General Information
- Type of Jurisdiction: Diocese
- Name Changed: 23 May 1861
- Metropolitan: Archdiocese of Liverpool
- Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops
- Rite: Latin (or Roman)
- Country: England
- Region: Great Britain
- Square Kilometers: 8,722 (3,368 Square Miles)
- Description: Counties of Durham, Northumberland, with Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Darlington, Gateshead, Hartlepool, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, and Stockton-on-Tees (N of River Tees).
- Official Web Site:
- Mailing Address: St. Vincents Diocesan Offices, St. Cuthberts House, West Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 7PY, England, Great Britain
- Telephone: (0191)228-0003
- Fax: 274-0432