinage of the Kingdom of the Bosporus", 141pp with photographs throughout, Classical Numismatic Group, 2005. Since this book is in English, I will reference it with MacDonald and the catalog number.

Issues of Panticapaeum, Phanagoria, Sindicus Limen, Nymphaeum, and Theodosia (Early Spartocid Kings: 438/7-c.304/3 BC)

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE11, c.340-325 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr right
Head of horse right
11mm x 13mm, 1.98g
MacDonald 60; Anokhin 87

Consignor notes: aEF, nice patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE12, c.340-325 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr right
Head of ram right
10mm x 12mm, 1.22g
MacDonald 61; Anokhin 88

Consignor notes: VF, nice patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE10, c.340-325 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr left, wearing ivy wreath
Head of sturgeon right
10mm x 11mm, 1.15g
MacDonald 62; Anokhin 81

Consignor notes: aEF, beautifully preserved.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE27, c.325-310 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr left, wearing ivy wreath
Head of ox left
26mm x 27mm, 16.93g
MacDonald 65; Anokhin 124

Consignor notes: aVF, large flan.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE17, c.325-310 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr left
Head of ox left
17mm x 18mm, 4.70g
MacDonald 67; Anokhin 132

Consignor notes: VF, contrasting patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE20, c.310-304/3 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr right
Protome of eagle-headed griffin left, sturgeon left below
19mm x 20mm, 6.86g
MacDonald 69; Anokhin 111

Consignor notes: EF, beautifully preserved.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE18, c.310-304/3 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr left, wearing ivy wreath
Head of lion left, sturgeon left below
18mm, 7.00g, Die axis 11.0
MacDonald 70; Anokhin 125; SNG BM Black Sea 883-889

Consignor notes: Choice EF. Gorgeous coin, attractive style and beautiful patina and surfaces.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE19, c.310-304/3 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr left, wearing ivy wreath
Head of lion left, sturgeon left below
19mm, 7.19g
MacDonald 70; Anokhin 125; SNG BM Black Sea 883-889

Consignor notes: aEF, well-preserved.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE17, c.310-304/3 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr right
Π | A | N
Protome of Pegasus right
15mm x 17mm, 3.29g
MacDonald 71; Anokhin 112

Consignor notes: gVF, soft green patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE12, c.310-304/3 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr right, dotted border
Bow in gorytos
11mm x 12mm, 1.65g
MacDonald 72; Anokhin 113

Consignor notes: aEF, dark patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Early Spartocid Kings, AE10, c.310-304/3 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr right
Π | A | N
Head of ox left
10mm x 11mm, 0.91g
MacDonald 73; Anokhin 114

Consignor notes: Fine, well-centered.

Issues of Panticapaeum, Phanagoria, and Theodosia (Late Spartocid Kings: c.304/3-c.108 BC)

Bosporus Kingdom, Late Spartocid Kings, AE21, c.304-250 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr left, wearing ivy wreath, countermark of star in circle
Head of lion left, sturgeon left below, countermark of bow in gorytos
20mm x 21mm, 6.42g
MacDonald 114; Anokhin 130

Consignor notes: gVF. Host coin is MacDonald 70, Early Spartocid Kings.

Bosporus Kingdom, Late Spartocid Kings, AE21, c.304-250 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr left, wearing ivy wreath
Bow above, arrow right below
20mm x 21mm, 5.49g
MacDonald 116; Anokhin 133

Consignor notes: aEF, dark patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Late Spartocid Kings, AE21, c.304-250 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr left, wearing ivy wreath, countermark of star in circle
Bow above, arrow right below
20mm x 21mm, 6.46g
MacDonald 117; Anokhin 133

Consignor notes: a EF, dark patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Late Spartocid Kings, AE17, c.150-120 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr left, wearing ivy wreath
Cornucopiae flanked by caps of Dioscuroi topped with stars
16mm x 17mm, 3.97g
MacDonald 145; Anokhin 175

Consignor notes: gVF, dark patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Late Spartocid Kings, AE13, c.150-120 BC, Pantikapaion
(No legend)
Head of beardless satyr right, wearing ivy wreath
Caps of Dioscuroi topped with stars
13mm, 3.33g
MacDonald 146; Anokhin 176

Consignor notes: gVF, attractive patina.

Bosporus Kingdom, Late Spartocid Kings, AE11, c.140-108 BC, Phanagoria
(No legend)
Head of bearded satyr right, wearing ivy wreath
Bow above, arrow right below
11mm, 1.58g
MacDonald 157

Consignor notes: aVF, dark patina.

Issues Contemporary to the Roman Empire

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Mithradates III, AE 12 Nummia, 39/40-44/45
Diademed head of Mithradates III right
Diademed, draped bust of Queen Gepaepyris right, IB in right field
24mm x 25mm, 7.39g
MacDonald 312
Ex John Vander Weit Collection

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Mithradates III, AE 12 Nummia or Assarion, 41-45
Diademed head of Mithradates III right
(No legend)
Club draped with lion's skin, between bow in case and trident
IB (denomination mark) in exergue
24mm x 25mm, 7.72g
MacDonald 313

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Queen Eunice, 24 Units, 68-69
Temple with five columns and five steps
(No legend)
Wreath enclosing monogram 18 of Queen Eunice, KD (denomination mark) below
23mm x 25mm, 7.95g
MacDonald 337/1

Note: MacDonald notes on p.68 "RPC I, p.330 suggests that the NO element of the monogram on this variety stands for "noummia", an indication of the denomination, but the NO element replaces the top part of the monogram as it appears on the second variety, and is so more likely to be part of the name expressed in the monogram than a separate abbreviation. No other coin of the Bosporus bears the name of the denomination, though the number of units is commonly expressed on the bronze coinage."

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Rhescuporis I, AE 48 Nummia or Sestertius, c.91-93
Diademed, draped bust of Rhescuporis I right, club in left field, trident in right field
(No legend)
Rhescuporis I galloping right on horse, wielding javelin in right hand
MH in exergue
26mm x 28mm, 11.96g
MacDonald 364
Ex John Vander Weit Collection

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Sauromates I, AE 48 Nummia or Sestertius, 25mm, 99-101
Diademed and draped bust of Sauromates I right
MH within wreath of eight bunches of leaves terminating in large pellet
23mm x 27mm, 11.17g
MacDonald 398/1
Ex Jean Elsen, Auction 85, Lot 486, September 2005

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Sauromates I, AE 48 Nummia or Sestertius, 25mm, 98-103/104
Wreath on curule chair, scepter tipped with bust of Roman emperor to right, shield in front of spear to left
MH within wreath of six bunches of leaves terminating in large pellet
24mm x 26mm, 7.92g
MacDonald 408/1 or 408/2
Ex Jean Elsen, Auction 85, Lot 486, September 2005

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Cotys II, AE 48 Nummia or Sestertius, 123-125
Diademed, draped bust of Cotys II right
(No legend)
Cotys II galloping right on horse, brandishing spear in right hand
MH in exergue
25mm x 26mm, 6.75g
MacDonald 432/1
Ex John Vander Weit Collection

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Rhescuporis II, Electrum Stater, 513 Bosporan Era (216/217 AD)
Diademed, draped bust of Rhescuporis II right, sword in right field
Laureate, draped bust of uncertain Roman emperor right
19mm x 20mm, 7.65g
MacDonald 556/1

Note: MacDonald notes on p.101: "While both early and later staters can be assigned with certainty to Caracalla, Elagabalus or Severus Alexander, those struck during 513-515 BE appear to bear no resemblance to any specific emperor (viz. Macrinus) and no attempt has been made here to do so."

Bosporus Kingdom, Roman Empire Period, Thothorses (285/286-308/309), AE Stater, 591 Bosporan Era (294/295 AD)
Diademed, draped bust of Thothorses right, + in right field
Laureate, draped bust of emperor right, tamgha #2 in right field
19mm x 20mm, 7.79g
MacDonald 642/4
Ex Midwest "Coins of Christianity" Collection

AE Tetrachalk, 21mm, c. 314-310 BC.  No legend  Head of old Pan right.  PAN  Legend around forepart of griffin left, sturgeon below.  Anokhin Bosporus 111.

AE Dichalk, 15mm, c. 314-310 BC.  No legend  Head of young Pan right.  PAN  Legend around forepart of Pegasus right.  Anokhin Bosporus 112.

AE Obol, 13mm, c. 150-140 BC.  No legend  Head of Apollo right.  PAN  Legend left of bowcase.  Anokhin Bosporus 169.

AE Tetrachalk, 17mm, c. 130-125 BC.  No legend  Head of old Pan left.  PANTI  Cornucopiae between two caps of Dioscuri.  Anokhin Bosporus 175.

AE Tetrachalk, c. 37-27 BC.  No legend  Head of Apollo right, caduceus countermark behind head.  PANTIKA_PAITWN  Legend above and below Pegasus standing left.  Anokhin Bosporus 250.

Governor-general Mokhar (?), AE Obol, 23mm, c 80-70 BC.  Head of Dionysos right, wreathed by ivy.  Bowcase, monogram AK in left field.  Anokhin Bosporus 212A; SNG vol.IX, 949; W.Wroth pl.XVIII, #17.

Governor-general Mokhar (?), AE Obol, 23mm, c 80-70 BC.  Head of Dionysos right, wreathed by ivy.  Bowcase, monogram APK in left field.  Anokhin Bosporus 212D; SNG vol.IX, 949; W.Wroth pl.XVIII, #17.

Aspurgus, 2d reign, AE 12 Nummia or Assarion, 24mm, 15-38.  Diademed head of Aspurgus, monogram BAP behind, BI (mark of value) before.  TIBEPIOY KAISAPOS  Laureate head of Tiberius right.  Anokhin Bosporus 319; Sear 5430.

Note:  The BI on the obverse represents the mark of value - B (2) + I (10) = 12 nummia = 1 assarion.  More common is the mark IB, which represents the same value.

Aspurgus, 2nd reign, AE 12 Nummia or Assarion, 23mm, 15-38.  Diademed head of Aspurgus right,  monogram BAP behind, IB before.  GAIOY KAISAPOS GEPMANIKOY  Bare head of Caligula right.  Anokhin Bosporus 320; Sear 5431.

Gepaepyris, AE 12 Nummia or Assarion, 21mm, 37-38.  BACILICCHC GHPAIPYPEWC  Diademed and draped bust of Queen Gepaepyris right.  Veiled and draped female bust right, wearing kalathos.  IB in left field.  Anokhin Bosporus 326; Sear 5434.

Mithradates, AE12 Nummia or Assarion, 23mm, 39-41.  BACILEWC MIQRADATOY  Laureate head of Mithradates right.  BACILICCHC GHPAIPYPEWC  Laureate, draped bust of Queen Gepaepyris right.  Anokhin Bosporus 331; Sear 5433.

Kotys I, AE 12 Nummia or Assarion, 24mm, 50-54.  TI . KLAVDIOY . KAICAROC  Laureate head of Claudius right, IB beneath.  IOVLIAN AGRIPPINAN CEBACTHN  Head of Agrippina Junior left, monogram BAK in left field.  Anokhin Bosporus 348; Sear 5438; SNG Vol IX, 971; W.Wroth p. XI, 14.

Kotys I, AE 12 Nummia or Assarion, 21mm, 54-55.  NEPWNOC CEBACTOY KLAVDIOY KAICAPOC  Laureate, draped bust of Nero right.  AGPIPPINHC CEBACTHC  Head of Agrippina Junior left, monogram BAE in field to left; IB beneath.  Anokhin Bosporus 350; SNG vol.XI, 972.

Sauromates I, AE 48 Nummia or Sestertius, 25mm, 90-124.  BACILEwC CAYPOMATOY  Diademed and draped bust of Sauromates right.  MH within wreath.  Anokhin Bosporus 454.

Sauromates I, AE 48 Nummia or Sestertius, 27mm, 90-124.  BACI_LEwC CAYPOMAT_OY  Chair surmounted by crown, between shield and spear on left and human-headed scepter on right.  MH within wreath.  Anokhin 456; Sear 5457.

Kotys II, AE Sestertius, 24mm, 123-132.  BACILEWC KOTYOC  Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of king right.  MH  Wreath surrounding legend.  Anokhin Bosporus 481.

Note:  The MH on the reverse represents the mark of value - M (40) + H (8) = 48 nummia = 1 sestertius.

Sauromates II, AE Triple Sestertius, 23-26mm, 174-210, Time of Commodus 180-192.  BACILEwC CAYPOMATOY  Diademed, draped bust of king right.  Eagle with opened wings holding a wreath in his beak, PMD in the field.  Anokhin Bosporus 618.

Sauromates II, AE Triple Sestertius, 28 mm, 174-210, Time of Septimius Severus 193-210.  BACILEwC CAYPOMATOY  Diademed, draped bust of king right.  Eagle with opened wings holding a wreath in his beak, PMD in the field, countermark of head of Septimius Severus.  Anokhin Bosporus 625.

Ininthimeus, AE Double Denarius, 22mm, 235-239.  BACILEWC ININQIMHYOY  Diademed, draped bust of king right, facing draped bust of goddess left, wearing kalathos.  Goddess enthroned left, patera in right hand, B in left field, * HT ligate in right field, countermark in left field.  Anokhin Bosporus 679; Sear 5495.

Ininthimeus, AE Double Denarius, 22mm, 235-239.  BACILEWC ININQIMHYOY  Diademed, draped bust of king right, facing draped bust of goddess left, wearing kalathos.  Goddess enthroned left.  Anokhin Bosporus 679; Sear 5495.

Rheskuporis IV, AR Stater, 22mm, 252-253.  BACILEwC RHCKOYPORIDOC  Laureate bust of Rheskuporis IV right.  Laureate bust of ? right, . | . in right field, year qmF below (year ? = 252/253 AD).  Anokhin Bosporus 700c.

Rheskuporis IV, AR Stater, 22mm, 266-267.  BACILEwC RHCKOYPORIDOC.  Bust of Rheskuporis IV, cuirassed, draped right, trident in right field.  Laureate, draped bust of Gallienus right, K in right field, year GXF below (563 = 266/267 AD).  Anokhin Bosporus 714.

Rheskuporis IV, AE Double Denarius, 19mm, 242-276.  BACILEC PHCKOYPOPIDOC  Draped bust of Rheskuporis right.  Enthroned goddess left, B in left field, * in right field.  Anokhin Bosporus 719.

Rheskuporis IV, AE Denarius, 15mm, 242-276.  Legend off flan.  Bust of Rheskuporis IV, cuirassed, draped right, trident in right field.  Enthroned goddess left.  Anokhin Bosporus 722; Sear 5500.

Rheskuporis V, AE Stater, 22mm, 318-336.  BACILEC RHCKOYPIDOC  Draped bust of king right, trident in right field.  Laureate, draped bust of Constantine the Great right, eagle on globe in right field, year KX below (620 = 323 AD).  Anokhin Bosporus 769a.