Main Range | Hiking, Wildlife & Nature | Britannica

Also called:
Central Range, or Buffalo Range

Main Range, mountain range in West Malaysia, the most prominent mountain group on the Malay Peninsula. Composed of granite with some patches of altered stratified rocks, the range extends southward for 300 miles (480 km) from the Thai border, with elevations rarely less than 3,000 feet (900 m) and some peaks exceeding 7,000 feet (2,100 m; high point Mount Korbu [Kerbau], or Buffalo Mountain, 7,162 feet [2,183 m]). The heavily forested range gives rise to the Perak and Pahang river systems. From the Negeri Sembilan area, its elevation diminishes until it abuts on the coastal plain in Melaka. Its western flanks contain the rich alluvial tin fields of Larut and the Kinta and Kelang (formerly Klang) valleys. In central Malaya there are extensions eastward, which culminate in Mount Tahan (7,175 feet [2,187 m]), the highest peak in the peninsula.