Yayutang cangshu 雅雨堂藏書 (

  • ️Ulrich Theobald

Yayutang cangshu 雅雨堂藏書 "Library of the Hall of the Rain of Elegance" is a series of collectanea (congshu 叢書) compiled by the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) scholar Lu Jianceng 盧見曾 (1690-1768). It includes 13 books with a total length of 138 juan.

Lu Jianceng, courtesy name Baojing 抱經, style Yayu 雅雨, hailed from Dezhou 德州 (modern Dezhou, Shandong), and earned the jinshi degree in 1721. He was salt distribution commissioner (yanyunshi 鹽運使) of Liang-Huai 兩淮 and owned a fortune sufficient to attract scholars and retainers in his mansion. He published a collection of calligraphy models of bronze and stone inscriptions called Jinshi sanli 金石三例. His collected writings are the Chusai ji 出塞集.

For each book in the Yayutang cangshu, Li Jiancheng provided a short preface describing the text. The series is enriched by notes of the scholars Qian Qianyi 錢謙益 (1582-1664), Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (1629-1709) and Wang Shizhen 王士禎 (1634-1711). The texts had been selected because they were rare books at that time and at the same time reliable versions of a very high quality. A large part of the books are commentaries and critical notes to ancient writings, like Gao You's 高誘 (d. 212) commentary on the Zhanguoce 戰國策 or Lu Deming's 陸德明 (c. 550-630) phonetic comments to the Yijing 易經.

The Yayutang cangshu was printed in 1756 by the compiler himself. Today, it is a widespread series owned by many libraries.

Table 1. The series Yayutang cangshu 雅雨堂藏書
(Qing) 盧見曾 Lu Jianceng (comp.)
1756 edition by Master Lu from Dezhou 德州盧氏
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
李氏易傳 十七卷
(附)周易音義 一卷
Lishi yizhuan
Zhouyi yinyi
(Tang) 李鼎祚 Li Dingzuo; 陸德明 Lu Deming (comm.)
鄭氏周易 三卷 Zhengshi Zhouyi (Han) 鄭玄 Zheng Xuan; (Song) 王應麟 Wang Yinglin (comp.)
周易爻辰圖 一卷 Zhouyi yaochen tu (Qing) 惠棟 Hui Dong
鄭司農集 一卷 Zheng sinong ji (Han) 鄭玄 Zheng Xuan
周易乾鑿度 二卷 Zhouyi qianzao du (Han) 鄭玄 Zheng Xuan
尚書大傳 四卷
(附)補遺 一卷
續補遺 一卷
考異 一卷
Shangshu dazhuan
app. Buyi
Xu buyi
(Han) 伏勝 Fu Sheng; 鄭玄 Zheng Xuan (comm.); (Qing) 盧文弨 Lu Wenchao (comm.)
大戴禮記注 十三卷 Da Dai Liji zhu (Northern Zhou) 盧辯 Lu Bian
戰國策 三十三卷 Zhanguoce (Han) 高誘 Gao You (comm.)
匡謬正俗 八卷 Kuangmiu zhengsu (Tang) 顏師古 Yan Shigu
摭言 (唐摭言) 十五卷 Zhiyan (Tangzhiyan) (Southern Han) 王定保 Wang Dingbao
北夢瑣言 二十卷 Beimeng suoyan (Song) 孫光憲 Sun Guangxian
封氏聞見記 十卷 Fengshi wenjian ji (Tang) 封演 Feng Yan
文昌雜錄 六卷
補遺 一卷
Wenchang zalu
(Song) 龐元英 Pang Yuanying


Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 2078.

Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol. 1, 132.