brainyhistory.com1943 in History at January 1 Count Claus von Stauffenberg promoted to Lt-colonel January 3 1st missing persons telecast (New York City) January 3 Canadian Army troops arrive in North Africa January 4 Thomas Mann completes his tetralogy, "Joseph and His Brothers" January 5 Teams agrees to start season later due to WW II January 5 William H. Hastie, civilian aide to secretary of war, resigns to protest segregation in armed forces January 9 Japanese government in Java limits sale and use of motorcars January 10 1st U.S. President to visit a foreign country in wartime-FDR leaves for Casablanca, Morocco January 10 Russian offensive against German 6th/4th Armies near Stalingrad January 11 U.S. and Britain relinquish extraterritorial rights in China January 12 Frankfurters replaced by Victory Sausages (mix of meat and soy meal) January 13 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in Casablanca January 13 Hitler declares "Total War" January 13 Russian offensive at Don under general Golikov January 13 U.S. infantry captures Galloping Horse-ridge Guadalcanal January 14 Alex Smart (Mont) is 1st NHLer to score hat trick in his 1st game January 14 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill confer in Casablanca concerning WW II January 14 Heinrich Himmler views Warsaw January 15 1st transport of Jews from Amsterdam to concentration camp Vught January 15 World's largest office building, Pentagon, completed January 16 1st U.S. air raid on Ambon January 16 -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C), Island Park Dam, Idaho (state record) January 16 German 2nd SS-Pantzer division evacuates Charkow January 16 Red Army recaptures Pitomnik airport at Stalingrad January 17 Tin Can Drive Day January 18 Jews in Warsaw Ghetto begin resistance of Nazis January 18 Presliced bread sale banned to reduce bakery demand for metal parts January 18 Soviets announce they broke long Nazi siege of Leningrad January 18 U.S. rations bread and metal January 18 Uprising in Warsaw ghetto January 19 Joint Chiefs of Staff decide on invasion in Sicily January 20 Lead, South Dakota, temp is 52 degrees F, while 1.5 miles away Deadwood SD records -16 degrees F January 20 Operation-Weiss: Assault of German, Italian, Bulgarian and Croatian January 21 Soviet forces reconquer Gumrak airport near Stalingrad January 21 Soviet forces reconquer Worosjilowsk January 21 Vice-Admiral Cunningham appointed British adm of fleet January 22 66.3 cm precipitation at Hoegees Camp, California (state record) January 22 Battle of Anzio: Italy; Allies stopped on beach January 22 Joint Chiefs of Staff determine invasion in Sicily for July 10th January 22 Temperature rises 49 degrees F (9 degrees C) in 2 minutes in Spearfish, SD January 23 66.34 cm (26.12"), Hoegees Camp, California (state record) January 23 British 8th army marches into Tripoli January 23 Detroit Red Wings scores NHL record 8 goals in 1 period January 23 Japanese Mount Austen on Guadalcanal captured January 24 Hitler orders nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death January 24 Jewish patients/nurses/doctors incinerated at Auschwitz-Birkenau January 27 1st U.S. air attack on Germany (Wilhelmshafen) January 28 Chicago Blackhawks beats New York Rangers 10-1, Max Bentley scores 4 goals January 28 Forward Doug Bentley sets NHL record with 5 points in a game January 29 New Zealand's Kiwi cruiser collides with Japanese sub I-1 at Guadalcanal January 29 Sidney Kingsley's "Patriots," premieres in New York City January 30 6 British Mosquito's daylight bomb Berlin January 30 German assault on French in Tunisia January 30 German under officers shot down in Haarlem, Netherlands January 30 Hitler promotes Friedrich von Paul to general-Field Marshal January 30 Illegal opposition newspaper Loyal begins publishing January 30 USS Chicago sinks in Pacific Ocean January 31 39 U boats sunk this month (203,100 ton) January 31 Chile breaks contact with Germany and Japan January 31 General Friedrich von Paul surrenders to Russian troops at Stalingrad February 1 German occupiers make Vidkun Quisling Norwegian premier February 1 Mussert forms pro Nazi shadow cabinet (Netherlands) February 2 Battle of Stalingrad ends with final surrender of the German army February 2 Cubs return to original uniform after experimenting with a vest February 2 German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad, turning point of WW II February 3 4 chaplains drown after giving up their life jackets to others February 4 Bertolt Brecht's "Der gute Mensch von Sezuan," premieres in Zurich February 5 Amsterdam resistance group CS-6 shoots nazi general Seyffardt February 5 Clandestine Radio Atlantiksender, Germany, 1st transmission February 6 1st Spitfire in action above Darwin, Australia, Mu Ki-46 shot down February 6 Singer Frank Sinatra debuts on radio's "Your Hit Parade" February 7 Shoe rationing begins in U.S. (may purchase up to 3 more pairs in 1942) February 8 Red Army recaptures Kursk February 9 Franklin D. Roosevelt orders minimal 48 hour work week in war industry February 9 German riots at "plutocratenzoontjes," 1,200 in Vught Camp February 9 Japanese evacuate Guadalcanal, ends epic battle February 9 Nazis arrest Dutch sons of rich parents February 9 NL seeks buyer for Phillies, as owner Gerry Nugent, falls in arrears February 10 8th Army sweeps through North Africa to Tunisia February 10 "Manifesto of Algerian People" calls for equality and self-determination February 10 Van der Veen Resistance starts fire in Amsterdam employment bureau February 11 General Eisenhower selected to command the allied armies in Europe February 11 Transport nr 47 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany February 12 General Eisenhower departs Algiers to Tebessa February 13 German assault on Sidi Bou Zid Tunisia, General Eisenhower visits front February 13 Women's Marine Corps created February 14 German offensive through de Faid-pass Tunisia February 14 Soviets recapture Rostov February 15 Women's camp Tamtui on Ambon (Moluccas) hit by allied air raid February 16 -32 degrees F (-36 degrees C), Falls Village, Connecticut (state record) February 16 British premier Winston Churchill gets pneumonia February 16 Red army conquers Kharkov February 16 Sign on Munich facade: "Out with Hitler! Long live freedom!" done by "White Rose" student group, caught on 2/18, beheaded on 2/22 February 16 Withdrawing Africa Corps reaches Mareth-line in North-Africa February 17 Dutch churches protest at Seyss-Inquart against persecution of Jews February 17 General-major Bradley flies to Washington D.C. February 17 Hitler visits Field Marshal von Mansteins hq in Zaporozje February 17 New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio, enlists into the U.S. army February 18 1st edition of Dutch resistance newspaper "Trouw" February 18 Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (Chilean gen/dictator) marries Lucia Hiriart February 18 Munich resistance group "White Rose" captured by Nazis February 18 William D. Cox buys Philadelphia Phillies February 19 German tanks under Brigadier General Buelowius attack Kasserine Pass Tunesia February 20 Allied troops occupy Kasserine pass in Tunisia February 20 New volcano Paracutin erupts in farmer's corn patch (Mexico) February 20 Phil Wrigley and B Rickey charter All-American Girls Softball League February 21 Dutch RC bishops protest against persecution of Jews February 21 German offensive at Western Dorsalgebergte Tunisia February 23 German troops pull back through Kasserine-pass Tunisia February 23 Major General Bradley arrives in Dakar and Marrakesh February 24 General-major Bradley flies to Algiers February 24 Texas League announces it will quit for the duration of WW II February 25 Vietminh forms Indo Chinese Democratic Front February 26 German assault moves to Beja North Tunisia February 28 63 U Boats (359,300 ton) sinks this month February 28 "Porgy and Bess" opens on Broadway with Anne Brown and Todd Duncan March 1 Jewish old age home for disabled in Amsterdam raided March 2 1st transport from Westerbork Netherlands to Sobibor concentration camp March 2 Sea battle in Bismarck Sea finishes, U.S. and Australia win March 3 Bomb fleeing crowd falls into London shelter; 173 die March 3 F Ryerson and Cohn Claues' "Harriet," premieres in New York City March 3 U.S. defeats Japan and wins Battle of Bismark Sea March 4 Transport nr 50 departs with French Jews to Maidanek/Sobibor March 5 Anti fascist strikes in Italy March 5 RAF bombs Essen Germany March 6 Battle at Medenine, North-Africa: Rommels assault attack March 6 Sukarno asks for cooperation with Japanese occupiers March 7 General-major Patton arrives in Djebel Kouif Tunisia March 8 335 allied bombers attack Neurenberg March 8 Limited gambling legalized in Mexico March 8 U.S. Ladies Figure Skating championship won by Gretchen Merrill March 8 U.S. Mens Figure Skating championship won by Arthur Vaughn March 9 Delft opposition group-Pahud de Mortanges overthrown March 9 Greek Jews of Salonika are transported to Nazi extermination camps March 11 Nazi Militia forms in Netherlands March 12 Soviet troops liberate Wjasma March 13 Baseball approves official ball (with cork and balata) March 13 Failed assassin attempt on Hitler during Smolensk-Rastenburg flight March 13 Frank Dixon wins Knights of Columbus mile (4:09.6) March 15 Allied reconnaissance flight over Java March 15 Red Army evacuates Kharkov March 16 Elin K (No) and Zaanland (Netherlands) torpedoed and sinks March 17 Aldemarin (Ned) and Fort Cedar Lake (U.S.) torpedoed and sinks March 17 F. Hugh Herbert's "Kiss and Tell," premieres in New York City March 18 James Oglethorpe (U.S.) and Terkolei (Netherlands), torpedoed and sinks March 18 Red Army evacuates Belgorod March 19 Airship Canadian Star torpedoed and sinks March 20 British offensive against Mareth-line March 20 German U-384 bombed and sinks March 21 Assassination attempt on Hitler fails March 21 British 8th army opens assault on Mareth line, Tunisia March 22 Dutch work week extended to 54 hour March 22 Obligatory work for woman ends in Belgium March 22 SS police chief Rauter threatens to kill half Jewish children March 23 German counter attack on U.S. lines in Tunisia March 25 97% of all Dutch physicians strike againt nazi registration March 25 Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore premiere on radio March 26 Battle of Komandorski Islands, Pacific Ocean March 26 Elsie S. Ott becomes 1st woman awarded U.S. Air Force Medal March 27 Assassination attempt on Van de Peat at Amsterdams census bureau March 27 Blue Ribbon Town (with Groucho Marx) 1st heard on CBS Radio March 27 U.S. begins assault on Fondouk-pass, Tunisia March 29 Meat rationed in U.S., 784 gram/week, 2 kilogram for GI's March 29 Meat, butter and cheese rationed in U.S. during WW II March 30 5th NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: University of Wyoming beat Georgetown 46-34 March 30 British 1st army recaptures Sejenane March 30 Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma!," premieres in New York City March 31 U.S. errantly bombs Rotterdam, kills 326 April 3 Jan Dieters (leader of illegal CPN) arrested April 5 Allies bomb Mortsel April 5 Japanese troops conquer Indin April 5 Poon Lim found after being adrift 133 days April 6 British and U.S. Army link up in Africa during WW II April 6 British offensive at Wadi Akarit, South-Tunisia April 6 Lou Jansen, leader of illegal Dutch political party (CPN) arrested April 7 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met for an Axis conference in Salzburg April 7 British and U.S. troops make contact at Wadi Akarit, South-Tunisia April 7 Lieutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg seriously wounded at allied air raid April 7 NFL adopts free substitution rule April 8 Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, founder of Sanbo Kyodan, receives dharma April 8 Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya convicted of involvement with Mau Mau April 8 Stanley Cup: Detroit Red Wings sweep Boston Bruins in 4 games April 10 12 Jewish patients of Herren Loo-Lozenoord escape nazis April 10 General Montgomery occupies Sfax Tunisia April 11 Frank Piasecki, Vertol founder, flies his 1st (single-rotor) craft April 12 Allies conquer Soussa, North-Africa April 12 Dutch Catholic University Nijmegen closed April 13 Catholic University Nijegen closes April 13 Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicates Jefferson Memorial April 13 Nazi's discover mass grave of Polish officers near Katyn April 14 General Alexander, Eisenhower, Anderson and Bradley discuss assault on Tunis April 14 James Gow and A d'Usseau's "Tomorrow the World," premieres in New York City April 15 Metropolitan Life Insurances issues a $225 million check to Chase April 16 40 German bombers attack Haarlem, Netherlands, 85 killed April 17 Admiral Yamamoto flies from Truk to Rabaul April 19 47th Boston Marathon won by Gerard Cote of Canada in 2:28:25.8 April 19 Jews attack Nazi occupation forces at Warsaw Ghetto April 19 Revolt in Warsaw Ghetto under Mordechai Anielewicz April 20 Braves manager Casey Stengel is struck by a taxi, fractures a leg April 22 German counter attack in North-Tunisia April 22 RAF shoots down 14 German transport planes over Mediterranean Sea April 23 British and U.S. offensive directed at Tunis/Bizerta April 27 Lou Jansen and Jan Dieters arrested, lead illegal CPN party in Holland April 27 Soviet Union breaks contact with Polish government exiled in London April 28 1st performance of Marc Blitzstein's "Freedom Morning" April 28 German-Italian counter offensive in North-Africa April 28 U.S. 34th Division occupies Djebel el Hara North Tunisia April 29 Dietrich Bonhoffer arrested by nazis April 29 Noel Coward's "Present Laughter," premieres in London April 29 U.S. 34th Division occupies Hill 609, North Tunisia April 30 Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp for Jews forms April 30 Dutch strike against forced labor in Nazi Germany's war industry April 30 Noel Coward's "This Happy Breed," premieres in London May 1 1st edition of illegal "The Free Artist" appears in Amsterdam May 1 69th Kentucky Derby: Johnny Longden aboard Count Fleet wins in 2:04 May 1 Food rationing begins in U.S. May 1 German plane sinks boat loaded with Palestinian Jews bound for Malta May 1 German Wehrmacht deployed in order to break Dutch strikes May 1 Rauter signs unofficial death sentence May 2 German troops vacate Jefna Tunisia May 3 Pulitzer prize awarded to Upton Sinclair (Dragon's Teeth) May 3 Strike against obligatory labor camps ends, after 200 killed May 3 U.S. 1st armour division occupies Mateur Tunisia May 4 NL Ford Frick demonstrates revised balata ball to reporters by bouncing it on his office carpet ball proves to be 50% livelier May 5 Postmaster General Frank C Walker invents Postal Zone System May 6 British 1st army opens assault on Tunis May 7 British 11th Huzaren occupies Tunis Tunisia May 7 Dutch men 18-35 obliged to report to labor camps May 7 Liberty Ship George Washington Carver, named after scientist, launched May 7 U.S. 1st Armour division occupies Ferryville, Tunisia May 7 U.S. 9th Infantry division occupies Bizerta/Bensert, Tunisia May 8 69th Preakness: Johnny Longden aboard Count Fleet wins in 1:57.4 May 8 Adm Cunningham of British fleet: "Sink, burn and destroy; let nothing pass" May 9 5th German Pantser army surrenders in Tunisia May 9 Rotschild-Haddassh University Hospital opens May 11 Hermann Goering division in Tunisia surrenders May 11 U.S. 7th div lands on Attu, Aleutian, (1st U.S. territory recaptured) May 12 Axis forces in North Africa surrender May 12 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in U.S. May 12 German troops in Tunisia North Africa surrender May 13 German and Italian forces in Africa surrender May 13 German occupiers confiscate all radios May 15 Halifax bombers sinks U-463 May 15 Warsaw ghetto uprising ends, in it's destruction May 16 German troops destroy synagogue of Warsaw May 16 Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto ends after 30 days of fighting May 16 RAF bombs Mohne and Eder (Battle of Ruhr) May 18 Allied bombers attack Pantelleria in the Mediterranean Sea May 19 Berlin is declared "Judenrien" (free of Jews) May 19 Churchill pledges England's full support to U.S. against Japan May 20 French, British and U.S. victory parade in Tunis Tunisia May 21 Fastest 9 inning AL baseball game (89 minutes), White Sox beat Senators May 22 1st jet fighter is tested May 22 RAF scatters 1st copies of "The Flying Hollander" May 22 Stalin disbands Komintern May 23 826 Allied bombers attack Dortmund May 23 In Dr. Faustus, Serenus Zeitblom begins his bio of Adrian Leverkuhn May 23 Thomas Mann begins writing his novel Dr. Faustus May 24 Admiral Donitz stops U-boat in Atlantic Ocean May 24 U-441 shoots Sunderland seaplane down over Gulf of Biskaje May 25 Riot at Mobile Alabama shipyard over upgrading 12 black workers May 25 Trident conference in Washington D.C. (operation plan '43 against Japan) May 26 1st president of a black country to visit U.S. (Edwin Barclay, Liberia) May 26 Jews riot against Germany in Amsterdam May 26 Premier Churchill and General Marshall fly from U.S. to North Africa May 27 French defiance under Jean Moulin meets secretly in Paris May 27 U.S. forbid racial discrimination in war industry May 28 British militia reaches Tito May 29 Confederacy of Algiers (Churchill-Marshall-Eisenhower) May 29 Meat and cheese rationed in U.S. May 30 French general De Gaulle arrives in Algiers May 30 U.S. troops reconquer Attu Aleutians May 31 "Archie" comic strip 1st broadcast on radio May 31 Cards Mort Cooper pitches 1st of back-to-back one-hitters June 1 Germany shoots down a civilian flight from Lisbon to London, all die June 1 Pirates Rip Sewell 1st throws his dew-drop (eephus) ball in a game June 2 99th Pursuit Squadron flies 1st combat mission, over Italy June 2 German assault on Sebastopol Krim, begins June 3 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration forms June 4 Argentina taken over by General Rawson and Col Juan Peron June 4 St. Louis Card Mort Cooper pitches his 2nd consecutive 1 hitter June 5 75th Belmont: Johnny Longden aboard Count Fleet wins in 2:28.2 June 5 German occupiers arrest Louvain University's chancellor June 9 U.S. income tax withholding paycheck deductions authorized June 10 Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes 1st U.S. President to visit a foreign country during wartime June 11 British invades Pantelleria, tiny island south of Sicily June 11 Heinrich Himmler orders liquidation of Polish ghettos June 12 Himmler orders extermination of all Polish ghettos June 15 Congress of racial Equality (CORE) forms June 17 Player-manager Joe Cronin of Red Sox hits two 3-run pinch home runs June 18 SS Police in Amsterdam sentence for 12 resistance fighter to death (Jewish, communists, homosexuality) at the census bureau June 19 NFL's Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers merge, (dissolves on Dec 5) June 19 "Shiek Of Arahy" Spike Jones and City Slickers peaks at #19 June 20 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded June 20 Detroit race riot kills 35 June 20 German round up Jews in Amsterdam June 20 National Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organizes June 20 New Quebec (Chubb) Crater discovered in northern Quebec (3 km dia) June 20 Sweden's Gunther Hagg beats favorite Greg Rice by 35 yards in 5,000m at national AAU track and field championship in NY June 21 Federal troops put down racial riot in Detroit 30 dead June 22 WEB DuBois becomes 1st Black member of National Institute of Letters June 23 Dutch artsens protest against nazis June 23 RAF discovers Werner von Brauns V1/V2-base in Peenemunde June 24 Allies begin 10-day bombing on Hamburg June 25 Crematory III at Birkenau is finished June 25 Seyss-Inquart orders mass arrests of Dutch physicians June 27 Elly Dammers throws Dutch record spear (41,43m) June 27 Fanny Blankers-Koen runs Dutch record 200m (24.5) June 29 Germany begins withdrawing U-boats from North Atlantic in anticipation of the Allied invasion of Europe June 29 Pope Pius XII encyclical Mystic Corporis (mystic body of Christ) June 29 U.S. forces landed at Nassau Bay, near Salamaua, New Guinea June 30 General MacArthur begins Operation Cartwheel, island-hopping July 1 "Pay-as-you-go" - 1st withholding tax from paychecks July 2 Gulf of Biskaje: Liberator bombers sinks U-126 July 2 Indians score 12 runs in 4th inning and beat Yankees 12-0 July 2 Lt Charles Hall, becomes 1st black pilot to shoot down Nazi plane July 3 Liberator bombers sinks U-628 July 5 Battle of Gulf of Kula July 5 Battle of Koersk, U.S.S.R. begins (6,000 tanks) July 5 Liberator bombers sink U-535 in Gulf of Biskaye July 5 U.S. invasion fleet of 96 ships sails to Sicily July 6 2nd day of battle at Kursk: 25,000 German killed July 6 U.S. destroyer William D. Porter [Willie Dee] launched July 7 3rd day of battle at Kursk: Germans occupy Dubrova July 7 Erich Hartmann shoots 7 Russian aircraft at Kursk July 7 Japanese premier Hideki Tojo visits Java July 7 Liberator bombers sinks U-517 July 8 4th day of battle at Kursk: General Model uses last tank reserve July 8 British air raid sinks U-232 July 8 U.S. invasion fleet passes Bizerta, Tunisia July 9 5th day of battle at Kursk: Germans occupy Verchopenje July 9 British air raid sinks U-435 July 10 6th day of battle at Kursk July 10 U.S. and Britain invade Sicily in WW II, Operation Husky July 11 7th day of battle at Kursk July 11 Counter attack by Hermann Goering Armour division in Sicily July 11 U.S. 45th Division occupies airport Comiso, Sicily July 11 U.S. 82nd Airborne division shot at, by "friendly fire" in Sicily July 12 Battle of Kolombangara (2nd battle of Gulf of Kula) July 12 National Committee Freies Deutschland forms July 12 Pope Pius XII receives German ambassador baron von Weizsacker July 12 Russian offensive at Orel July 12 Tank battle at Prochorowka - Russians beat Nazis, about 12,000 die July 13 11th All Star Baseball Game: AL wins 5-3 at Shibe Park, Philadelphia July 13 Greatest tank battle in history ends with Russia's defeat of Germany at Kursk, almost 6,000 tanks take part, 2,900 were lost by Germany July 17 RAF bombs Germany rocket base Peenemunde July 18 British assault on Catania Sicily July 18 Giants and Phillies strand record 30 baserunners, New York wins, 10-6 July 19 500 allied air forces raid Rome during WW II July 20 Joint Chiefs of Staff question Admiral Nimitz (landing Gilbert Island) July 22 U.S. forces led by General George Patton liberate Palermo, Sicily July 23 Battle of Koersk, U.S.S.R. ends in Nazi defeat (6,000 tanks) July 23 U.S. 45th Infantry division occupies north coast of Termini July 24 RAF bombs Hamburg (20,000 dead) July 25 1st warship named for a Black person, USS Leonard Roy Harmon, launched July 25 Benito Mussolini captured, dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II July 25 Opposition group Zwaantje forms in Delfzijl July 25 RAF bombs Fokker airplane factory in Amsterdam July 26 120 degrees F (49 degrees C), Tishmoningo, Oklahoma (state record) July 26 Otto Skorzeny's commando group arrives in Rome July 27 772 British bombers attack Hamburg July 28 Italian Facist dictator Benito Mussolini resigns July 28 President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces end of coffee rationing in U.S. July 29 1 million inhabitants flee Hamburg July 29 Nazi's evacuate Hollandsche Theater in Amsterdam July 30 Last Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movie released (Girl Crazy) July 30 U.S. 45th Infantry division occupies San Stefano July 31 Transport nr 58 departs with French Jews to nazi Germany August 1 Japan declares Burma Independence under U Ba Maw August 1 Race riot in Harlem New York City August 1 Sunderland seaplanes sink U-454 and U-383 August 2 Armed revolt breaks out in Treblinka August 2 Lt. John F. Kennedy's PT-boat 109 sinks at Solomon islands August 2 RAF bombs Hamburg August 2 Sunderland seaplanes sinks U-706 and U-106 August 2 Uprising at Treblinka Concentration Camp (crematorium destroyed) August 3 Gen. Patton slaps a U.S. GI in the hospital accusing him of cowardice August 3 Nazi occupiers attack city Orel, leave it in fire August 4 British premier Churchill travels on the Queen Mary to Canada August 4 Russian units reach suburbs of Orel August 4 USAF bombs Germans in Troina August 5 Sicily: 3 U.S. A-36's bomb British headquarter August 5 Soviet forces reconquer Orel and Bjelgorod August 6 U.S. 1st Infantry division occupies node Troina Sicily August 7 Red Army recaptures Bogodukov August 8 Common Chiefs of staff meet in Quebec August 8 U.S. amphibians land at St. Agata on North coast of Sicily August 8 Vegetables and fruit rationed in Holland August 9 Bertolt Brecht's "Leben des Galilei," premieres in Zurich August 10 Dutch submarine attacks Island Hertenbeest in NW Bali August 10 Hitler watches lynching of allied pilots August 11 Red Army recaptures Tchukujev, at Kharkov August 11 Richard Strauss' 2nd Horn Concert, premieres August 11 U.S. amphibians land at Brolo on north coast of Sicily August 13 Red army recaptures Spas-Demensk August 14 1st allied air raid on Borneo August 14 U.S. 45th Division occupies Falcone 40 km outside of Messina August 15 Allies land on Kiska Aleutians August 16 1st Long Tom bombs on Italian mainland (from Sicily) August 16 Bulgarian czar Boris III visits Adolf Hitler August 17 498 British bombers attack Peenemunde August 17 General Patton enters Messina, completing conquest of Sicily by Allies August 17 U.S. 8th Air Force loses 60 B-17O at attack on Regensburg/Schweinfurt August 18 Carl Hubbell wins his 253rd and final game, all with Giants August 18 Final convoy of Jews from Salonika Greece arrive at Auschwitz August 18 Otto Skorzeny's Heinkel-111 shot down at Sardinia August 19 Belgian church excommunicates nazi Leon Degrelle August 19 U.S. air raid on German bases at Gilze-Rijen/Vlissingen August 21 Gromyko named U.S.S.R.-ambassador in Washington August 21 Japan leaves Aleutian Islands August 22 Soviet troops free Karkov August 23 Red army recaptures Charkow August 24 Philadelphia A's drop AL record tying 20th game in a row, win the 2nd game August 25 10th NFL Chicago All-Star Game: All-Stars 27, Washington 7 (48,471) August 25 German occupiers impose 72-hour work week August 25 Lord Mountbatten appointed Supreme Allied Commander in SE Asia August 25 Red Army under General Vatutin recaptures Achtyrka August 25 U.S. forces overrun New Georgia in Solomon Islands during WW II August 28 Denmark, declares a universal strike against Nazi occupiers August 28 Mussolini transfered from La Maddalena Sardinia to Gran Sasso August 29 Denmark scuttles their warships so as not to be taken by Germany August 31 1st battle of Essex/new Yorktown: U.S. assault on Marcus Island August 31 Japanse occupiers intern Jewish Congregation of Sorabajo September 3 British 8th army lands in South Italy (Messina) September 3 General Castellano signs cease fire treaty in Sicily September 4 British 8th army lands at Taranto South Italy September 5 57th U.S. Womens Tennis: Pauline Betz beats A Louise Brough (63 57 63) September 5 U.S. airland at Nadzab, New-Guinea September 6 63rd U.S. Mens Tennis: J R Hunt Seaman beats Jack Kramer (63 68 108 60) September 6 Carl Scheib becomes youngest pitcher in AL (16y 8 ms) of the A's September 6 "Congressional Limited" train derails near Frankfort Pa, kills 79 September 7 987 Dutch Jewish transported to Auschwitz Concentration Camp September 7 Fire in decrepit old Gulf Hotel kills 45 (Houston Texas) September 8 General Eisenhower announce unconditional surrender of Italy in WW II September 8 Lieutenant-general Bradley flies to Carthago/Algiers Sicily September 8 New York Giants' pitcher Ace Adams sets record by working in his 62nd game September 9 15 German JU-88's sink Italian flag ship Rome September 9 Lieutenant-general Bradley flies from Algiers to to Marrakech/Prestwick September 9 Red Army occupies Bachmatsj September 9 U.S., British and French troops land in Salerno (operation Avalanche) September 10 British 8th army occupies Tarente September 10 German troops occupied Rome and took over the protection of Vatican City September 10 Italian fleet anchors at Malta September 10 Lieutenant-general Bradley arrives in Prestwick/London September 11 Allied arm forces conquerors Salerno September 11 Jewish ghettos of Minsk and Lida Belorussia liquidated September 11 Last German Q/pirate ship sinks near Easter Island September 11 U.S. and Australian troops join in Salamaua, New Guinea September 12 Free French lands on Corsica September 12 German paratroopers, on orders of Adolf Hitler, seize former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini who was being held prisoner by the government September 12 Waffen-SS (Skorzeny) frees Mussolini at Gran Sasso September 13 Chiang Kai-shek became president of China September 13 German counter attack at Salerno September 13 Having been Generalissimo since 1928, Chiang Kai-shek elected president September 14 Comedians Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara marries September 14 Yankees clinch pennant #14 September 15 Benito Mussolini forms a rival fascist government in Italy September 15 Concentration Camp Kauwen in Lithuania opens September 15 Concentration Camp Vaivara in Estonia opens September 16 Montgomery's 8th army contacts invasion - arm forces at Salerno September 16 Soviet army under general Vatutin reconquer Romny September 17 Load of "ammunition in transit" explodes at Norfolk Naval Air Station September 17 Red Army recaptures Brjansk September 18 Cardinals clinch NL pennant September 18 Hitler orders deportation of Danish Jews (unsuccessful) September 19 Fanny Whiteers-Koen breaks jumping world record September 19 Liberator bombers sinks U-341 September 20 Liberator bombers sinks U-338 September 21 Arundel (Solomon Island) in U.S. hands September 21 Lynch Triangle (Square) in Bronx named September 21 Russian 13th/61st Army reconquer Chyernigov September 21 Soviet forces reach Dnjepr September 22 British dwarf submarines attack Tirpitz September 22 Destroyer Itchen torpedoed and sinks September 22 Destroyer Keppel sinks U-229 September 24 Soviet forces reconquer Smolensk September 25 Russian troops liberate Smolensk September 27 Anti-fascism opposition begins in Naples September 27 Dutch opposition newspaper "The Slogan" publishes KZ-Lower letter September 29 1st Silbertanne-murder by German occupiers in Meppel September 29 Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign an armistice September 29 German riots at Amsterdam Jews September 29 Zjadovs 5th Gardeleger/Managarovs 53rd Army reconquer Kremenchug September 30 Pope Pius XII encyclical on Divine spirit October 1 Allied forces captured Naples during WW II October 1 Averell Harriman named U.S. ambassador to Moscow October 1 Germans attack Jews in Denmark October 1 King's Dragon Guards liberates suburbs of Naples October 2 Japanse troops leave Kolombangara, Solomon Island October 2 Yankees sweep 14th doubleheader of year, beating Browns, 5-1 and 7-6 October 3 British 8th army lands at Termoli, East Italy October 3 Operations begin at PETA Java, defending (Japanese) fatherland October 4 Corsica freed by Free French October 4 German occupiers forbid flying of kites (6 month jail sentence) October 5 U.S. air raid on Wake October 6 Battle at Vella Lavella, Solomon Island October 6 Himmler wants acceleration of "Final Solution" October 7 Weill/Perelman/Nash' musical "One Touch of Venus," premieres in New York City October 8 Great Britain establishes bases on Azores October 10 Chiang Kai-shek takes oath of office as president of China October 10 U.S. bombers accidentally strike Enschede, Netherlands, causing 151 deaths October 11 New York Yankees beat Cards 4 games to 1, in 40th World Series, to become 1st team to win 10 World Series October 12 U.S. bombs Rabaul, New Britain October 13 Italy declares war on former Axis partner Germany October 14 400 Jews escape in uprising at Sobibor extermination Camp in Poland October 14 Japan declares Philippine Independence (premier/president Jose Laurel) October 14 Outbreak attempt in Sobibor Concentration Camp October 14 U.S. 8th Air Force loses 60 B-17 during assault on Schweinfurt October 16 Anti Jewish riot in Rome October 16 Chicago Mayor Ed Kelly opens city's new subway system October 16 Jewish quarter of Rome surrounded by Nazis, they are sent to Auschwitz October 16 U.S. 1st Army establishes headquarter in Bristol October 17 Liberators sink U-540 and U-631 October 18 U.S. bombing of Bougainville, Solomon Island October 19 Conference of foreign ministers in Moscow October 19 Theater Guild presentation of "Othello" opens at Shubert October 19 Yankee 2nd baseman Joe Gordon announces retirement (hates New York) October 23 1st Jewish transport out of Rome reaches camp Birkenau October 23 Burma railway opens October 24 Anti-nazi Clandestine Radio Soldatsender Calais begins transmitting October 25 Burma railroad completed and opens October 28 U-220 sinks October 29 3 allied officers escape out camp Stalag Luft 3 October 30 Italian director Federico Fellini marries actress Giulietta Masina October 30 Molotov-Eden-Cordell Hull accord over operations at UN October 30 Soviet forces under Tolbuchin stick Sivash-bay about October 31 Washington Redskin Sammy Baugh passes for 6 touchdowns vs Brooklyn (48-10) November 1 Dim-out ban lifted in San Francisco Bay area November 1 U.S. troops land on Bougainville Island on Solomon Island November 2 Jewish ghetto of Riga Latvia is destroyed November 3 Dmitri Sjostakovitch's 8th Symphony premieres in Moscow November 3 P-47D Thunderbolt shot down above North-Holland November 4 France arrests government of Lebanon November 5 Vatican bombed November 6 Russian troops land on Kertsj peninsula November 6 Soviet forces reconquer Kiev November 6 Stalin says: "The issue of German fascism is lost" November 7 Detroit Lions 0, New York Giants 0; last scoreless tie in NFL November 11 Spud Chandler wins AL MVP; Stan Musial wins NL MVP November 11 U.S. air raid on Rabaul November 12 Landwacht (NSB-political party) forms in Netherlands November 14 Chicago Bear Sid Luckman passes for 7 touchdowns vs New York Giants (56-7) November 14 J Postma, C Schalker, D Goulooze arrested for leading illegal CPN November 18 1st U.S. ambassador to Canada, Ray Atherton, nominated November 18 444 British bombers attack Berlin November 18 U-211 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 19 U-536 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 20 U-538 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 20 U.S. forces land on Tarawa and Makin Atoll in Gilbert Island November 21 7 Belgian ministers in London sentence King Leopold III November 22 FDR, Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek meet to discuss ways to defeat Japan November 22 Lebanon declares independence from French administration November 22 RAF begins air bombing of Berlin November 22 U.S. troops land on Abemada, Gilbert Island November 23 1st printing of illegal "Warheid" November 23 British Forces Broadcasting Service begins operation November 23 Phils owner William D. Cox is permanently banned from baseball for having bet on his own team November 23 U.S. forces take control of Tarawa, Gilbert Island and Makin from Japanese November 25 U-600 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 27 31st CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Flying Wildcats defeat Winn Bombers, 23-14 November 27 Conference of Teheran (Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin) November 28 FDR, Churchill and Stalin met at Tehran to map out strategy November 29 Partisan Tito forms temporary government in Jajce Bosnia November 29 U-86 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 29 U.S. aircraft carrier Hornet launched December 1 FDR, Churchill and Stalin agree to Operation Overlord (D-Day) December 2 1st RSHA transport out of Vienna reaches Birkenau camp December 3 9th Heisman Trophy Award: Angelo Bertelli, Notre Dame (quarterback) December 3 Battle of Monte Cassino, Italy begins December 3 Howard Hanson's 4th Symphony, premieres December 3 Strike of Monte Cassino, Italy begins December 4 2nd conference of Cairo: FDR, Churchill and Turkish President Inonu December 4 Yugoslavian resistance forms provisionary government under Dr. Ribar December 5 NFL Philadelphia Eagle-Pitts Steeler merger disolves December 7 Cairo: president Roosevelt travels back to the US December 8 John Van Druten's "Voice of the Turtle," premieres in New York City December 10 British 8th Army occupies Orsogna/Ortona Italy December 13 150 U.S. Marauders bomb Schiphol December 16 "Tamiami Champion" trains collide, kills 73 and injures 200 December 17 Transport 63 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany December 19 Military coup in Bolivia December 20 "International" is no longer U.S.S.R. National Anthem December 22 Manufacturers get permission to use synthetic rubber for baseball core December 22 WEB Du Bois elected 1st black member, National Inst of Arts and Letters December 23 1st telecast of a complete opera (Hansel and Gretel), Schenectady, New York December 23 General Montgomery told he is appointed commandant for D-day December 24 Franklin D. Roosevelt appoints General Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces December 24 Terence Rattigan's "While the Sun Shines," premieres in London December 26 British sink German battle cruiser Scharnhorst December 26 Chicago Bears win NFL championship December 26 Earl Claus von Stauffenberg vain with bomb to Hitlers headquarter December 27 France transfers most of her powers in Lebanon to Lebanese government December 27 German warship "Scharnhorst" sinks in Barents Sea December 27 Montgomery discusses Overlord with Eisenhower and Bedell Smith December 28 All inhabitants of Kalmukkie deported, about 70,000 killed December 30 Phillies trade Babe Dahlgren to Pitts for Babe Phelps and cash December 31 New York City's Times Square greets Frank Sinatra at Paramount Theater
January 1 Count Claus von Stauffenberg promoted to Lt-colonel January 3 1st missing persons telecast (New York City) January 3 Canadian Army troops arrive in North Africa January 4 Thomas Mann completes his tetralogy, "Joseph and His Brothers" January 5 Teams agrees to start season later due to WW II January 5 William H. Hastie, civilian aide to secretary of war, resigns to protest segregation in armed forces January 9 Japanese government in Java limits sale and use of motorcars January 10 1st U.S. President to visit a foreign country in wartime-FDR leaves for Casablanca, Morocco January 10 Russian offensive against German 6th/4th Armies near Stalingrad January 11 U.S. and Britain relinquish extraterritorial rights in China January 12 Frankfurters replaced by Victory Sausages (mix of meat and soy meal) January 13 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in Casablanca January 13 Hitler declares "Total War" January 13 Russian offensive at Don under general Golikov January 13 U.S. infantry captures Galloping Horse-ridge Guadalcanal January 14 Alex Smart (Mont) is 1st NHLer to score hat trick in his 1st game January 14 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill confer in Casablanca concerning WW II January 14 Heinrich Himmler views Warsaw January 15 1st transport of Jews from Amsterdam to concentration camp Vught January 15 World's largest office building, Pentagon, completed January 16 1st U.S. air raid on Ambon January 16 -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C), Island Park Dam, Idaho (state record) January 16 German 2nd SS-Pantzer division evacuates Charkow January 16 Red Army recaptures Pitomnik airport at Stalingrad January 17 Tin Can Drive Day January 18 Jews in Warsaw Ghetto begin resistance of Nazis January 18 Presliced bread sale banned to reduce bakery demand for metal parts January 18 Soviets announce they broke long Nazi siege of Leningrad January 18 U.S. rations bread and metal January 18 Uprising in Warsaw ghetto January 19 Joint Chiefs of Staff decide on invasion in Sicily January 20 Lead, South Dakota, temp is 52 degrees F, while 1.5 miles away Deadwood SD records -16 degrees F January 20 Operation-Weiss: Assault of German, Italian, Bulgarian and Croatian January 21 Soviet forces reconquer Gumrak airport near Stalingrad January 21 Soviet forces reconquer Worosjilowsk January 21 Vice-Admiral Cunningham appointed British adm of fleet January 22 66.3 cm precipitation at Hoegees Camp, California (state record) January 22 Battle of Anzio: Italy; Allies stopped on beach January 22 Joint Chiefs of Staff determine invasion in Sicily for July 10th January 22 Temperature rises 49 degrees F (9 degrees C) in 2 minutes in Spearfish, SD January 23 66.34 cm (26.12"), Hoegees Camp, California (state record) January 23 British 8th army marches into Tripoli January 23 Detroit Red Wings scores NHL record 8 goals in 1 period January 23 Japanese Mount Austen on Guadalcanal captured January 24 Hitler orders nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death January 24 Jewish patients/nurses/doctors incinerated at Auschwitz-Birkenau January 27 1st U.S. air attack on Germany (Wilhelmshafen) January 28 Chicago Blackhawks beats New York Rangers 10-1, Max Bentley scores 4 goals January 28 Forward Doug Bentley sets NHL record with 5 points in a game January 29 New Zealand's Kiwi cruiser collides with Japanese sub I-1 at Guadalcanal January 29 Sidney Kingsley's "Patriots," premieres in New York City January 30 6 British Mosquito's daylight bomb Berlin January 30 German assault on French in Tunisia January 30 German under officers shot down in Haarlem, Netherlands January 30 Hitler promotes Friedrich von Paul to general-Field Marshal January 30 Illegal opposition newspaper Loyal begins publishing January 30 USS Chicago sinks in Pacific Ocean January 31 39 U boats sunk this month (203,100 ton) January 31 Chile breaks contact with Germany and Japan January 31 General Friedrich von Paul surrenders to Russian troops at Stalingrad February 1 German occupiers make Vidkun Quisling Norwegian premier February 1 Mussert forms pro Nazi shadow cabinet (Netherlands) February 2 Battle of Stalingrad ends with final surrender of the German army February 2 Cubs return to original uniform after experimenting with a vest February 2 German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad, turning point of WW II February 3 4 chaplains drown after giving up their life jackets to others February 4 Bertolt Brecht's "Der gute Mensch von Sezuan," premieres in Zurich February 5 Amsterdam resistance group CS-6 shoots nazi general Seyffardt February 5 Clandestine Radio Atlantiksender, Germany, 1st transmission February 6 1st Spitfire in action above Darwin, Australia, Mu Ki-46 shot down February 6 Singer Frank Sinatra debuts on radio's "Your Hit Parade" February 7 Shoe rationing begins in U.S. (may purchase up to 3 more pairs in 1942) February 8 Red Army recaptures Kursk February 9 Franklin D. Roosevelt orders minimal 48 hour work week in war industry February 9 German riots at "plutocratenzoontjes," 1,200 in Vught Camp February 9 Japanese evacuate Guadalcanal, ends epic battle February 9 Nazis arrest Dutch sons of rich parents February 9 NL seeks buyer for Phillies, as owner Gerry Nugent, falls in arrears February 10 8th Army sweeps through North Africa to Tunisia February 10 "Manifesto of Algerian People" calls for equality and self-determination February 10 Van der Veen Resistance starts fire in Amsterdam employment bureau February 11 General Eisenhower selected to command the allied armies in Europe February 11 Transport nr 47 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany February 12 General Eisenhower departs Algiers to Tebessa February 13 German assault on Sidi Bou Zid Tunisia, General Eisenhower visits front February 13 Women's Marine Corps created February 14 German offensive through de Faid-pass Tunisia February 14 Soviets recapture Rostov February 15 Women's camp Tamtui on Ambon (Moluccas) hit by allied air raid February 16 -32 degrees F (-36 degrees C), Falls Village, Connecticut (state record) February 16 British premier Winston Churchill gets pneumonia February 16 Red army conquers Kharkov February 16 Sign on Munich facade: "Out with Hitler! Long live freedom!" done by "White Rose" student group, caught on 2/18, beheaded on 2/22 February 16 Withdrawing Africa Corps reaches Mareth-line in North-Africa February 17 Dutch churches protest at Seyss-Inquart against persecution of Jews February 17 General-major Bradley flies to Washington D.C. February 17 Hitler visits Field Marshal von Mansteins hq in Zaporozje February 17 New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio, enlists into the U.S. army February 18 1st edition of Dutch resistance newspaper "Trouw" February 18 Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (Chilean gen/dictator) marries Lucia Hiriart February 18 Munich resistance group "White Rose" captured by Nazis February 18 William D. Cox buys Philadelphia Phillies February 19 German tanks under Brigadier General Buelowius attack Kasserine Pass Tunesia February 20 Allied troops occupy Kasserine pass in Tunisia February 20 New volcano Paracutin erupts in farmer's corn patch (Mexico) February 20 Phil Wrigley and B Rickey charter All-American Girls Softball League February 21 Dutch RC bishops protest against persecution of Jews February 21 German offensive at Western Dorsalgebergte Tunisia February 23 German troops pull back through Kasserine-pass Tunisia February 23 Major General Bradley arrives in Dakar and Marrakesh February 24 General-major Bradley flies to Algiers February 24 Texas League announces it will quit for the duration of WW II February 25 Vietminh forms Indo Chinese Democratic Front February 26 German assault moves to Beja North Tunisia February 28 63 U Boats (359,300 ton) sinks this month February 28 "Porgy and Bess" opens on Broadway with Anne Brown and Todd Duncan March 1 Jewish old age home for disabled in Amsterdam raided March 2 1st transport from Westerbork Netherlands to Sobibor concentration camp March 2 Sea battle in Bismarck Sea finishes, U.S. and Australia win March 3 Bomb fleeing crowd falls into London shelter; 173 die March 3 F Ryerson and Cohn Claues' "Harriet," premieres in New York City March 3 U.S. defeats Japan and wins Battle of Bismark Sea March 4 Transport nr 50 departs with French Jews to Maidanek/Sobibor March 5 Anti fascist strikes in Italy March 5 RAF bombs Essen Germany March 6 Battle at Medenine, North-Africa: Rommels assault attack March 6 Sukarno asks for cooperation with Japanese occupiers March 7 General-major Patton arrives in Djebel Kouif Tunisia March 8 335 allied bombers attack Neurenberg March 8 Limited gambling legalized in Mexico March 8 U.S. Ladies Figure Skating championship won by Gretchen Merrill March 8 U.S. Mens Figure Skating championship won by Arthur Vaughn March 9 Delft opposition group-Pahud de Mortanges overthrown March 9 Greek Jews of Salonika are transported to Nazi extermination camps March 11 Nazi Militia forms in Netherlands March 12 Soviet troops liberate Wjasma March 13 Baseball approves official ball (with cork and balata) March 13 Failed assassin attempt on Hitler during Smolensk-Rastenburg flight March 13 Frank Dixon wins Knights of Columbus mile (4:09.6) March 15 Allied reconnaissance flight over Java March 15 Red Army evacuates Kharkov March 16 Elin K (No) and Zaanland (Netherlands) torpedoed and sinks March 17 Aldemarin (Ned) and Fort Cedar Lake (U.S.) torpedoed and sinks March 17 F. Hugh Herbert's "Kiss and Tell," premieres in New York City March 18 James Oglethorpe (U.S.) and Terkolei (Netherlands), torpedoed and sinks March 18 Red Army evacuates Belgorod March 19 Airship Canadian Star torpedoed and sinks March 20 British offensive against Mareth-line March 20 German U-384 bombed and sinks March 21 Assassination attempt on Hitler fails March 21 British 8th army opens assault on Mareth line, Tunisia March 22 Dutch work week extended to 54 hour March 22 Obligatory work for woman ends in Belgium March 22 SS police chief Rauter threatens to kill half Jewish children March 23 German counter attack on U.S. lines in Tunisia March 25 97% of all Dutch physicians strike againt nazi registration March 25 Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore premiere on radio March 26 Battle of Komandorski Islands, Pacific Ocean March 26 Elsie S. Ott becomes 1st woman awarded U.S. Air Force Medal March 27 Assassination attempt on Van de Peat at Amsterdams census bureau March 27 Blue Ribbon Town (with Groucho Marx) 1st heard on CBS Radio March 27 U.S. begins assault on Fondouk-pass, Tunisia March 29 Meat rationed in U.S., 784 gram/week, 2 kilogram for GI's March 29 Meat, butter and cheese rationed in U.S. during WW II March 30 5th NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: University of Wyoming beat Georgetown 46-34 March 30 British 1st army recaptures Sejenane March 30 Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma!," premieres in New York City March 31 U.S. errantly bombs Rotterdam, kills 326 April 3 Jan Dieters (leader of illegal CPN) arrested April 5 Allies bomb Mortsel April 5 Japanese troops conquer Indin April 5 Poon Lim found after being adrift 133 days April 6 British and U.S. Army link up in Africa during WW II April 6 British offensive at Wadi Akarit, South-Tunisia April 6 Lou Jansen, leader of illegal Dutch political party (CPN) arrested April 7 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met for an Axis conference in Salzburg April 7 British and U.S. troops make contact at Wadi Akarit, South-Tunisia April 7 Lieutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg seriously wounded at allied air raid April 7 NFL adopts free substitution rule April 8 Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, founder of Sanbo Kyodan, receives dharma April 8 Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya convicted of involvement with Mau Mau April 8 Stanley Cup: Detroit Red Wings sweep Boston Bruins in 4 games April 10 12 Jewish patients of Herren Loo-Lozenoord escape nazis April 10 General Montgomery occupies Sfax Tunisia April 11 Frank Piasecki, Vertol founder, flies his 1st (single-rotor) craft April 12 Allies conquer Soussa, North-Africa April 12 Dutch Catholic University Nijmegen closed April 13 Catholic University Nijegen closes April 13 Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicates Jefferson Memorial April 13 Nazi's discover mass grave of Polish officers near Katyn April 14 General Alexander, Eisenhower, Anderson and Bradley discuss assault on Tunis April 14 James Gow and A d'Usseau's "Tomorrow the World," premieres in New York City April 15 Metropolitan Life Insurances issues a $225 million check to Chase April 16 40 German bombers attack Haarlem, Netherlands, 85 killed April 17 Admiral Yamamoto flies from Truk to Rabaul April 19 47th Boston Marathon won by Gerard Cote of Canada in 2:28:25.8 April 19 Jews attack Nazi occupation forces at Warsaw Ghetto April 19 Revolt in Warsaw Ghetto under Mordechai Anielewicz April 20 Braves manager Casey Stengel is struck by a taxi, fractures a leg April 22 German counter attack in North-Tunisia April 22 RAF shoots down 14 German transport planes over Mediterranean Sea April 23 British and U.S. offensive directed at Tunis/Bizerta April 27 Lou Jansen and Jan Dieters arrested, lead illegal CPN party in Holland April 27 Soviet Union breaks contact with Polish government exiled in London April 28 1st performance of Marc Blitzstein's "Freedom Morning" April 28 German-Italian counter offensive in North-Africa April 28 U.S. 34th Division occupies Djebel el Hara North Tunisia April 29 Dietrich Bonhoffer arrested by nazis April 29 Noel Coward's "Present Laughter," premieres in London April 29 U.S. 34th Division occupies Hill 609, North Tunisia April 30 Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp for Jews forms April 30 Dutch strike against forced labor in Nazi Germany's war industry April 30 Noel Coward's "This Happy Breed," premieres in London May 1 1st edition of illegal "The Free Artist" appears in Amsterdam May 1 69th Kentucky Derby: Johnny Longden aboard Count Fleet wins in 2:04 May 1 Food rationing begins in U.S. May 1 German plane sinks boat loaded with Palestinian Jews bound for Malta May 1 German Wehrmacht deployed in order to break Dutch strikes May 1 Rauter signs unofficial death sentence May 2 German troops vacate Jefna Tunisia May 3 Pulitzer prize awarded to Upton Sinclair (Dragon's Teeth) May 3 Strike against obligatory labor camps ends, after 200 killed May 3 U.S. 1st armour division occupies Mateur Tunisia May 4 NL Ford Frick demonstrates revised balata ball to reporters by bouncing it on his office carpet ball proves to be 50% livelier May 5 Postmaster General Frank C Walker invents Postal Zone System May 6 British 1st army opens assault on Tunis May 7 British 11th Huzaren occupies Tunis Tunisia May 7 Dutch men 18-35 obliged to report to labor camps May 7 Liberty Ship George Washington Carver, named after scientist, launched May 7 U.S. 1st Armour division occupies Ferryville, Tunisia May 7 U.S. 9th Infantry division occupies Bizerta/Bensert, Tunisia May 8 69th Preakness: Johnny Longden aboard Count Fleet wins in 1:57.4 May 8 Adm Cunningham of British fleet: "Sink, burn and destroy; let nothing pass" May 9 5th German Pantser army surrenders in Tunisia May 9 Rotschild-Haddassh University Hospital opens May 11 Hermann Goering division in Tunisia surrenders May 11 U.S. 7th div lands on Attu, Aleutian, (1st U.S. territory recaptured) May 12 Axis forces in North Africa surrender May 12 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in U.S. May 12 German troops in Tunisia North Africa surrender May 13 German and Italian forces in Africa surrender May 13 German occupiers confiscate all radios May 15 Halifax bombers sinks U-463 May 15 Warsaw ghetto uprising ends, in it's destruction May 16 German troops destroy synagogue of Warsaw May 16 Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto ends after 30 days of fighting May 16 RAF bombs Mohne and Eder (Battle of Ruhr) May 18 Allied bombers attack Pantelleria in the Mediterranean Sea May 19 Berlin is declared "Judenrien" (free of Jews) May 19 Churchill pledges England's full support to U.S. against Japan May 20 French, British and U.S. victory parade in Tunis Tunisia May 21 Fastest 9 inning AL baseball game (89 minutes), White Sox beat Senators May 22 1st jet fighter is tested May 22 RAF scatters 1st copies of "The Flying Hollander" May 22 Stalin disbands Komintern May 23 826 Allied bombers attack Dortmund May 23 In Dr. Faustus, Serenus Zeitblom begins his bio of Adrian Leverkuhn May 23 Thomas Mann begins writing his novel Dr. Faustus May 24 Admiral Donitz stops U-boat in Atlantic Ocean May 24 U-441 shoots Sunderland seaplane down over Gulf of Biskaje May 25 Riot at Mobile Alabama shipyard over upgrading 12 black workers May 25 Trident conference in Washington D.C. (operation plan '43 against Japan) May 26 1st president of a black country to visit U.S. (Edwin Barclay, Liberia) May 26 Jews riot against Germany in Amsterdam May 26 Premier Churchill and General Marshall fly from U.S. to North Africa May 27 French defiance under Jean Moulin meets secretly in Paris May 27 U.S. forbid racial discrimination in war industry May 28 British militia reaches Tito May 29 Confederacy of Algiers (Churchill-Marshall-Eisenhower) May 29 Meat and cheese rationed in U.S. May 30 French general De Gaulle arrives in Algiers May 30 U.S. troops reconquer Attu Aleutians May 31 "Archie" comic strip 1st broadcast on radio May 31 Cards Mort Cooper pitches 1st of back-to-back one-hitters June 1 Germany shoots down a civilian flight from Lisbon to London, all die June 1 Pirates Rip Sewell 1st throws his dew-drop (eephus) ball in a game June 2 99th Pursuit Squadron flies 1st combat mission, over Italy June 2 German assault on Sebastopol Krim, begins June 3 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration forms June 4 Argentina taken over by General Rawson and Col Juan Peron June 4 St. Louis Card Mort Cooper pitches his 2nd consecutive 1 hitter June 5 75th Belmont: Johnny Longden aboard Count Fleet wins in 2:28.2 June 5 German occupiers arrest Louvain University's chancellor June 9 U.S. income tax withholding paycheck deductions authorized June 10 Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes 1st U.S. President to visit a foreign country during wartime June 11 British invades Pantelleria, tiny island south of Sicily June 11 Heinrich Himmler orders liquidation of Polish ghettos June 12 Himmler orders extermination of all Polish ghettos June 15 Congress of racial Equality (CORE) forms June 17 Player-manager Joe Cronin of Red Sox hits two 3-run pinch home runs June 18 SS Police in Amsterdam sentence for 12 resistance fighter to death (Jewish, communists, homosexuality) at the census bureau June 19 NFL's Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers merge, (dissolves on Dec 5) June 19 "Shiek Of Arahy" Spike Jones and City Slickers peaks at #19 June 20 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded June 20 Detroit race riot kills 35 June 20 German round up Jews in Amsterdam June 20 National Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organizes June 20 New Quebec (Chubb) Crater discovered in northern Quebec (3 km dia) June 20 Sweden's Gunther Hagg beats favorite Greg Rice by 35 yards in 5,000m at national AAU track and field championship in NY June 21 Federal troops put down racial riot in Detroit 30 dead June 22 WEB DuBois becomes 1st Black member of National Institute of Letters June 23 Dutch artsens protest against nazis June 23 RAF discovers Werner von Brauns V1/V2-base in Peenemunde June 24 Allies begin 10-day bombing on Hamburg June 25 Crematory III at Birkenau is finished June 25 Seyss-Inquart orders mass arrests of Dutch physicians June 27 Elly Dammers throws Dutch record spear (41,43m) June 27 Fanny Blankers-Koen runs Dutch record 200m (24.5) June 29 Germany begins withdrawing U-boats from North Atlantic in anticipation of the Allied invasion of Europe June 29 Pope Pius XII encyclical Mystic Corporis (mystic body of Christ) June 29 U.S. forces landed at Nassau Bay, near Salamaua, New Guinea June 30 General MacArthur begins Operation Cartwheel, island-hopping July 1 "Pay-as-you-go" - 1st withholding tax from paychecks July 2 Gulf of Biskaje: Liberator bombers sinks U-126 July 2 Indians score 12 runs in 4th inning and beat Yankees 12-0 July 2 Lt Charles Hall, becomes 1st black pilot to shoot down Nazi plane July 3 Liberator bombers sinks U-628 July 5 Battle of Gulf of Kula July 5 Battle of Koersk, U.S.S.R. begins (6,000 tanks) July 5 Liberator bombers sink U-535 in Gulf of Biskaye July 5 U.S. invasion fleet of 96 ships sails to Sicily July 6 2nd day of battle at Kursk: 25,000 German killed July 6 U.S. destroyer William D. Porter [Willie Dee] launched July 7 3rd day of battle at Kursk: Germans occupy Dubrova July 7 Erich Hartmann shoots 7 Russian aircraft at Kursk July 7 Japanese premier Hideki Tojo visits Java July 7 Liberator bombers sinks U-517 July 8 4th day of battle at Kursk: General Model uses last tank reserve July 8 British air raid sinks U-232 July 8 U.S. invasion fleet passes Bizerta, Tunisia July 9 5th day of battle at Kursk: Germans occupy Verchopenje July 9 British air raid sinks U-435 July 10 6th day of battle at Kursk July 10 U.S. and Britain invade Sicily in WW II, Operation Husky July 11 7th day of battle at Kursk July 11 Counter attack by Hermann Goering Armour division in Sicily July 11 U.S. 45th Division occupies airport Comiso, Sicily July 11 U.S. 82nd Airborne division shot at, by "friendly fire" in Sicily July 12 Battle of Kolombangara (2nd battle of Gulf of Kula) July 12 National Committee Freies Deutschland forms July 12 Pope Pius XII receives German ambassador baron von Weizsacker July 12 Russian offensive at Orel July 12 Tank battle at Prochorowka - Russians beat Nazis, about 12,000 die July 13 11th All Star Baseball Game: AL wins 5-3 at Shibe Park, Philadelphia July 13 Greatest tank battle in history ends with Russia's defeat of Germany at Kursk, almost 6,000 tanks take part, 2,900 were lost by Germany July 17 RAF bombs Germany rocket base Peenemunde July 18 British assault on Catania Sicily July 18 Giants and Phillies strand record 30 baserunners, New York wins, 10-6 July 19 500 allied air forces raid Rome during WW II July 20 Joint Chiefs of Staff question Admiral Nimitz (landing Gilbert Island) July 22 U.S. forces led by General George Patton liberate Palermo, Sicily July 23 Battle of Koersk, U.S.S.R. ends in Nazi defeat (6,000 tanks) July 23 U.S. 45th Infantry division occupies north coast of Termini July 24 RAF bombs Hamburg (20,000 dead) July 25 1st warship named for a Black person, USS Leonard Roy Harmon, launched July 25 Benito Mussolini captured, dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II July 25 Opposition group Zwaantje forms in Delfzijl July 25 RAF bombs Fokker airplane factory in Amsterdam July 26 120 degrees F (49 degrees C), Tishmoningo, Oklahoma (state record) July 26 Otto Skorzeny's commando group arrives in Rome July 27 772 British bombers attack Hamburg July 28 Italian Facist dictator Benito Mussolini resigns July 28 President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces end of coffee rationing in U.S. July 29 1 million inhabitants flee Hamburg July 29 Nazi's evacuate Hollandsche Theater in Amsterdam July 30 Last Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movie released (Girl Crazy) July 30 U.S. 45th Infantry division occupies San Stefano July 31 Transport nr 58 departs with French Jews to nazi Germany August 1 Japan declares Burma Independence under U Ba Maw August 1 Race riot in Harlem New York City August 1 Sunderland seaplanes sink U-454 and U-383 August 2 Armed revolt breaks out in Treblinka August 2 Lt. John F. Kennedy's PT-boat 109 sinks at Solomon islands August 2 RAF bombs Hamburg August 2 Sunderland seaplanes sinks U-706 and U-106 August 2 Uprising at Treblinka Concentration Camp (crematorium destroyed) August 3 Gen. Patton slaps a U.S. GI in the hospital accusing him of cowardice August 3 Nazi occupiers attack city Orel, leave it in fire August 4 British premier Churchill travels on the Queen Mary to Canada August 4 Russian units reach suburbs of Orel August 4 USAF bombs Germans in Troina August 5 Sicily: 3 U.S. A-36's bomb British headquarter August 5 Soviet forces reconquer Orel and Bjelgorod August 6 U.S. 1st Infantry division occupies node Troina Sicily August 7 Red Army recaptures Bogodukov August 8 Common Chiefs of staff meet in Quebec August 8 U.S. amphibians land at St. Agata on North coast of Sicily August 8 Vegetables and fruit rationed in Holland August 9 Bertolt Brecht's "Leben des Galilei," premieres in Zurich August 10 Dutch submarine attacks Island Hertenbeest in NW Bali August 10 Hitler watches lynching of allied pilots August 11 Red Army recaptures Tchukujev, at Kharkov August 11 Richard Strauss' 2nd Horn Concert, premieres August 11 U.S. amphibians land at Brolo on north coast of Sicily August 13 Red army recaptures Spas-Demensk August 14 1st allied air raid on Borneo August 14 U.S. 45th Division occupies Falcone 40 km outside of Messina August 15 Allies land on Kiska Aleutians August 16 1st Long Tom bombs on Italian mainland (from Sicily) August 16 Bulgarian czar Boris III visits Adolf Hitler August 17 498 British bombers attack Peenemunde August 17 General Patton enters Messina, completing conquest of Sicily by Allies August 17 U.S. 8th Air Force loses 60 B-17O at attack on Regensburg/Schweinfurt August 18 Carl Hubbell wins his 253rd and final game, all with Giants August 18 Final convoy of Jews from Salonika Greece arrive at Auschwitz August 18 Otto Skorzeny's Heinkel-111 shot down at Sardinia August 19 Belgian church excommunicates nazi Leon Degrelle August 19 U.S. air raid on German bases at Gilze-Rijen/Vlissingen August 21 Gromyko named U.S.S.R.-ambassador in Washington August 21 Japan leaves Aleutian Islands August 22 Soviet troops free Karkov August 23 Red army recaptures Charkow August 24 Philadelphia A's drop AL record tying 20th game in a row, win the 2nd game August 25 10th NFL Chicago All-Star Game: All-Stars 27, Washington 7 (48,471) August 25 German occupiers impose 72-hour work week August 25 Lord Mountbatten appointed Supreme Allied Commander in SE Asia August 25 Red Army under General Vatutin recaptures Achtyrka August 25 U.S. forces overrun New Georgia in Solomon Islands during WW II August 28 Denmark, declares a universal strike against Nazi occupiers August 28 Mussolini transfered from La Maddalena Sardinia to Gran Sasso August 29 Denmark scuttles their warships so as not to be taken by Germany August 31 1st battle of Essex/new Yorktown: U.S. assault on Marcus Island August 31 Japanse occupiers intern Jewish Congregation of Sorabajo September 3 British 8th army lands in South Italy (Messina) September 3 General Castellano signs cease fire treaty in Sicily September 4 British 8th army lands at Taranto South Italy September 5 57th U.S. Womens Tennis: Pauline Betz beats A Louise Brough (63 57 63) September 5 U.S. airland at Nadzab, New-Guinea September 6 63rd U.S. Mens Tennis: J R Hunt Seaman beats Jack Kramer (63 68 108 60) September 6 Carl Scheib becomes youngest pitcher in AL (16y 8 ms) of the A's September 6 "Congressional Limited" train derails near Frankfort Pa, kills 79 September 7 987 Dutch Jewish transported to Auschwitz Concentration Camp September 7 Fire in decrepit old Gulf Hotel kills 45 (Houston Texas) September 8 General Eisenhower announce unconditional surrender of Italy in WW II September 8 Lieutenant-general Bradley flies to Carthago/Algiers Sicily September 8 New York Giants' pitcher Ace Adams sets record by working in his 62nd game September 9 15 German JU-88's sink Italian flag ship Rome September 9 Lieutenant-general Bradley flies from Algiers to to Marrakech/Prestwick September 9 Red Army occupies Bachmatsj September 9 U.S., British and French troops land in Salerno (operation Avalanche) September 10 British 8th army occupies Tarente September 10 German troops occupied Rome and took over the protection of Vatican City September 10 Italian fleet anchors at Malta September 10 Lieutenant-general Bradley arrives in Prestwick/London September 11 Allied arm forces conquerors Salerno September 11 Jewish ghettos of Minsk and Lida Belorussia liquidated September 11 Last German Q/pirate ship sinks near Easter Island September 11 U.S. and Australian troops join in Salamaua, New Guinea September 12 Free French lands on Corsica September 12 German paratroopers, on orders of Adolf Hitler, seize former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini who was being held prisoner by the government September 12 Waffen-SS (Skorzeny) frees Mussolini at Gran Sasso September 13 Chiang Kai-shek became president of China September 13 German counter attack at Salerno September 13 Having been Generalissimo since 1928, Chiang Kai-shek elected president September 14 Comedians Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara marries September 14 Yankees clinch pennant #14 September 15 Benito Mussolini forms a rival fascist government in Italy September 15 Concentration Camp Kauwen in Lithuania opens September 15 Concentration Camp Vaivara in Estonia opens September 16 Montgomery's 8th army contacts invasion - arm forces at Salerno September 16 Soviet army under general Vatutin reconquer Romny September 17 Load of "ammunition in transit" explodes at Norfolk Naval Air Station September 17 Red Army recaptures Brjansk September 18 Cardinals clinch NL pennant September 18 Hitler orders deportation of Danish Jews (unsuccessful) September 19 Fanny Whiteers-Koen breaks jumping world record September 19 Liberator bombers sinks U-341 September 20 Liberator bombers sinks U-338 September 21 Arundel (Solomon Island) in U.S. hands September 21 Lynch Triangle (Square) in Bronx named September 21 Russian 13th/61st Army reconquer Chyernigov September 21 Soviet forces reach Dnjepr September 22 British dwarf submarines attack Tirpitz September 22 Destroyer Itchen torpedoed and sinks September 22 Destroyer Keppel sinks U-229 September 24 Soviet forces reconquer Smolensk September 25 Russian troops liberate Smolensk September 27 Anti-fascism opposition begins in Naples September 27 Dutch opposition newspaper "The Slogan" publishes KZ-Lower letter September 29 1st Silbertanne-murder by German occupiers in Meppel September 29 Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign an armistice September 29 German riots at Amsterdam Jews September 29 Zjadovs 5th Gardeleger/Managarovs 53rd Army reconquer Kremenchug September 30 Pope Pius XII encyclical on Divine spirit October 1 Allied forces captured Naples during WW II October 1 Averell Harriman named U.S. ambassador to Moscow October 1 Germans attack Jews in Denmark October 1 King's Dragon Guards liberates suburbs of Naples October 2 Japanse troops leave Kolombangara, Solomon Island October 2 Yankees sweep 14th doubleheader of year, beating Browns, 5-1 and 7-6 October 3 British 8th army lands at Termoli, East Italy October 3 Operations begin at PETA Java, defending (Japanese) fatherland October 4 Corsica freed by Free French October 4 German occupiers forbid flying of kites (6 month jail sentence) October 5 U.S. air raid on Wake October 6 Battle at Vella Lavella, Solomon Island October 6 Himmler wants acceleration of "Final Solution" October 7 Weill/Perelman/Nash' musical "One Touch of Venus," premieres in New York City October 8 Great Britain establishes bases on Azores October 10 Chiang Kai-shek takes oath of office as president of China October 10 U.S. bombers accidentally strike Enschede, Netherlands, causing 151 deaths October 11 New York Yankees beat Cards 4 games to 1, in 40th World Series, to become 1st team to win 10 World Series October 12 U.S. bombs Rabaul, New Britain October 13 Italy declares war on former Axis partner Germany October 14 400 Jews escape in uprising at Sobibor extermination Camp in Poland October 14 Japan declares Philippine Independence (premier/president Jose Laurel) October 14 Outbreak attempt in Sobibor Concentration Camp October 14 U.S. 8th Air Force loses 60 B-17 during assault on Schweinfurt October 16 Anti Jewish riot in Rome October 16 Chicago Mayor Ed Kelly opens city's new subway system October 16 Jewish quarter of Rome surrounded by Nazis, they are sent to Auschwitz October 16 U.S. 1st Army establishes headquarter in Bristol October 17 Liberators sink U-540 and U-631 October 18 U.S. bombing of Bougainville, Solomon Island October 19 Conference of foreign ministers in Moscow October 19 Theater Guild presentation of "Othello" opens at Shubert October 19 Yankee 2nd baseman Joe Gordon announces retirement (hates New York) October 23 1st Jewish transport out of Rome reaches camp Birkenau October 23 Burma railway opens October 24 Anti-nazi Clandestine Radio Soldatsender Calais begins transmitting October 25 Burma railroad completed and opens October 28 U-220 sinks October 29 3 allied officers escape out camp Stalag Luft 3 October 30 Italian director Federico Fellini marries actress Giulietta Masina October 30 Molotov-Eden-Cordell Hull accord over operations at UN October 30 Soviet forces under Tolbuchin stick Sivash-bay about October 31 Washington Redskin Sammy Baugh passes for 6 touchdowns vs Brooklyn (48-10) November 1 Dim-out ban lifted in San Francisco Bay area November 1 U.S. troops land on Bougainville Island on Solomon Island November 2 Jewish ghetto of Riga Latvia is destroyed November 3 Dmitri Sjostakovitch's 8th Symphony premieres in Moscow November 3 P-47D Thunderbolt shot down above North-Holland November 4 France arrests government of Lebanon November 5 Vatican bombed November 6 Russian troops land on Kertsj peninsula November 6 Soviet forces reconquer Kiev November 6 Stalin says: "The issue of German fascism is lost" November 7 Detroit Lions 0, New York Giants 0; last scoreless tie in NFL November 11 Spud Chandler wins AL MVP; Stan Musial wins NL MVP November 11 U.S. air raid on Rabaul November 12 Landwacht (NSB-political party) forms in Netherlands November 14 Chicago Bear Sid Luckman passes for 7 touchdowns vs New York Giants (56-7) November 14 J Postma, C Schalker, D Goulooze arrested for leading illegal CPN November 18 1st U.S. ambassador to Canada, Ray Atherton, nominated November 18 444 British bombers attack Berlin November 18 U-211 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 19 U-536 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 20 U-538 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 20 U.S. forces land on Tarawa and Makin Atoll in Gilbert Island November 21 7 Belgian ministers in London sentence King Leopold III November 22 FDR, Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek meet to discuss ways to defeat Japan November 22 Lebanon declares independence from French administration November 22 RAF begins air bombing of Berlin November 22 U.S. troops land on Abemada, Gilbert Island November 23 1st printing of illegal "Warheid" November 23 British Forces Broadcasting Service begins operation November 23 Phils owner William D. Cox is permanently banned from baseball for having bet on his own team November 23 U.S. forces take control of Tarawa, Gilbert Island and Makin from Japanese November 25 U-600 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 27 31st CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Flying Wildcats defeat Winn Bombers, 23-14 November 27 Conference of Teheran (Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin) November 28 FDR, Churchill and Stalin met at Tehran to map out strategy November 29 Partisan Tito forms temporary government in Jajce Bosnia November 29 U-86 sinks in Atlantic Ocean November 29 U.S. aircraft carrier Hornet launched December 1 FDR, Churchill and Stalin agree to Operation Overlord (D-Day) December 2 1st RSHA transport out of Vienna reaches Birkenau camp December 3 9th Heisman Trophy Award: Angelo Bertelli, Notre Dame (quarterback) December 3 Battle of Monte Cassino, Italy begins December 3 Howard Hanson's 4th Symphony, premieres December 3 Strike of Monte Cassino, Italy begins December 4 2nd conference of Cairo: FDR, Churchill and Turkish President Inonu December 4 Yugoslavian resistance forms provisionary government under Dr. Ribar December 5 NFL Philadelphia Eagle-Pitts Steeler merger disolves December 7 Cairo: president Roosevelt travels back to the US December 8 John Van Druten's "Voice of the Turtle," premieres in New York City December 10 British 8th Army occupies Orsogna/Ortona Italy December 13 150 U.S. Marauders bomb Schiphol December 16 "Tamiami Champion" trains collide, kills 73 and injures 200 December 17 Transport 63 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany December 19 Military coup in Bolivia December 20 "International" is no longer U.S.S.R. National Anthem December 22 Manufacturers get permission to use synthetic rubber for baseball core December 22 WEB Du Bois elected 1st black member, National Inst of Arts and Letters December 23 1st telecast of a complete opera (Hansel and Gretel), Schenectady, New York December 23 General Montgomery told he is appointed commandant for D-day December 24 Franklin D. Roosevelt appoints General Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces December 24 Terence Rattigan's "While the Sun Shines," premieres in London December 26 British sink German battle cruiser Scharnhorst December 26 Chicago Bears win NFL championship December 26 Earl Claus von Stauffenberg vain with bomb to Hitlers headquarter December 27 France transfers most of her powers in Lebanon to Lebanese government December 27 German warship "Scharnhorst" sinks in Barents Sea December 27 Montgomery discusses Overlord with Eisenhower and Bedell Smith December 28 All inhabitants of Kalmukkie deported, about 70,000 killed December 30 Phillies trade Babe Dahlgren to Pitts for Babe Phelps and cash December 31 New York City's Times Square greets Frank Sinatra at Paramount Theater