Trial Transcript - Contents

  • ️Colin Russell Leech

First Day - Monday, 17th September, 1945
The Prosecuting Officers
The Defending Officers
Objection that the charge does not disclose an offence
Application to the Court for assistance in the preparation of the Defence
Request for an expert on International Law
Request for Defence witnesses
Request for charges to be heard separately
Request for separate trials
Opening address by the Prosecution

Second Day - Tuesday, 18th September, 1945
Brigadier Hugh Llewelyn Glyn Hughes

Third Day - Wednesday, 19th September, 1945
Brigadier Hugh Llewelyn Glyn Hughes (continued)

Deposition of Lieutenant Colonel James Alexander Deans Johnston, R.A.M.C.
Captain Derrick A. Sington

Fourth Day - Thursday, 20th September, 1945
Major Adolphus Leonard Berney
Harold Osmond Le Druillenec

Fifth Day - Friday, 21th September, 1945
Ada Bimko
The Court inspects Camp No. 1 and Camp No. 2 at Belsen

Sixth Day - Saturday, 22th September, 1945
Ada Bimko (continued)

Seventh Day - Monday, 24th September, 1945
Sofia Litwinska
Cecilia Frommer
Anni Jonas
Dora Szafran

Eighth Day - Tuesday, 25th September, 1945
Dora Szafran (recalled)
Helen Hammermasch

Ninth Day - Wednesday, 26th September, 1945
Major Smallwood
Ilona Stein
Abraham Glinowieski

Tenth Day - Thursday, 27th September, 1945
Abraham Glinowieski (recalled)
Hanka Rozenwayg
Sofia Litwinska (recalled)
Lidia Sunschein

Eleventh Day - Friday, 28th September, 1945
Lt. Colonel S. G. Champion
Lidia Sunschein (continued)
Dr. Fritz Leo
Estera Guterman

Twelfth Day - Saturday, 29th September, 1945
Estera Guterman (continued)
Paula Synger
Ruchla Koppel
Helene Klein

Thirteeth Day - Monday, 1st October, 1945
Charles Sigsmund Bendel
Roman Sompolinski
Anita Lasker
Geria Zylberdukaten
Syncha Zamoski

Fourteenth Day - Tuesday, 2nd October, 1945
Ester Wolgruch
Marcel Tuchmann
Ewa Gryka
C.S.M. John Liddle
Sgt. Cyril Albert Scamans
Sgt. Edward Dinsdale
Sgt. Leonard William Higgs
Sgt. Harry Aitchison
Capt. Saville Malcolm Stewart
Statement of Josef Kramer

Fifteenth Day - Wednesday, 3rd October, 1945
Capt. Saville Malcolm Stewart (recalled)
Heinz Masseth (Affidavit)
Sgt. Trip (Affidavit)
Sgt. E. Rothschild (Affidavit)
Objection by Defence to affidavits
Deposition of Dora Almaleh (original document)
Deposition of Margarete Berg
Deposition of Regina Bialek
Further Deposition of Regina Bialek
Deposition of Paul Cech
Deposition of Jadwiga Dembouska
Deposition of Gertrud Diament
Further Deposition of Gertrud Diament
Deposition of Karl Dolinski
Deposition of Mevrouw Fanny Duizend
Deposition of Gitla Dunklemann
Joint Deposition of Rachela Brzustovska, Blanka Weinfeld, Sarah Weinfeld and Sara Witz.
Further joint Deposition of Rachela Brzustovska, Blanka Weinfeld, Sarah Weinfeld and Sara Witz.
Deposition of Etyl Eisenberg
Deposition of Renee Erman
Deposition of Bohumil Grohmann
Objection to the Deposition of Bohumil Grohmann
Deposition of Bohumil Grohmann (Continued)
Deposition of Jekel Gutman
Deposition of Syncha Zamoski

Deposition of Vera Fischer
Deposition of Halina Furstenberg
Deposition of Wilhelm Grünwald
Deposition of Stanislav Halota
Deposition of Josef Hauptman
Further Deposition of Josef Hauptman
Deposition of Helene Herkovitz
Deposition of Jolan Holdost
Deposition of Peter Iwanow
Deposition of Anna Jakubowice
Deposition of Alina Jasinska
Deposition of Adelaide De Jong
Deposition of Adelaide De Jong
Deposition of Ladislaw Judkovitz
Deposition of Alegre Kalderon
Deposition of Ivan Karobjenikow

Sixteenth Day - Thurday, 4th October, 1945
Deposition of Zlata Kaufmann
Deposition of Margaret Jelinek
Statement of Nikolaj Kalenikow
Deposition of Rachela Keliszek
Deposition of Rolf Klink
Deposition of Alexander Kurowicki
Further Deposition of Alexander Kurowicki
Deposition of Klara Lebowitz
Deposition of Paul Lichtenstein
Statement of Adolf Linz
Depositions of Hila Lippman
Deposition of Hilda Löffler
Deposition of Irene Löffler
Deposition of Isak Lozawski
Deposition of Yilka Malachovska
Further deposition of Peter Leonard Makar
Further deposition of Peter Leonard Makar
Deposition of Adam Marcinkowski
Deposition of Max Markowicz
Deposition of Szaja Müller
Deposition of Dr. Richard Natolski
Deposition of Katherine Neiger
Further deposition of Katherine Neiger
Further deposition of Katherine Neiger
Deposition of Maria Neumann
Deposition of Andrej Nijkrasow
Deposition of Wanda Ojreyzska
Deposition of Regina Plucer
Deposition of Schmul Raschiner
Deposition of Luba Rorman
Deposition of Hanka Rosenberg
Deposition of Regina Rosenthal
Deposition of Nikolaj Scheklakow
Deposition of Elga Schiessl
Deposition of Sala Schiferman
Deposition of Cesa Silberberg
Deposition of Dora Silberberg
Deposition of Josephine Singer
Deposition of Alexandra Siwidowa
Deposition of Tolla Stempler
Deposition of Mevrouw Nettie Stoppelman
Deposition of Eva Krystyka Stojowska
Further Deposition of Eva Krystyka Stojowska
Deposition of Vladimir Sulima
Deposition of Erika Thuna
Deposition of Edith Trieger
Deposition of Luba Triszinska
Further Deposition of Luba Triszinska
Further Deposition of Luba Triszinska
Deposition of Estera Wajsbum
Deposition of Sonia Watinik
Deposition of Margit Weiss
Deposition of Margit Weiss
Further Deposition of Miriam Weiss
Further deposition of Miriam Weiss
Statement of Zdenek Wiesner
Deposition of Miriam Winter
Deposition of Benec Zuckermann
Deposition of Vaclav Jecny
Deposition of Margaret Jelinek
Deposition of Michal Promsky

Seventeenth Day - Friday, 5th October, 1945
Statement of Filo Pinkus
Statement of Chaim Lajwand
Statement of Izaak Lozowski
Statement of Josef Senderowicz
Statement of Michal Bialkiewicz
Deposition of Melamed Chaim
Deposition of Jozsef Deutsch
Deposition of Paweł Burger
Deposition of Sandor Engel
Deposition of Elisabeth Herbst
Deposition of Regina Borenstein
Misprint in the statement of Maria Synowska
Statement of Rozalja Szparaga
Statement of Czeslawa Szymkowiak
Statement of Maria Synowska
Deposition of Arnost Basch
Deposition of Sofia Rosenzweig
Deposition of Ernst Poppner
Deposition of Adam Mocks
Deposition of Sevek Kobriner
Objection to the statement of Helene Koper
Statement of Helene Koper
Statement of Herta Ehlert
Objection to the statements of Irma Grese
Statements of Irma Grese
Statement of Franz Hössler
Statement of Dr Fritz Klein
Statement of Hilde Löbauer

Eighteenth Day - Saturday, 6th October, 1945
Statement of Elisabeth Volkenrath
Deposition of Captain Alfred James Fox
Statement of Antoni Aurdzieg
Deposition of Josef Kramer
Captain S.M. Stewart
Death Certificate of Marcel Freson de Montigny
Death Certificate of Maurice van Eijnsbergen
Death Certificate of Maurice de Meulenaar
Death Certificate of Jan Markowski
Death Certificate of Georg Johann Ferenz
Death Certificate of Salvatore Verdure
Death Certificate of Therese Klee

Nineteenth Day - Monday, 8th October, 1945
Major Winwood's opening address
Testimony of Josef Kramer
Telegram transfering Kramer to Auschwitz
Letter from Kramer to Glücks

Twentieth Day - Tuesday, 9th October, 1945
Testimony of Josef Kramer (continued)

Twenty First Day - Wednesday, 10th October, 1945
Testimony of Josef Kramer (continued)
Testimony of Rosina Kramer
Opening speech for the defence of Dr. Fritz Klein
Testimony of Dr. Fritz Klein
Testimony of Peter Weingartner
Testimony of George Kraft

Twenty Second Day - Thursday, 11th October, 1945
Testimony of George Kraft (continued)
Opening address by Major Munro
Testimony of Franz Hössler
Postcard evidence of Erika Schopf
Testimony Of Juana Bormann

Twenty Third Day - Friday, 12th October, 1945
Testimony Of Juana Bormann (continued)
Testimony Of Elizabeth Volkenrath
Deposition of Mevrouw Nettie Stoppelman

Twenty Fourth Day - Saturday, 13th October, 1945
Submission of Soviet film of Auschwitz
Testimony Of Elizabeth Volkenrath (continued)
Testimony of Erika Schopf
Testimony of Herta Ehlert

Twenty Fifth Day - Monday, 15th October, 1945
Showing of the film 'Auschwitz'
Testimony of Herta Ehlert (continued)
Testimony of Jutta Madlung
Testimony of Inga Madlung

Twenty Sixth Day - Tuesday, 16th October, 1945
Submission that Colonel Smith be included as an additional Defending Officer
Opening address by Major Cranfield
Testimony of Helene Grese
Testimony of Irma Grese

Twenty Seventh Day - Wednesday, 17th October, 1945
Testimony of Irma Grese (continued)
Argument on admissibility of affidavits by witnesses
Opening speech for the Defence of Lothe and Löbauer
Testimony of Ilse Lothe
Third affidavit of Regina Bialek

Twenty Eighth Day - Thursday, 18th October, 1945
Testimony of Hilde Löbauer
Opening speech for the Defence of Klippel
Testimony of Josef Klippel
Testimony of Paul Kreutzer
Testimony of Emmi Sochtig
Testimony of Emile Kltscho

Twenty Ninth Day - Friday, 19th October, 1945
Testimony of Stefan Hermann
Opening speech for the Defence of Schmedidzt
Testimony of Oscar Schmedidzt
Opening speech for the Defence of Karl Flrazich
Testimony of Karl Flrazich

Thirtieth Day - Saturday, 20th October, 1945
Deposition of Raymond Dujeu
Request by Captain Roberts to put further questions to Brigadier Glyn Hughes
Opening comments for the defence of Gura
Testimony of Ladislaw Gura
Testimony of Fritz Mathes
Testimony of Gisela Koblischek

Thirty First Day - Monday, 22nd October, 1945
Testimony of Otto Kulessa
Testimony of Karl Egersdörfer
Testimony of Ansgar Pichen
Testimony of Walter Otto

Thirty Second Day - Tuesday, 23rd October, 1945
Testimony of Franz Stärfl
Ladislaw Gura is admitted to hospital
Testimony of Franz Stärfl continued
Opening speech for Heinrich Schreirer
Testimony of Heinrich Schreirer
Testimony of Marie Schreirer
Testimony of Wilhelm Dörr

Thirty Third Day - Wednesday, 24th October, 1945
Testimony of Wilhelm Dörr (continued)
Testimony of Gertrud Neumann
Statement of Gertrud Neumann
Testimony of Erika Ceconi

Thirty Fourth Day - Thursday, 25th October, 1945
Testimony of Ilse Steinbusch
Opening speech for Erich Barsch
Testimony of Dr. Ernst Heinrich Schmidt
Prosecutor's request to submit a photograph of Heinrich Schreirer
Testimony of Dr. Alfred Kurzke
Further testimony of Heinrich Schreirer
Opening speech for Erich Zoddel
Testimony of Erich Zoddel

Thirty Fifth Day - Friday, 26th October, 1945
Testimony or Erich Zoddel (continued)
Opening speech for the Defence of Ignatz Schlomowicz
Testimony of Ignatz Schlomowicz
Testimony of Siegmund Freund
Deposition of Daniel Blicblau
Deposition of Raymond Dujeu
Opening speech for the Defence of Ilse Förster, Ida Förster and Klara Opitz
Testimony of Ilse Förster

Thirty Sixth Day - Saturday, 27th October, 1945
Discussion as to the admissibility of Plan of Belsen Camp
Captain Neave's complaint against a Daily Express newspaper report.
Testimony of Ida Förster
Testimony of Klara Opitz
Opening speech for the Defence of Herta Bothe, Irene Haschke, Charlotte Klein and Frieda Walter
Testimony of Charlotte Klein
The plan of Bergen-Belsen

Thirty Seventh Day - Monday, 29th October, 1945
The plan of Bergen-Belsen continued
Testimony of Charlotte Klein continued
Testimony of Herta Bothe
Testimony of Gertrud Reinhold
Testimony of Frieda Walter
Testimony of Irene Haschke

Thirty Eighth Day - Tuesday, 30th October, 1945
The truce agreement
Testimony of Battery Sergeant Major John Mallon
Testimony of Gertrude Fiest
Testimony of Gertrud Sauer
Testimony of Hilde Lisiewitz
Testimony of Johanne Roth
Testimony of Anna Hempel

Thirty Ninth Day - Wednesday, 31st October, 1945
Testimony of Anna Hempel (continued)
Captain Munro's speech on behalf of Hildegard Hahnel
Opening speech of Lt. Jedrzejowicz
Testimony of Stanisława Starostka

Fortieth Day - Thursday, 1st November, 1945
Testimony of Stanisława Starostka (continued)
Testimony of Anna Wojciechowska
Testimony of Krystyna Agnieszka Janicka
Testimony of Maria Chudzik
Testimony of Stanisława Komsta
Testimony of Zofia Nowogrodzka
Testimony of Antoni Polanski
Testimony of Zygmunt Krajewski

Forty First Day - Friday, 2nd November, 1945
Testimony of Władysław Rakoczy
Testimony of Marian Tatarczuk
Testimony of Helena Koper

Forty Second Day - Saturday, 3rd November, 1945
Applications for additional evidence
Testimony of Helena Koper (continued)

Forty Third Day - Monday, 5th November, 1945
Testimony of Vladislav Ostrowoski
Testimony of D. Salomon
Deposition of Romuald Weber
Application by the Defence to submit documents on behalf of Schreirer
Testimony of Medislaw Burgraf
Testimony of Józef Trzos

Forty Fourth Day - Tuesday, 6th November, 1945
Testimony of Antoni Aurdzieg
Testimony of Medislav Andrzejewski
Testimony of Hermann Müller

Forty Fifth Day - Wednesday, 7th November, 1945
Affidivit of Briadier Glyn-Hughes
Letter from Johanna Therese Kurd
Testimony of Heinrich Brammer (Bürgermeister Gross Hehlen)
Testimony of Albert Tusch
Additional testimony of Heinrich Schreirer
Testimony of Captain David Hubert James Williams R.A.M.C.
Legal argument for the Defence by Colonel Smith

Forty Sixth Day - Thursday, 8th November, 1945
Closing address of Major Winwood on behalf of Kramer, Fritz Klein, Weingartner and Kraft
Closing address of Major Munro on behalf of Hössler, Bormann, Volkenrath and Ehlert
Closing address of Major Cranfield on behalf of Klippel, Grese, Lothe and Löbauer

Forty Seventh Day - Friday, 9th November, 1945
Closing address of Major Cranfield on behalf of Klippel, Grese, Lothe and Löbauer (continued)
Closing address of Captain Roberts on behalf of Schmedidzt and Flrazich
Closing address of Major Brown on behalf of Egersdörfer, Mathes and Kulessa
Closing address of Captain Fielden on behalf of Pichen, Otto and Stärfl
Closing address of Captain Corbally on behalf of Barsch

Forty Eighth Day - Saturday, 10th November, 1945
Closing address of Captain Corbally on behalf of Schreirer
Closing address of Captain Corbally on behalf of Dörr
Closing address of Captain Corbally on behalf of Zoddel
Closing address of Captain Neave on behalf of Schlomowicz
Closing address of Captain Neave on behalf of Ilse Förster
Closing address of Captain Neave on behalf of Ida Förster
Closing address of Captain Neave on behalf of Klara Optiz
Closing address of Captain Phillips
Closing address of Captain Phillips of behalf of Charlotte Klein
Closing address of Captain Phillips of behalf of Herta Bothe

Forty Ninth Day - Monday, 12th November, 1945
Closing address of Captain Phillips on behalf of Frieda Walter
Closing address of Captain Phillips on behalf of Irene Haschke
Closing address of Captain Boyd on behalf of Gertrud Fiest
Closing address of Captain Boyd on behalf of Gertrud Sauer
Closing address of Captain Boyd on behalf of Hilde Lisiewitz
Closing address of Captain Munro on behalf of Johanne Roth
Closing address of Captain Munro on behalf of Anna Hempel
Closing address of Captain Munro on behalf of Hildegard Hahnel
Closing address of Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz of behalf of Stanisława Starostka
Closing address of Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz of behalf of Helena Koper
Closing address of Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz of behalf of Antoni Polanski
Closing address of Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz of behalf of Vladislav Ostrowoski
Closing address of Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz of behalf of Medislaw Burgraf
Closing address of Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz of behalf of Antoni Aurdzieg

Fiftieth Day - Tuesday, 13th November, 1945
Prosecution's summing up by Colonel Backhouse
Prosecution's summing up against Josef Kramer
Prosecution's summing up against Dr Fritz Klein
Prosecution's summing up against Peter Weingartner
Prosecution's summing up against George Kraft
Prosecution's summing up against Ladislaw Gura and Oscar Schmedidzt
Prosecution's summing up against Franz Hössler
Prosecution's summing up against Juana Bormann
Prosecution's summing up against Elizabeth Volkenrath
Prosecution's summing up against Herta Ehlert
Prosecution's summing up against Irma Grese
Prosecution's summing up against Ilse Lothe and Hildegard Löbauer
Prosecution's summing up against Josef Klippel
Prosecution's summing up against Oscar Schmedidzt
Prosecution's summing up against Karl Flrazich
Prosecution's summing up against Fritz Mathes
Prosecution's summing up against Otto Kulessa
Prosecution's summing up against Medislaw Burgraf
Prosecution's summing up against Karl Egersdörfer
Prosecution's summing up against Ansgar Pichen
Prosecution's summing up against Walter Otto
Prosecution's summing up against Franz Stärfl and Wilhelm Dörr
Prosecution's summing up against Heinrich Schreirer
Prosecution's summing up against Erich Barsch
Prosecution's summing up against Erich Zoddel
Prosecution's summing up against Ignatz Schlomowicz
Prosecution's summing up against Vladislav Ostrowoski
Prosecution's summing up against Antoni Aurdzieg
Prosecution's summing up against Ilse Förster, Ida Förster, Klara Opitz, Frieda Walter, Irene Haschke, Gertrude Fiest, Gertrud Sauer, Hilde Lisiewitz, Charlotte Klein and Herta Bothe
Prosecution's summing up against Johanne Roth
Prosecution's summing up against Anna Hempel
Prosecution's summing up against Hildegard Hahnel
Prosecution's summing up against Helena Koper
Prosecution's summing up against Antoni Polanski
Prosecution's summing up against Stanisława Starostka
Prosecution's summing up by Colonel Backhouse

Fifty First Day - Wednesday, 14th November, 1945
Summing up by the Judge Advocate
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Josef Kramer on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Fritz Klein on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Peter Weingartner on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Georg Kraft on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Franz Hössler on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Juana Bormann on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Elizabeth Volkenrath on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Herta Ehlert on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Irma Grese on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ilse Lothe on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Hilde Löbauer on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's comments on the case against Ladislaw Gura
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Heinrich Schreirer on the 2nd charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Stanisława Starostka on the 2nd charge
Summing up by the Judge Advocate on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Josef Kramer on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Fritz Klein on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Peter Weingartner on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Georg Kraft on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Franz Hössler on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Juana Bormann on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Elizabeth Volkenrath on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Herta Ehlert on the 1st charge

Fifty Second Day - Thursday, 15th November, 1945
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Irma Grese on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ilse Lothe on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Hilde Löbauer on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Josef Klippel on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Oscar Schmedidzt on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Karl Flrazich on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ladislaw Gura on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Fritz Mathes on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Otto Kulessa on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Karl Egersdörfer on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ansgar Pichen on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Walter Otto on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Franz Stärfl and Wilhelm Dörr on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Heinrich Schreirer on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Erich Barsch on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Erich Zoddel on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ignatz Schlomowicz on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ilse Förster on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Ida Förster on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Klara Opitz on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Charlotte Klein on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Herta Bothe on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Frieda Walter on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Irene Haschke on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Gertrude Fiest on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Gertrud Sauer on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Hilde Lisiewitz on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Johanne Roth on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Anna Hempel on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Hildegard Hahnel on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Medislaw Burgraf on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Vladislav Ostrowoski on the 1st charge

Fifty Third Day - Friday, 16th November, 1945
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Antoni Aurdzeig on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Antoni Polanski on the 1st charge
The Judge Advocate's summing up of the evidence for and against Helena Koper on the 1st charge
Summing up conclusion by the Judge Advocate
The findings of the Court
Call to the Prosecution to produce evidence rellating to age and service
Major Winwood's plea of mitigation for Peter Weingartner
Major Winwood's plea of mitigation for Fritz Klein
Major Winwood's plea of mitigation for Josef Kramer
Major Munro's plea of mitigation for Franz Hössler
Major Munro's plea of mitigation for Juana Bormann
Major Munro's plea of mitigation for Elizabeth Volkenrath
Major Munro's plea of mitigation for Herta Ehlert
Major Cranfield's plea of mitigation for Irma Grese
Major Cranfield's plea of mitigation for Hilde Löbauer

Fifty Fourth Day - Saturday, 17th November, 1945
Captain Roberts' plea of mitigation for Karl Flrazich
Major Brown's plea of mitigation for Otto Kulessa
Captain Fielden's plea of mitigation for Ansgar Pichen
Captain Fielden's plea of mitigation for Franz Stärfl
Captain Corbally's plea of mitigation for Heinrich Schreirer
Captain Corbally's plea of mitigation for Wilhelm Dörr
Captain Corbally's plea of mitigation for Erich Zoddel
Captain Neave's plea of mitigation for Ilse Förster
Captain Phillips' plea of mitigation for Herta Bothe, Frieda Walter and Irene Haschke
Captain Boyd's plea of mitigation for Gertrude Fiest, Gertrud Sauer and Hilde Lisiewitz
Captain Munro's plea of mitigation for Johanne Roth
Captain Munro's plea of mitigation for Anna Hempel
Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz's plea of mitigation for Antoni Aurdzieg
Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz's plea of mitigation for Medislaw Burgraf
Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz's plea of mitigation for Vladislav Ostrowoski
Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz's plea of mitigation for Helene Koper
Lieutenant Jedrzejowicz's plea of mitigation for Stanisława Starostka
The President announces the sentences