Constitutional Examinations
Constitutional Examinations
on Government, History, and Law
The following exams were created using a product called Hot Potatoes (yes, it's really named that!). To take them your browser needs to support the version of DHTML used, which means MS Internet Explorer 4 or 6, and Netscape 4, but not Netscape 6 or 7, nor Mozilla up to 1.5. JavaScript needs to be enabled in your browser's Preferences. To see the reading material you need to be connected to the Internet and be able to access the Constitution Society web site at, otherwise you will get error messages that won't prevent you from taking the exams, but you won't be able to read the material you are being examined on. Needless to say, these exams are very much under construction, so don't expect too much for a while. However, we welcome constructive suggestions. See Guidelines for preparing examinations. Send comments to [email protected] .
We are also working on our own web-based training software. See Specifications for a Web-Based Training System.
- Adoption of U.S. Constitution
- U.S. Bill of Rights — Unscramble
- U.S. Constitution: General Rights, Powers, and Duties — 01
- U.S. Constitution: Jury Rights, Powers, and Duties — 01
- Constitutional Reforms — 01