Hard to Find Cary Grant Videos - The Ultimate Cary Grant Pages


The Ultimate Cary Grant Pages -



Set includes TWO Cary movies never before available on DVD:

Complete collection includes: The Cheat / Merrily We Go to Hell / Hot Saturday / Torch Singer / Murder at the Vanities / Search for Beauty

Warner Brothers has opened their archives -
SIX Cary Grant movies are now available for purchase!

Crisis - now available from the Warner Brothers Archives

Dream Wife - now available from the Warner Brothers Archives Mr Lucky - now available from the Warner Brothers Archives


Dream Wife Mr. Lucky

Once Upon a Honeymoon - now available from the Warner Brothers Archives Room For One More - now available from the Warner Brothers Archives Toast of New York - now available from the Warner Brothers Archives
Once Upon a Honeymoon Room For One More Toast of New York

For any movie you cannot find commercially: 

Note:  These movies are NOT commercial releases and have never, to my knowledge, been released commercially.  The quality of sound and picture varies from great to not great at all.  BUT these are, to date, the best quality of these rare movies that I've found.  

Welcome to Cheryl Trahan

A message from Cheryl:  "I have thought about it for a while and have finally come to a decision. I know that all of us will miss Bruce and his generous nature in making sure that Cary movies stay alive by ensuring that everyone who wanted copies could get them at a reasonable price.

If anyone is interested, I will attempt to provide the same service, at least for a while.  I have all of the hard-to-find movies (on VHS and DVD-R).   I also have a wide variety of miscellaneous Cary Grant bits and pieces. The cost is $12 for either one - which includes postage."

Email Cheryl at:

Farewell to Bruce Rudesill
July 27, 2005

Many years ago, I was very blessed to discover Bruce,
A gentleman whose love of classic movies outshone my own.
As a service to those of us who desired long-lost Cary Grant classics,
He was willing to share his collection;
Thrilled that these movies would live on,
And be enjoyed in private video libraries of movie lovers.

Bruce was my hero.  For years he supplied so many of you with long lost films.  Some of the people I sent to him had deep sentimental attachments to the films they were seeking.  They would have paid anything just to get their hands on a beloved, lost film.  Bruce could have fleeced them good.  He never did.  He charged barely enough to cover the cost of the tape, envelope & postage.  Certainly not enough for the trouble it took him to locate the film and copy it.  Bruce told me many years ago that his purpose was to get these old films out to as many collectors and fans as possible.  "The more hands these rare films are in, the less chance there is that they'll be lost forever."  It was never about the money.  He was practicing his own brand of film preservation.  

The world is a better place because Bruce was here. 

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