Hermeneia | Best Commentaries

forthcoming Römer, Thomas Genesis 12–50 Hermeneia forthcoming McBride, S. Dean Exodus Hermeneia forthcoming Wright, David P. Leviticus Hermeneia forthcoming Levinson, Bernard M. Deuteronomy Hermeneia forthcoming McCarter Jr., P. Kyle Joshua Hermeneia forthcoming Greenstein, Edward L. Ruth Hermeneia forthcoming Halpern, Baruch 1 and 2 Samuel Hermeneia forthcoming Wilson, Robert R. 1 and 2 Kings Hermeneia forthcoming De Troyer, Kristen Esther Hermeneia forthcoming Greenstein, Edward L. Job Hermeneia forthcoming Geller, Stephen The Psalms Hermeneia forthcoming Schuele, Andreas Third Isaiah Hermeneia forthcoming Roberts, J. J. M. Lamentations Hermeneia forthcoming Hiebert, Theodore Joel Hermeneia forthcoming Machinist, Peter Nahum Hermeneia forthcoming Vanderhooft, David S. Habakkuk Hermeneia forthcoming Hanson, Paul D. Haggai and Zechariah Hermeneia forthcoming Kalimi, Isaac Malachi Hermeneia forthcoming Attridge, Harold W. John Hermeneia forthcoming Nasrallah, Laura Salah 1 Corinthians Hermeneia forthcoming Mitchell, Margaret M.; Duff, Paul B. 2 Corinthians Hermeneia forthcoming Sterling, Gregory E. Ephesians Hermeneia forthcoming Klauck, Hans-Josef Colossians Hermeneia forthcoming Koester, Helmut; Luijendijk, AnneMarie 1 Thessalonians Hermeneia forthcoming Fitzgerald, John T. The Pastoral Epistles Hermeneia forthcoming White, Michael L. Philemon Hermeneia forthcoming Kloppenborg, John S. James Hermeneia forthcoming Hultin, Jeremy F. 2 Peter and Jude Hermeneia forthcoming Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth Revelation Hermeneia forthcoming Friesen, Steven J. The Revelation to John Hermeneia forthcoming Dimant, Devorah Tobit Hermeneia forthcoming Wright III, Benjamin G. Ben Sira Hermeneia forthcoming Mendels, Doron 1 Maccabees Hermeneia forthcoming Dyer, Bryan R. 3 Maccabees Hermeneia forthcoming Orlov, Andrei A. 2 Enoch Hermeneia forthcoming Kugel, James L. Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs Hermeneia forthcoming Moss, Candida R. Second-Century Martyrdoms Hermeneia forthcoming Norelli, Enrico Ascension of Isaiah Hermeneia forthcoming Welborn, Larry L. 1 Clement Hermeneia forthcoming Henning, Meghan R. Apocalypse of Peter Hermeneia forthcoming Marjanen, Antti Apocryphon of John Hermeneia forthcoming Bergren, Theodore; Buchholz, Dennis Christian Apocalypses Hermeneia forthcoming King, Karen L. Gospel of Mary Hermeneia forthcoming Patterson, Stephen J. Gospel of Thomas Hermeneia forthcoming Foster, Paul Gospel Fragments Hermeneia forthcoming Kelhoffer, James 2 Clement Hermeneia forthcoming Holmes, Michael W. Polycarp's Letter and Martyrdom Hermeneia forthcoming Rothschild, Clare K. Epistle of Barnabas Hermeneia forthcoming Crawford, Sidnie White The Damascus Document Hermeneia forthcoming Schuller, Eileen M. The Thanksgiving Scroll Hermeneia forthcoming Zahn, Molly The Temple Scroll Hermeneia forthcoming Rajak, Tessa; Pearce, Sarah J. K. The Letter of Aristeas Hermeneia