The Canadian Academy of Engineering / L’Académie canadienne du génie

The Future of Engineering Committee

Since the establishment of the Future of Engineering Committee (FEC) our overarching objective has been to enhance the profile of engineering in Canada and amplify the visibility and recognition of the CAE.

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Greenhouse gases

Canada’s Challenge; Mitigating GHG Emissions

The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act (NZEAA) enshrines in legislation the Government of Canada’s commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Act also establishes a requirement to set national emissions reduction targets at five year intervals, ten years in advance. Each target will require credible, science-based emissions reduction plans for achieving the targets.

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Solar farm

Adapting to Global Warming – Climate Change the Here and Now

The world is already at about 10C warmer than when compared to the pre-industrial average. If all pledges made at the recent COP 26th meeting in Glasgow come to pass, the world is on course for warming to an estimated 2.10C  by 2100. Canadian Engineers should be aware that warming in Canada is, on average, about double the magnitude of the average of global warming.

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