Real-Time Systems at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hello and welcome to the homepage of the Real-Time Systems group at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Here you can find information on our group, important dates, information about our current projects (including our LITMUSRT system), and photos from conferences.
August 2016
Dissertation Defense
Bryan Ward successfully defended his dissertation, “Sharing Non-Processor Resources in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems.” Congratulations Bryan!
June 2016
Dissertation Defense
Zhishan Guo successfully defended his dissertation, “Real-Time Scheduling of Mixed-Critical Workloads Upon Platforms with Uncertainties.” Congratulations Zhishan!
April 2015
Dissertation Defense
Bipasa Chattopadhyay successfully defended her dissertation, “Integrating Pragmatic Constraints and Behaviors Into Real-Time Scheduling Theory.” Congratulations Bipasa!
March 2015
Dissertation Defense
Glenn Elliott successfully defended his dissertation, “Real-Time Scheduling of GPU’s with Applications in Advanced Automotive Systems, ” and has accepted a job at Tesla Motors. Congratulations Glenn!
December 2014
Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award
Sanjoy Baruah received the 2014 IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award. Congratulations Sanjoy!
July 2014
Dissertation Defense
Jeremy Erickson successfully defended his dissertation, “Managing Tardiness Bounds and Overload in Soft Real-Time Systems, ” and has accepted a job at Google. Congratulations Jeremy!
July 2013
Dissertation Defense
Cong Liu successfully defended his dissertation, “Efficient Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Complex Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems,” and has accepted a job as a tenure-track professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. Congratulations Cong!
July 2013
Kenan Distinguished Professor
Jim Anderson has been named a Kenan Distinguished Professor. Congratulations Jim!
April 2013
Dissertation Defense
Haohan Li successfully defended his dissertation, “Scheduling Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems,” and has accepted a job at Mathworks. Congratulations Haohan!
August 2012
Real-Time Linux Workshop
The 14th Real-Time Linux Workshop, which will be hosted at UNC by the Real-Time Systems Group, is only two and a half months away!
July 2012
Best Paper Award
Jeremy Erickson and James H. Anderson won the best paper award for their paper entitled “Fair Lateness Scheduling: Reducing Maximum Lateness In G-EDF-Like Scheduling” at the 24th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems in Pisa, Italy. Congratulations!