Harry Houdini on conjuring | Magic Tricks, Escapes & Illusions | Britannica
Even a superficial reading of this article and its bibliography, written by the magician Harry Houdini for the 13th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (1926), conveys the inescapable conclusion that Houdini’s view of the topic was focused on two matters. The first was the debunking of the then-fashionable spiritualists. The second was Houdini. In failing to name even a single previous practitioner of his art, Houdini showed less grace than had his predecessor, John Nevil Maskelyne, whose article for the 10th edition had been similarly structured—partly on spiritualism, mostly on Maskelyne.
Advancement in conjuring is mainly to be measured in the improved manner of achieving the limited number of effects possible to the art. These are, chiefly, apparent creation; destruction and restoration; disappearance (“evanishment”); surprising transformations; substitutions; transportation (“apporting”) and similar acts seemingly done in defiance of natural laws.
The decapitation act (involving the apparent severance of the left arm, left leg or head of a man), introduced by Dr. Lynn in 1874 under the title of “Palingenesia,” was revived, and a variation presented in the form of “sawing a woman in half.” The effects depend on optical illusions and mechanical principles cleverly utilised. Among acts done in apparent defiance of the law of gravitation is that known as “Asrah,” which involves the disappearance of a floating form and its reappearance.
Houdini’s Performances
The most radical development in conjuring in the present century is the series of sensational escapes which have been devised or developed by Houdini. His success depends partly on his great physical strength and the fact that he is slightly bow-legged. In an outdoor exhibition he allowed himself to be suspended, head down, some 75 ft. above the ground, in which position he freed himself from a straight jacket previously fastened upon him. The release is accomplished by first gaining slack of about two inches at the shoulder. Another remarkable act is that from the so-called “Chinese water torture cell.” The “cell” is a metal-lined mahogany tank having a front of plate glass. This tank is filled with water, into which Houdini is lowered head first, his feet being fastened in stocks, that is, a mahogany cover in two sections, brass-bound. When he is submerged, the cover is padlocked on the tank, which is enclosed in a curtained cabinet. By his unaided effort he effects an escape within the space of two minutes.
In his “overboard act” he is shackled with irons and placed in a box, which is locked, roped and weighted. The box is then submerged from a boat, to which he returns after freeing himself under water. The “milk-can escape” involves the use of a trick can. The top is locked to an outer section, which envelops the inner can containing the liquid. A simple lifting movement puts the operator safe from harm and makes escape easy. Other sensational effects produced include the “evanishment” of an elephant from a cabinet situated in the centre of a fully-lighted stage and the so-called “Hindu needle trick,” in which upwards of 100 needles and several yards of thread are apparently swallowed, and afterwards withdrawn from the mouth with the needles threaded at intervals.
Mind Reading
Logically classifiable under conjuring are those effects produced through natural means by many so-called spirit mediums and mind readers. The mortality of the World War quickened interest in psychic phenomena and thereby opened a frequently lucrative field for clever charlatans. A noted performer claimed a vision able to penetrate metal, reading the time through a closed watch case and deciphering messages placed in a closed metal box. It was subsequently shown that his power depended on normal vision, view of the objects being obtained by such adroit handling of the object that he was able to obtain a glimpse of the contents. A medium, “Eva” of Paris, attracted much attention by her ability, in suitable surroundings, to emit and reabsorb “ectoplasm,” the movement of which, on investigation, was shown to be obstructed when a veil was placed over her mouth.
Another notable instance was that of “Margery” (Mrs. Crandon of Boston), whose acts of levitation, bell ringing and other phenomena, ostensibly through a spirit, “Walter,” were investigated in 1924 by a committee on which were psychologists from Harvard and other universities and shown to be reproducible by natural means. Among other effects commonly produced by mediums are slate writing, spirit photography and the revelation of information of which the medium is presumably unaware. The devices for securing these effects by natural means are very numerous, many of them requiring great adroitness of mind as well as much mechanical ingenuity.
A. Plate and H. Hatton, Magician Tricks (1910); W. Goldston, Exclusive Secrets; N. Maskelyne and D. Devant, Our Magic (1911); L. Hoffmann, Latest Magic (1918); H. Houdini, A Magician among the Spirits (1924).
Harry Houdini