Comichron: Ghost Rider Vol. 1 Sales Figures

  • ️Sun Oct 01 2079
  1. Title Spotlights
  2. Ghost Rider Vol. 1

Circulation as Reported in Publishers' Statements of Ownership
Filed with the United States Postal Service

Marvel had previously published a title by this name in 1967 as a western; this incarnation was much different, merging motorcycle action with the occult. Ghost Rider was one of several darker titles released by Marvel in the 1970s. Riding (no pun intended) that wave, the title went from bimonthly to monthly in December 1979.

Sales for the series gently declined until 1983, when it ceased publication. A revival in the comics boom of the early 1990s brought the title to higher circulation levels: click to see the sales for Ghost Rider Vol. 2.

—John Jackson Miller

Issue Statement appearing in:#42 March
Date of filing:10/1/79
Issues published during year:12
Annual subscription price:5
Cover price during year:$0.40
Total Copies PRINTED (avg):277,030
Sales through DEALERS (avg):134,549
Sales by SUBSCRIPTION (avg):558
Total PAID circulation (avg):135,107
Samples by MAIL (avg):560
Samples OUTSIDE mail (avg):0
Total FREE circulation (avg):560
Copies not distributed (office):1,066
Copies not distributed (RETURNS):140,297
Reported % Paid/Requested:
% of RUN RETURNED:50.6%
Copies existent:136,733
Issue Statement appearing in:#55 April#67 April#81 June
Date of filing:10/1/8010/1/8110/11/82
Issues published during year:121212
Annual subscription price:677
Cover price during year:$0.50$0.60$0.60
Total Copies PRINTED (avg):279,576273,048271,143
Sales through DEALERS (avg):131,014119,266115,348
Sales by SUBSCRIPTION (avg):1,1151,9612,421
Total PAID circulation (avg):132,129121,227117,769
Samples by MAIL (avg):576526640
Samples OUTSIDE mail (avg):00
Total FREE circulation (avg):576526640
TOTAL DISTRIBUTION:132,705121,753118,409
Copies not distributed (office):2,1362,2232,005
Copies not distributed (RETURNS):144,735149,072150,729
Reported % Paid/Requested:
% of RUN RETURNED:51.8%54.6%55.6%
Copies existent:134,841123,976120,414
SELL-THROUGH at RETAIL:47.3%44.4%43.4%

Statement history
As was the practice at Marvel, no Statements appeared in the title for the first few years of its run. The final Statement, for 1982, appeared in the very last issue of the series.

This record is now complete, with all Statements having been found.

Understanding Statements of Ownership
The figures above are taken directly from the annual Statements of Ownership, Management, and Circulation filed by publishers with the United States Postal Service. The sales figure is the Average Paid Circulation figure and includes all copies sold through newsstands, comics shops, and postal subscription. It does not count copies the publisher gave away for free, or copies that were kept for office use.

More information can be found in the FAQ section.

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