About Campus Greens

Campus Greens are students, faculty, and staff of America's colleges, universities, and high schools, and Campus Greens act in solidarity with the Ten Key Values of the Green Party:

Social Justice
Community-Based Economics
Future Focus
Personal and Global Responsibility
Respect for Diversity
Grassroots Democracy
Ecological Wisdom
Use of Alternative energy where possible

Vision Statements
As presented by each Key Value Working Group at the Campus Greens Founding Convention on August 12, 2001.

Community Based Economics

Campus Greens will serve the needs of our community in a capacity specifically developed around issues of local concern. On-campus Green organizational initiatives can serve their community further by organizing forums and grassroots action, addressing local concerns, and offering organizational resources and support. We will stop and roll-back the corporate privatization of our campuses and communities, while encouraging our schools to buy local products. We will work to attain a living wage for all workers and to support on-campus labor (organized, unorganized, and organizing). We will utilize any and all available media to further the advancement of socially conscious economic progress that encourages economic empowerment of our local communities. We will retain our commitment to attaining a radical, progressive restructuring of local, national, and global economic power.


Campus Greens wish to integrate students, faculty, and staff into the decision making processes on their campuses. We must work to reduce apathy by educating fellow students on Green issues and by encouraging student activism. We must unite campus communities with local neighborhood communities. We, as empowered students, must work to promote and instate environmentally sustainable campus policies and practices.
Ecological Wisdom

Campus Greens recognize the interconnectedness of the global environment and the necessity of ecological wisdom. The Campus Greens advocate for the incorporation of environmental education into curricula, institutional policies and practices, and grassroots education. We advocate education, awareness, and implementation of clean and efficient energy, on and off campus. The Campus Greens advocate for environmentally sound use of campus facilities and grounds. We advocate reduction, reuse and recycling in all aspects of campus and community life. The Campus Greens will provide a holistic collection of resources and a communication network needed to facilitate the distribution of these resources. We will hold accountable all individuals and institutions for the ecological and environmental consequences of their actions and inactions. An institutional commitment to these will provide for the sustainability of our campuses, communities, and the world.


We must break down the prejudices that our patriarchal society places between men and women, and build a culture that recognizes the inherent dignity and equality of all humans in terms of its language, standards, and consumer power.

We must create a safe and secure environment in all facets of society that is free from violence, dominance, and control through outreach, education, and law enforcement.

We must establish strong networks of political and social organizations to help these institutions that have been neglected in the pursuit of gender equality through combined action, shared information, and other means of communication.

We demand an atmosphere that provides education, accessibility, and support for people regardless of gender within all health issues including reproductive choices, personal safety, and quality universal health care.

We must provide all human beings the economical, social, and political tools [which] they need to achieve their full potential by equal representation and compensation in all aspects of society while always [being] aware of individual toils they have endured.

Future Focus

We should always consider the impact of their actions on future generations in all decisions. We should lead our lives in a manner that allows future generations to live a life of better quality.

We should strive to educate people about government structure and policy, and encourage them to take an active role in effecting government change.

We should strive to inform the public of world events, the results of current policies, and act to implement new policies emphasizing our vision.

We will work to promote thinking about alternative raw materials and change systems of education to accept alternative measurements of industrial progress.We will scrutinise consumer and business gas prices per KWH and keep students and public , alike up to date with grwoing trens in energy use

We should strive to create new economic opportunities and end exploitation of disenfranchised groups.

We should strive to create self-sufficient campuses and communities. Issues of economic and environmental justice should be in the forefront of planning for the future.

Grassroots Democracy

We must empower students to bring the revolution of Green politics to their campuses and communities by equipping them with the skills and resources necessary for effective organizing and action.

We must ensure that all students participate in power and have a voice in decision making on their campuses.

We must enact meaningful electoral reform.

We must become the change we seek through commitment to internal democracy.

We must build partnerships with Green locals and other like-minded organizations.


We must live in a way consistent with non-violent principles in order to eradicate violence. The principles of non-violence must be emphasized at an early age through formal education of children and encouraged from within their own home.

We must eliminate campus relationships with institutions that sponsor violence, emphasize peace studies in curricula, and through education and positive action, end rape and domestic abuse.

We must revolutionize the media in order to create responsible portrayal of violence. Campus Greens shall pursue strategies of non-violent protest and enforced through political pressure to reduce armaments universally.

Personal and Global Responsibility

Using the resources and capabilities of all Campus Greens, we aim to promote the dissemination of information concerning global affairs and the role of the United States in them, to inspire responsible consumerism and to demand participation in determining the university's corporate policies, to set a positive example of Global Conscience through local leadership, and to extend that leadership into national politics and all levels of governance.

Respect for Diversity

Campus Greens believe a diverse community benefits all community members. We are devoted to creating a climate of safety and respect for everyone on campus and in the community-at-large. The Campus Greens will work to ensure equity and fairness for all campus and community members. We will actively support the development of Ethnic Studies programs. With the help of members of their student bodies, we will work to establish chapters at all educational institutions. These include demographically specialized campuses, such as predominantly minority, women, and people with special needs. We will reach out to our campuses and communities to encourage diversity and respect. The CG and its member chapters will build local and national coalitions that promote and respect diversity.

Social Justice

Campus Greens strive toward a national community in which social justice and consciousness are emphasized. We must increase and improve education and awareness for all people on issues pertinent to their communities and what can be done to affect change. Through environmental and lifestyle education, the Campus Greens will promote holistic awareness and better quality of life. We must encourage personal and community involvement in local and global issues by defeating the divisiveness inherent in gender and spiritual discrimination, homophobia, xenophobia, and racism. We seek to empower individuals to utilize their First Amendment rights to the fullest extent. We will work toward[s] improved student interaction with administration to foster a cooperative forum for campus decision-making. By eliminating obstacles to financial aid, we hope to expand educational opportunities to all people regardless of background or experience. We as Campus Greens will pursue socially responsible policy and ethical decision-making by promoting a living wage and respectable housing and working conditions.