Constitution Society – Advocates and enforcers of the U.S. and State Constitutions

Thomas Jefferson

The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organization dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. It publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organizes local citizens groups to work for reform.

This organization was founded in response to the growing concern that noncompliance with the Constitution for the United States of America and most state constitutions is creating a crisis of legitimacy that threatens freedom and civil rights. Although the focus here is on government in the United States, coverage also includes the rest of the world, and private as well as public organizations. We maintain that the principles of constitutional republicanism are universal, and applicable to all nations, although not well understood or upheld by most. We also examine the related principles of federalism and nomocracy, the rule of law, of nomology, the science of law, and show how those principles are applicable to solving the fundamental problem of avoiding excessive or unbalanced concentrations of power.

The Constitution Society website aims to provide everything one needs to accurately decide:
-What applicable constitutions require those in government to do or not do.
-What is or is not constitutional at both state and federal levels.
-Precisely under what circumstances constitutional rights can be voluntarily surrendered by the human beings protected by it.
-The limitations, if any, that geography places on the protections of the constitution, statutory codes, the common law, and natural law.
-When and how the protections of the common law or natural law are surrendered or need not be recognized or enforced by a specific court.
-The relationship of absolutely owned private property to constitutional rights.
-When and how absolutely owned private property protected by the Bill of Rights can lawfully be converted to public property in which the government shares a qualified property interest (moiety), a usufruct, or any degree of lawful CIVIL control.

It is therefore for constitutional decision support so that human beings will know how to invoke its protections in a judicial and legal setting in all their interactions with their regional governments. You can’t love freedom without loving to learn and know and enforce the constitution.

We have a stardot.gif Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics stardot.gif collection that should be of interest to anyone seeking guidance on constitutional interpretation.

To learn the Basics, we feature the follow resources on our site, also available from the Education menu above:

Basic PrinciplesCommentaryConstitutional DefenseFounding DocumentsImages
Jurisdiction and Due ProcessLiberty Library of Constitutional ClassicsPublic EducationPublications
ReferencesRights, Powers and DutiesSelection & RemovalUnity and Federalism

1. Local Search Engines– Looking for something in particular?

2. Constitutional Examinations– Want to test your knowledge?(but they are at a very early stage of development, so don’t expect too much for a while).

3. What you can do to help– If you benefited from your visit, please donate to keeping this site going. No amount is too small. Can you spare a dollar? Then send it! There’s plenty of money for violating the Constitution, precious little for defending it.  Zelle Donation Email Address: treasurer(AT) 

4. Awards and Banners