Welcome to the Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA) Website

VOGRIPA (Volcanic Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project) aims to provide systematic information on global volcanic activity, hazards and vulnerability that can be analysed to identify locations at high risk from volcanism and gaps in knowledge about hazards and risk. This will facilitate risk assessments at specific locations worldwide and will enable systematic analysis of global volcanic hazards data. The VOGRIPA project will also develop new approaches to volcanic risk assessment and volcanic crisis management. For more information about the project see the About page.

The LaMEVE (Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions) database is now available and constitutes the first step of VOGRIPA. This database contains data on global eruptions of magnitude 4 or greater, reaching back to the start of the Quaternary. Such events provide the highest risk because of their potential for large death tolls, severe societal disruption and economic losses that might be important regionally or even globally.

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