HLASM - Opcodes overview

The tables below list all documented opcodes for IBM mainframe processors. Each opcode links to a text section with some additional info on the pertinent opcode.

Please note that the creation of descriptions for all individual instructions is an ongoing process. As yet these descriptions have been created only for opcodes X'00' through X'0F'. The other opcode descriptions are to follow later.

Entries with a slightly darker background are no longer supported on current mainframe hardware and/or not supported by IBM's current version of HLASM. The associated mnemonics are printed in italics.
Opcodes that have no (known) mnemonic assigned to them are denoted by their hexadecimal opcode; these are explained below the table.
Extension sets have no associated mnemonic. These are denoted by their opcode in hexadecimal notation. These link to additional opcode tables.

Please note that instructions X'00' thru X'3F' are register-only operations. Adding X'40' generally yields the opcode of the associated register-and-storage instruction.

Some instructions do not fit in the tables because their opcodes are currently unknown. Specifically this is the case for the instructions below. These are all either Coupling Facility (CF) instructions, or MicroCode (MC) instructions. We do know a few opcodes that have been assigned to Coupling Facility instructions, but we have not been able to link any of these to one of the instructions below.

For PXLO we know of various subfunctions, what we know has been included in the table. SYSOP, too, appears to support subfunctions, unfortunately, we have not been able to locate any details at all.

The empty slots indicate instructions that we have been able to associate with an opcode after all.

Assembler directives have no opcodes associated with them. Therefore we list them in a separate table. Please see below.

Assembler Directive Description Macro Directive Description DC/DS Field Type Description ACONTROL Assembler CONTROL ACTR Assembler CounTeR A Address ADATA Associated DATA AGO Assembler GO to AD Address in Doubleword AEJECT Assembler EJECT macro listing AGOB Assembler GO Backward B Binary data ALIAS ALIAS definition AIF Assembler IF C Character data AMODE Addressing MODE AIFB Assembler IF Backward CA Character data Ascii CATTR Class ATTRibutes AINSERT Assembler INSERT source line CE Character data Ebcdic CCW Channel Command Word ANOP Assembler No-OPeration CU Character data Unicode CCW0 Channel Command Word format-0 AREAD Assembler READ source record D Double hfp data CCW1 Channel Command Word format-1 ASPACE Assembler SPACE macro listing DB Double Bfp data CEJECT Conditional EJECT listing GBLA GloBaL Arithmetic variable DD Double Dfp data CNOP Computer No-OPeration GBLB GloBaL Boolean variable DH Double Hfp data COM COMmon control section GBLC GloBaL Character variable E Exponential hfp data COPY COPY member LCLA LoCaL Arithmetic variable EB Exponential Bfp data CSECT Control SECTion LCLB LoCaL Boolean variable ED Exponential Dfp data CXD Cumulative eXternal Dummy length LCLC LoCaL Character variable EH Exponential Hfp data DC Define Constant MACRO MACRO start F Fixed-point binary data DROP DROP MEND Macro END FD Fixed-point Doubleword binary data DS Define Storage MEXIT Macro EXIT G Graphic character data DSECT Dummy SECTion MHELP Macro HELP H Halfword signed binary data DXD Define eXternal Dummy section MNOTE Macro NOTE J J-type data
length of external dummy section or class EJECT EJECT listing SETA SET Arithmetic variable JD J-type data Doubleword
length of external dummy section or class END END assembly SETAF SET Arithmetic variable by external Function L Long exponential hfp data ENTRY ENTRY point SETB SET Boolean variable LB Long exponential Bfp data EQU EQUate SETC SET Character variable LD Long exponential Dfp data EXITCTL EXIT ConTroL values SETCF SET Character variable by external Function LH Long exponential Hfp data EXTRN EXTeRNal symbol     LQ Long exponential hfp data Quadword aligned ICTL Input ConTroL     P Packed decimal data ISEQ Input SEQuence checking     Q Q-type data
external dummy section offset LOCTR LOCaToR     QD Q-type Doubleword data
external dummy section offset LTORG LiTeral pool ORiGin     QY Q-type Yonder
external dummy section offset OPSYN OPcode SYNonym     R Relocatable psect address ORG ORiGin     RD Relocatable Doubleword psect address POP POP stacked status     S Standard base-displacement address PRINT PRINT settings     SY Standard Yonder base-displacement address PROCESS PROCESSing options     V oVerlay address PUNCH PUNCH object record     VD oVerlay Doubleword address PUSH PUSH status onto stack     X heXadecimal data REPRO REPROduce as object record     Y Y-type data
address RMODE Residence MODE     Z Zoned decimal data RSECT Reenterable SECTion         SPACE SPACE listing         START START assembly         TITLE TITLE definition         USING USING         WXTRN Weak eXTeRNal         XATTR eXternal ATTRibutes        

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