Tanenbaum, A.S.: Structured Computer Organization, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
First Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 443 pages, 1976.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall Int'l, Hemel, Hempstead, England, 443 pages, 1979.
- Book club: The Library of Computer and Infor. Sci. (MacMillan), NY, 443 pages.
- Taiwan: Kai Fai Book Co., Taipei, Taiwan, 443 pages, 1977.
- Spanish (Spain): Editorial del Castillo, Madrid, Spain.
- Polish: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw, Poland, 517 pages, 1980.
- Russian: MIR, Moscow, USSR, 547 pages, 1979.
Second Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 465 pages, 1984.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall Int'l, Hemel Hempstead, England, 465 pages, 1984.
- French: InterEditions, Paris, 476 pages, 1987.
- Dutch: Academic Service, 698 pages, 1990.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 507 pages, 1985.
- Brazilian: Prentice/Hall do Brasil, 430 pages, 1988.
Third Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 587 pages, 1990.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall Int'l, Hemel Hempstead, England, 587 pages, 1990.
- Chinese:
- Dutch: Academic Service, Schoonhoven, Holland, 698 pages
- French: Intereditions, 719 pages, 1991.
- Italian: Gruppo Editoriale Jackson, 613 pages, 1992.
- Japanese: Prentice Hall of Japan, 1992.
- Korean: Pan Korean Book Corp., 601 pages, 1991.
- Brazilian: Prentice/Hall do Brasil, 460 pages, 1992.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 658 pages, 1992.
- Basque: Servico Editorial Univ. del Pais Vasco, 659 pages, 1994.
Fourth Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 670 pages, 1999.
- Romanian: Agora, 624 pages, 1999.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 670 pages, 2000.
- Japanese: Pearson Education of Japan, 746 pages, 2000.
- Chinese: China Machine Press, 496 pages, 2001.
- French: Dunod, Paris, 638 pages, 2001.
- German: Pearson Studium, 772 pages, 2001.
- Brazilian: LTC Editora (Brazil), 398 pages, 2001.
- Hungarian: Panem, 718 pages, 2001.
- Russian: Inter, Moscow, 698 pages, 2002.
Fifth Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 778 pages, 2006.
- French: Pearson Education, 734 pages, 2005.
- Dutch: Pearson Education Benelux, 789 pages, 2005.
- German: Pearson Studium, 829 pages, 2006.
- English paperback: Pearson Int'l, 721 pages, 2006.
- Polish: Helion, 862 pages, 2006.
- Hungarian: Panem Konyvkiado Kft, 815 pages, 2006.
- Serbian: Mikro Kniga, 774 pages, 2007.
Sixth Edition (with Todd Austin):
- U.S. Prentice Hall, 769 pages, 2013.
Tanenbaum, A.S.: Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
First Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 517 pages, 1981.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall Int'l, Hemel, Hempstead, England, 517 pages, 1981.
- Bulgarian: Texnika, 424 pages, 1985.
- Chinese: 419 pages, 1984.
- Italian: Gruppo Editoriale Jackson, 509 pages, 1991.
- Korean: 1986.
- Polish: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw, Poland, 579 pages, 1988.
Second Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 658 pages, 1988.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall Int'l, Hemel Hempstead, England, 658 pages, 1988.
- Dutch: Academic Service, Schoonhoven, 777 pages, 1990.
- French: InterEditions, Paris, 806 pages, 1990.
- German: Wolfram's Fachverlag, 801 pages, 1990.
- Greek: PH Int'l, 870 pages, 1989.
- Hungarian: Novotrade Kiado Kft, 775 pages, 1992.
- Italian: Gruppo Editoriale Jackson, 733 pages, 1992.
- Korean: Simon & Schuster of Asia, 696 pages, 1992.
- Japanese: Maruzen Co., 760 pages, 1992.
- Brazilian: Editoria Campus, Brazil, 786 pages, 1994.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 759 pages, 1991.
- Hebrew: The Open University of Israel, 428 pages, 1994.
Third Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 813 pages, 1996.
- Thai: Prentice Hall of Indochina, 502 pages, 1996.
- Dutch: Academic Service, Schoonhoven, 847 pages, 1997.
- Romanian: Agora 766 pages, 1997.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 813 pages, 1997.
- Indonesian. Prentice Hall Asia: 217 pages (part 1), 1997.
- Polish. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 1997 707 pages: 1997.
- Italian: Utet Libreria, 766 pages, 1997.
- German: Prentice Hall Verlag GmbH, 847 pages, 1997.
- Hungarian: Panen, 885 pages, 1999.
- Japanese: Prentice Hall of Japan, 766 pages, 1999.
- Thai: Pearson Education Indochina, 502 pages, 1999.
- Greek: Papasotiriou, 1020, 2000.
- Russian: Piter, 846 pages, 2002.
- Basque: Servico Editorial Univ. del Pais Vasco, 861 pages, 2002.
- Korean: HanSan, Korea, 865 pages.
Fourth Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 892 pages, 2003.
- Dutch: Pearson Education Benelux, 894 pages, 2003.
- Spanish (Latin America): Pearson Educacion, Mexico, 892 pages, 2003.
- Greek: Klidarithmos, 1028 pages, 2004.
- French: Pearson Education, 908 pages, 2003.
- German: Pearson Studium, 949 pages, 2003.
- Romanian: Byblos, 779 pages, 2003.
- Japanese: Nikkei Business Publications, 848 pages, 2003.
- Russian: Piter, 992, 2003.
- Italian: Pearson Education Italia, 892 pages, 2003.
- Hungarian: Panen, 939 pages, 2004.
- Polish: Wydawnictwo Helion, 804 pages, 2004.
- Serbian: Mikro knjiga, 859 pages, 2005.
- Chinese
Fifth Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 938 pages, 2010.
- English paperback: Pearson Education International, 951 pages, 2011
- French: Pearson Education France, 958 pages, 2011.
- Italian: Pearson Italia, 874 pages, 2011.
- Chinese: Pearson Education Asia, 739 pages, 2012.
- Korean:
Tanenbaum, A.S.: Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
First Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 719 pages, 1987.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall Int'l, Hemel, Hempstead, England, 719 pages, 1987.
- Book Club: Library of Computer and Information Science, 719 pages, 1987.
- Dutch: Academic Service, Schoonhoven, 424 pages, 1991.
- French: Intereditions, Paris, France, 756 pages, 1989.
- German: Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 590 pages, 1990.
- Japanese: CUTT, Tokyo, Japan, 576 pages, 1988.
- Japanese: ASCII, Tokyo, Japan, 743 pages, 1989.
- Italian: Gruppo Editoriale Jackson, Milan, Italy, 835 pages, 1988.
- Portuguese:
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 741 pages, 1988.
- Spanish (Spain): Prentice Hall, Hemel, Hempstead, England, 761 pages, 1991.
Second Edition (with Albert S. Woodhull)
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 938 pages, 1997.
- Chinese: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 389 pages, 1997.
- Japanese: Prentice Hall of Japan, 1036 pages, 1998.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 939 pages, 1998.
- Brazilian: Bookman, 759 pages, 1999.
- Hungarian: Panem, 980 pages, 1999.
Third Edition (with Albert S. Woodhull)
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 1062 pages, 2006.
- Chinese: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 453 pages, 2006.
- Russian: Inter, 702 pages, 2007.
- Hungarian: Panem, 680 pages, 2007.
- Japanese: Pearson Education Japan, 1111 pages, 2007.
- Brazillian: 990 pages, 2008.
Tanenbaum, A.S.: Modern Operating Systems Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
First Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 728 pages, 1992.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 825 pages, 1993.
- German: Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 874 pages, 1994, 1995.
- French: InterEditions, 795 pages, 1994.
- Japanese: Toppan, Tokyo, 829 pages, 1995.
- Brazilian: Prentice Hall do Brasil, 493 pages, 1995.
- Korean: Hee Joong Dang, 780 pages, 1996.
- Dutch: Academic Service, 860 pages, 1996.
Second Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 952 pages, 2001.
- Italian: Jackson, Milan, 874 pages, 2002.
- German: Pearson Education Deutschland, 1021 pages, 2002.
- Korean: SciTech, Korea, 1014 pages, 2002.
- Spanish (Latin America): Pearson Educacion, Mexico, 952 pages, 2003.
- Russian: Piter, Moscow, 1037 pages, 2002.
- French: Pearson Education, Paris, 970 pages, 2003.
- Chinese: Prentice Hall Taiwan, 822 pages, 2003.
- Brazilian: Pearson Education Brazil, 695 pages, 2003.
- Romanian: Byblos, 2004.
- Japanese: Pearson Education Japan, 986 pages, 2004.
Third Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 1076 pages, 2008.
- French: Pearson Education France, 1052 pages, 2008.
- English paperback: Pearson Int'l, 1072 pages, 2009.
- English paperback (India), 1104 pages, 2008.
- Chinese: China Machine Press, 582 pages, 2009.
- English paperback: China Machine Press, 1076 pages, 2009.
- Mexican: Pearson Educacion, 1076 pages, 2009.
- German: Pearson Education Germany, 1239 pages, 2009.
- Italian: Pearson, 982 pages, 2009.
- Korean: Pearson, 1137 pages, 2009.
- Brazilian: Pearson Education do Brazil, 654 pages, 2010.
- Polish: Wydawnictwo Helion, 1286 pages, 2010.
Fourth Edition (with Herbert Bos):
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 1104 pages, 2015.
Tanenbaum, A.S.: Distributed Operating Systems, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
First Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 614 pages, 1995.
- Paperback: Prentice Hall, 614 pages, 1995.
- German: Prentice Hall Verlag GmbH, 704 pages, 1995.
- Spanish (Latin America): Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 617 pages, 1996.
- Japanese: Prentice Hall of Japan, 593 pages, 1996.
- Polish: Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 707 pages, 1997.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Steen, Maarten van: Distributed Systems, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
First Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 803 pages, 2002.
- German: Pearson Studium, Munich, 878 pages, 2003.
- Japanese: Pearson Education Japan, 822 pages, 2003?
- Russian: Piter Books, 876 pages, Moscow, 2003.
- Hungarian: Panem, 872 pages, 2004.
- Chinese: Pearson Education Asia, 424 pages, 2008.
- Polish: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw, 836 pages, 2006.
- English paperback (India): Pearson Education, 793 pages, 2007.
Second Edition:
- U.S.: Prentice Hall, 686 pages, 2007.
- Brazilian: Pearson Education do Brasil, 402 pages, 2007.
- Italian: Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori, 664 pages, 2007.
- Chinese: Pearson Education Asia, 490 pages, 2008.
- Japanese: Pearson Education Japan, 720 pages, 2009.
- Mexican: .
- Persian: .
- English paper back (India): Pearson Education .
Refereed Papers
Giuffrida, C., Iorgulescu, C., Tamburrelli, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Automating Live Update for Generic Server Programs,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
vol. 43, pp. 207-225, March 2017.
Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Brief Introduction to Distributed Systems,
Computing, doi:10.1007/s00607-016-0508-7
Spinger, 2016.
Hruby, T, Giuffrida, C, Sambus, L., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A NEaT Design for Reliable and Scalable Network Stacks
CoNext '16,
pp. 359-373,
Kouwe, E. van der, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
HSFI: Representative Fault Injection Scalable to Large Code Bases,
Dependable Systems and Networks,
Bhat, K., Vogt, D., Kouwe, E. van der, Gras, B., Sambuc, L., Tanenbaum, A.S., Bos, H., and Giuffrida, C.:
OSIRIS: Efficient and Consistent Recovery of Copartmentalized Operating Systems,
Dependable Systems and Networks,
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Lessons Learned from 30 Years of MINIX,
Communications of the ACM ,
pp. 70-78, March 2016.
Miraglia, A., Vogt, D., Bos, H., Tanenbaum, A., and Giuffrida, C.:
Peeking into the Past: Efficient Checkpoint-Assisted Time-Traveling Debugging,
Proc. 27th IEEE Int'l Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering,
pp. 455-466, 2016.
Kouwe, E. van der., Giuffrida, C., Ghitulete, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Methodology to Efficiently Compare Operating System Stability,
Proc. 16th Int'l Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering,
IEEE, 2015.
Vogt, D., Giuffrida, C., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Lightweight Memory Checkpointing,
Dependable Systems and Networks,
pp. 474-484, 2015.
Vogt., D., Miraglia, A., Porotkalidis, G., Bos, H., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Giuffrida, C.:
Speculative Memory Checkpointing,
Middleware 2015,
pp. 197-209, 2015.
Moolenbroek, D.C., Appuswamy, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Putting the Pieces Together: The Construction of a Reliable Virtualizing Object-Based Storage Stack,
Proc. of the Second Int'l Symp. on Computing and Networking Across Practical Development and Theoretical Research
Dec. 2014.
Giuffrida, Iorgulescu, C., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Mutable checkpoint-restart: automating live update for generic server programs,
Middleware 2014,
pp. 133-144, 2014.
Kouwe, E. van der, Giuffrida, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Finding Fault with Fault Injection: An Empirical Exploration of Distortion in Fault Injection Experiments,
Software Quality Journal ,
pp. 1-30, Nov. 2014.
Hruby, T., Crivat, T., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
On Sockets and System Calls: Minimizing Context Switches for the Socket API,
Proc. Conf. on Timely Results in Operating Systems ,
Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Towards a Flexible, Lightweight Virtualization Alternative,
Proc. Seventh Int'l Systems and Storage Conf.,
Hruby, T., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Scheduling of Multiserver System Components on Over-provisioned Multicore Systems,
Proc. Fourth Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures,
Kouwe, E. van der, Giuffrida, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
On the Soundness of Silence: Investigating Silent Failures Using Fault Injection Experiments,
Proc. 10th European Dependable Computing Conf.,
Kouwe, E. van der, Giuffrida, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Evaluating Distortion in Fault-Injection Experiments,
Proc. 15th IEEE Int'l Symp. on High Assurance Systems Eng.,
2014 (Best Paper Award).
Hruby, T., Bos, H.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Towards Optimal Scheduling of Multiserver System Components,
Proc. Workshop on Managing Overprovisioned Systems,
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Santhanam, S., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
File-Level, Host-Side Flash Caching with Loris,
Proc. 19th Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Battling Bad Bits with Checksums in the Loris Page Cache,
Proc. Sixth Latin American Symposium on Dependable Computing,
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Cache, Cache Everywhere, Flushing All Hits Down the Sink: On Exclusivity in Multilevel, Hybrid Caches,
Proc. of the 29th IEEE Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies,
pp. 1-14, 2013.
Vogt, D., Giuffrida, C., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Techniques for Efficient In-memory Checkpointing,
Proc. of the Ninth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability,
Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Transaction-Based Process Crash Recovery of File System Namespace Modules,
Proc. Pacific Rim Int'l Symp. of Dependable Computing,
Hruby, T., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Heterogeneous Multicores: When Slower is Faster,
Proc. Third Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures,
Giuffrida, C., Kuijsten, A., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
EDFI: A Dependable Fault Injection Tool of Dependability Benchmarking Experiments,
Proc. Pacific Rim Int'l Symp. of Dependable Computing,
Giuffrida, C., Cavallaro, L., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Practical Automated Vulnerability Monitoring Using Program State Invariants,
Proc. 43rd Int'l Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks,
pp. 1-12, 2013.
Giuffrida, C., Iorgulescu, C., Kuijsten, A., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Back to the Future: Fault-tolerant Live Update with Time-traveling State Transfer,"
Proc. LISA 2013,
USENIX, 2013 (Best student paper award).
Giuffrida, C., Kuijsten, A., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Safe and Automatic Live Update for Operating Systems,
Proc. ASPLOS 2013,
ACM, pp. 279-292, 2013.
Hruby, T., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
When Slower Is Faster: on Heterogeneous Multicores for Reliable Systems,"
Proc. Ann. Tech. Conf.,
USENIX, pp. 255-266, 2013.
Hruby, T., Vogt, D., Bos, H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Keep Net working - on a Dependable and Fast Networking Stack,
Proc. Dependable Systems and Networks,
IEEE, pp. 1-12, 2012.
Giuffrida, C., Kuijsten, A. and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Enhanced Operating System Security Through Efficient and Fine-grained Address Space Randomization,
Proc. of the 21st USENIX Security Symposium,
Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R. and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Integrated System and Process Crash Recovery in the Loris Storage Stack,
Proc. of the Seventh IEEE International Conf. on Networking, Architecture, and Storage,
IEEE, 2012.
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Integrating Flash-based SSDs into the Storage Stack,
Proc. of the 28th IEEE Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies,
IEEE, 2012.
Giuffrida, C. and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Safe and Automated State Transfer for Secure and Reliable Live Update,
Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades,
Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Integrated End-to-End Dependability in the Loris Storage Stack,
Proc. Hot Topics in Dependability,
pp. 1-10, 2011.
Van Heuven van Staereling, R., Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Efficient, Modular Metadata Management with Loris,
Proc. Sixth IEEE Int'l Conf. on Networking, Arch. And Storage,
pp. 278-287, 2011/
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Flexible, Modular File Volume Virtualization with Loris,
IEEE Symp. on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies,
pp. 1-14, 2011.
Bos, H.J., Cavallaro, L., and Tanenbaum, A.:
System Security at VU University Amsterdam,
Proc. Syssec,
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Block-level RAID is Dead,
Proc. Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems,
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Loris - A Dependable, Modular File-Based Storage Stack,
Proc. 16th Pacific Rim Int'l Symp. on Dependable Computing,
pp. 165-174, 2010.
Giuffrida, C., Cavallaro, L., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
We Crashed. Now What?
Proc. Sixth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability,
pp. 1-8, 2010.
Paul, N., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Design of a Trustworthy Voting System,
Proc. Ann. Comp. Security Appl. Conf.,
pp. 507-517, 2009.
Giuffrida, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Cooperative Update: A New Model for Dependable Live Update,
Second ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades,
pp. 1-6, 2009.
Noordende, G.J. van 't, Overeinder, B.J., Timmer, R.J., Brazier, F.M.T., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Constructing Secure Mobile Agent Systems Using the Agent Operating System,
Int. J. Intelligent Information and Database Systems,
vol. 3, pp. 363-381, 2009.
Mancina, A., Herder, J.N., Gras, B., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Lipari, G.:
Enhancing a Dependable Multiserver Operating System with Temporal Protection via Resource Reservation,
Real-Time Systems,
vol. 43, pp-177-210, 2009.
Herder, J.N., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R., Wu, B., Gras, B, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Dealing with Driver Failures in the Storage Stack,
Proc. Fourth Latin American Symposium on Dependable Computing,
pp. 119-126, 2009 (Best Paper award).
Mitrokotsa, K., Rieback, M.R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Classifying RFID Attacks and Defenses,
Information Systems Frontiers,
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Fault Isolation for Device Drivers,
Proc. Dependable Systems and Networks 2009,
pp. 33-42, 2009.
Paul, N., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Trustworthy Voting: From Machine to System,
IEEE Computer,
pp. 23-29, May 2009.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Countering IPC Threats in Multiserver Operating Systems,
Proc. 2008 Pacific Rim Int'l Symp. on Dependable Computing,
pp. 112-121, 2008.
Nair, S.K., Gheorghe, G., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Enforcing DRM Policies Across Applications,
Proc. Eighth ACM DRM Workshop,
pp. 87-94, 2008.
Mitrokotsa, A., Rieback, M., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Classification of RFID Attacks,
Proc. Int'l Workshop on RFID Technology,
pp. 73-86, 2008.
Mancina, A., Herder, J.N., Gras, B., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Lipari, G.:
Enhancing a Dependable Multiserver Operating System with Temporal Protection via Resource Reservation,
Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. on Real-Time and Network Systems,
pp. 41-50, 2008 (Best Paper Award).
Nair, S.K., Zentveld, E., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Floodgate: A Micropayment Incentivized P2P Content Delivery Network,
Proc. 17th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Comp. Commun. and Networks,
pp. 1-7, 2008.
Nair, S.K., Simpson, P.N.D., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Virtual Machine Based Information Flow Control System for Policy Enforcement,
Proc. First Int'l Workshop on Run Time Enforcement for Mobile and Distributed Systems,
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Sci., vol. 197, no. 1,
pp. 3-16, 2008.
Nair, S.K., Gerrits, R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Turning Teenagers into Stores,
IEEE Computer,
vol. 41, pp. 58-62, Feb. 2008.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
RFID Crimeware,
Crimeware: New Attacks and Defenses,
Addison-Wesley, 2007.
Noordende, G.J., Overeinder, B.J., Timmer, R.J., Brazier, F.M.T., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Common Base for Building Secure Mobile Agent Middleware Systems,
Proc. Int'l Multiconf. on Computer Science and Information Tech.,
Noordende, G. van 't, Balogh, A., Hofman, R., Brazier, F.M.T., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Secure Jailing System for Confining Untrusted Applications,
Proc. Second Int'l Conf. on Security and Cryptography,
pp. 414-423, 2007.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Bakker, A.:
Design and Implementation of a Secure Wide-Area Object Middleware,
Computer Networks,
vol. 51, pp. 2484-2513, 2007.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Failure Resilience for Device Drivers,
Proc. Dependable Systems and Networks 2007,
pp. 41-50, 2007 (Best Paper award).
Nair, S.K., Dash, M.T., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Hybrid PKI-IBC Based Ephemerizer System,
Proc. IFIP Security 2007,
pp. -???, 2007.
Noordende, G. van 't, Brazier, F.M.T., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Guarding Security Sensitive Content using Confined Mobile Agents,
Proc. ACM Symp. on Applied Computing,
pp. 48-55, 2007.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Construction of a Highly Dependable Operating System,
Proc. Sixth EDCC,
pp. 3-12, Oct. 2006.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Reorganizing UNIX for Reliability,
Proc. 11th ACSAC,
pp. 81-94, Sep. 2006.
Also in LNCS 4186/2006.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
RFID Malware: Truth vs. Myth,
IEEE Security and Privacy,
vol. 4, pp. 70-72, July/Aug. 2006.
Rieback, M.R., Simpson, P.N.D., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
RFID Malware: Design Principles and Examples,
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC) Journal,
vol. 2, pp. 405-426, Elsevier, 2006.
Rieback, M.R., Gaydadjiev, G.N., Crispo, B., Hofman, R.F.H., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Platform for RFID Security and Privacy Administration,
20th USENIX/SAGE Large Installation System Administration Conf.,
pp. 89-102, Dec. 2006 (Best Paper Award).
Bakker, A., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Wide-Area Distribution Network for Free Software,
ACM Trans. on Internet Technology,
vol. 6, pp. 259-281, Aug. 2006.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Gamage, C., and Crispo, B.:
Taking Sensor Networks from the Lab to the Jungle,
IEEE Computer,
vol. 39, pp. 92-24, Aug. 2006.
Nair, S.K., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Towards a Secure Application-Semantic Aware Policy Enforcement Architecture,
Proc. 14th. Cambridge Int'l Workshop on Security Protocols,
March 2006.
Gamage, C., Gras, B., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
An Identity-Based Ring Signature Scheme with Enhanced Privacy,
Proc. IEEE SecureComm 2006,
pp. 1-5, 2006.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Herder, J.N., and Bos, H.:
Can We Make Operating Systems Reliable and Secure?,
IEEE Computer,
vol. 39, pp. 44-51, May 2006.
Gamage, C., Bicakci, K., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Security for the Mythical Air-Dropped Sensor Network,
Proc. 11th Symp. on Computers and Commun.,
IEEE, pp. 41-47, 2006.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Is Your Cat Infected with a Computer Virus?,
Proc. Fourth IEEE Int'l Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Commun.,
IEEE, pp. 169-179, 2006 (Best Paper Award).
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Evolution of RFID Security,
IEEE Pervasive Computing,
vol. 5, Jan.-March, pp. 62-69, 2006.
Bicakci, K., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
How to Incorporate Revocation Status Information into the Trust Metrics for Public-Key Certification
J. on Infonomics,
pp. 1-10, Jan. 2006.
Gamage, C., Leiwo, J., Bicakci, K., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Cost-Efficient Counter-Intrusion Scheme for One-Time Sensor Networks,
Proc. Second Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks & Information Processing,
IEEE, pp. 45-50, 2005.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
RFID Guardian: A Battery-Powered Mobile Device for RFID Privacy Management,
Proc ACISP 2005,
pp. 184-194, 2005.
Nair, S.K., Popescu, B.C., Gamage, C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Enabling DRM-Preserving Digital Content Redistribution,
Proc. Seventh IEEE Int'l Conf. on E-Commerce Technology,
pp. 151-158, 2005.
Bicakci, K., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Counting Abuses Using Flexible Off-line Credentials,
Proc ACISP 2005,
pp. 548-559, 2005.
Bicakci, K., Gamage, C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
One-Time Sensors: A Novel Concept to Mitigate Node Capture Attacks,
European Workshop on Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks,
Springer, 2005.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.:
Uniting Legislation with RFID Privacy-Enhancing Technologies,
Proc. Third Conf. on Security and Protection of Information,
Brno, Czech Republic, May 2005.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Keep on Blockin' in the Free World: Personal Access Control for Low-Cost RFID Tags,
Proc. 13th. Cambridge Int'l Workshop on Security Protocols,
April 2005.
Popescu, B.C., Steen, M. van, Crispo, B., Tanenbaum, A.S., Sacha, J., and Kuz, I:
Securely Replicated Web Documents,
Proc. IPDPS 2005,
Bicakci, K., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
How to Incorporate Revocation Status Information into the Trust Metrics for Public-Key Certification,
Proc. SAC 2005,
pp. 1594-1598, 2005;
later published in
Int'l J. on Infonomics,
Jan. 2006.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., Kamperman, F.L.A.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A DRM Security Architecture for Home Networks,
Fourth ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management,
Oct. 2004.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Support for Multi-Level Security Policies in DRM Architectures,
New Security Paradigms Workshop,
ACM, pp. 3-9, 2004.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Safe and Private Data Sharing with Turtle: Friends Team-Up and Beat the System,
Proc. 12th Cambridge Int'l Workshop on Security Protocols,
Springer Verlag LNCS, 2004.
Crispo, B., Popescu, B.C., and Tanenbaum, A.:
Symmetric Key Authentication Services Revisited,
Proc. Australasian Conf. on Inf. Security and Privacy,
Springer Verlag LNCS 3108, 2004.
Noordende, G. van 't, Brazier, F.M.T., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Security in a Mobile Agent System,
First IEEE Symp. on Multi-Agent Security and Survivability,
pp. 35-45, Aug. 2004.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Expressing Security Policies for Distributed Objects Applications,
Proc. 11th Int'l Workshop on Security Protocols,
Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Secure Data Replication over Untrusted Hosts,
Proc. Ninth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems,
IEEE, pp. 121-127, 2003.
Popescu, B.C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Certificate Revocation Scheme for a Large-Scale Highly Replicated Distributed System,
Proc. Eighth Symp. on Computer and Commun. Systems,
IEEE, pp. 225-232, 2003.
Popescu, B.C., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Security Architecture for Object-Based Distributed Systems,
Proc. 18th Annual Computer Security Appl. Conf.,
ACM, pp. 161-171, 2002.
Noordende, G. van 't, Brazier, F.M.T., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Security Framework for a Mobile Agent System,
Proc. Conf. on Security of Mobile Multiagent Systems,
pp. 43-50, 2002.
Noordende, G, van 't, Brazier, F. M. T. and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Mansion: A Structured Middleware Environment for Agents,
Proc. of the Third Int'l SANE Conf.,
pp 405-406, 2002.
Bakker, A., Kuz, I., Steen, M. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Verkaik, P.:
Global Distribution of Free Software (and Other Things),
Proc. Third Int'l SANE Conf.,
May 2002.
Popescu, B.C., Gamage, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Access Control, Reverse Access Control and Replication Control in a World Wide Distributed System,
Proc. Sixth IFIP Commun. and Multimedia Security Conf.,
IFIP, 2002.
Pierre, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Dynamically Selecting Optimal Distribution Strategies for Web Documents,
IEEE Trans. on Computers,
vol. 51, pp. 637-651, June 2002.
Bakker, A., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Law-Abiding Peer-to-Peer Network for Free Software Distribution,
Proc. Int'l Symp. on Network Computing and Appl.,
pp. 60-67, IEEE, 2002.
Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Scalable User-Friendly Resource Names,
IEEE Internet Computing,
vol. 5, pp. 20-27, May 2001.
Noordende, G. van 't, Brazier, F.M.T., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Steen, M. van:
Mansion, A Distributed Multi-Agent System,
Proc. HotOS 2001,
pp. 183, 2001.
Baggio, A., Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Efficient Tracking of Mobile Objects in Globe,
The Computer Journal,
vol. 44, pp. 340-353, May 2001.
Pierre, G., Kuz, I., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Differentiated Strategies for Replicating Web Documents,
Computer Communications,
vol. 24, pp. 232-240, Feb. 2001; revised version of a paper in
Proc. Fifth Int'l Web Caching and Content Delivery Workshop,
Jansen, M., Klaver, E., Verkaik, P., Steen, M. van, Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Encapsulating Distribution by Remote Objects,
Information and Software Technology,
vol. 43, pp. 353-363, 2001.
Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Scalable Naming in Global Middleware,
Proc. 13th Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,
ISCA, pp. 624-631, 2000.
Leiwo, J., Haenle, C., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Disallowing Unauthorized State Updates in Distributed Shared Objects,
Proc. IFIP Security 2000,
IFIP, pp. 381-390, 2000.
Bakker, A., Amade, E., Ballintijn, G., Kuz, I., Verkaik, P., Wijk, I. van der, Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Globe Distribution Network,
Proc. USENIX Annual Tech. Conf.,
(FREENIX track), USENIX, pp. 141-152, 2000.
Pierre, G.E.O., Kuz, I., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Differntiated Strategies for Replicating Web Documents,
Proc. Fifth Int'l Web Caching and Content Delivery Workshop,
Leiwo, J., Haenle, C., Homburg, P., Gamage, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Security Design for a Wide-Area Distributed System,
Proc. of the Second Int'l Conf. on Information Security and Cryptology,
Spring Lectures Notes 1287, pp. 229-247, 1999.
Steen, M. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., Kuz, I., and Sips, H.J.:
A Scalable Middleware Solution for Advanced Wide-Area Web Services,
Distributed Systems Engineering,
vol. 7, pp. 34-42, 1999 (revised version of Middleware '98 paper).
Bakker, A., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
From Remote Objects to Physically Distributed Objects,
Proc. Seventh IEEE Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems,
pp. 47-52, Dec. 1999.
Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Simple Crash Recovery in a Wide Area Location Service,
Proc. 12th Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,
ISCA, pp. 87-93, 1999.
Steen, M. van, Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Globe: A Wide-Area Distributed System,
IEEE Concurrency,
vol. 7, pp. 70-78, Jan.-March 1999.
Bakker, A., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Replicated Invocations in Wide-Area Systems,
Proc. Eighth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop,
pp. 130-137, 1998.
Steen, M. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., Kuz, I., and Sips, H.J.:
A Scalable Middleware Solution for Advanced Wide-Area Web Services,
Proc. Middleware '98,
IFIP, pp. 37-54, 1998.
Steen, M. van, Hauck, F.J., Ballintijn, G., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Algorithmic Design of the Globe Wide-Area Location Service,
Computer Journal,
vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 297-310, 1998.
Kermarrec, A.M., Kuz, I., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Framework for Consistent, Replicated Web Objects,
18th Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems,
pp. 276-284, 1998.
Steen, M. van, Hauck, F.J., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Locating Objects in Wide-Area Systems,
IEEE Communications,
pp. 104-109, Jan. 1998.
Ben Hassen, S., Bal, H.E., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Hawk: a Runtime System for Partitioned Objects,
J. Parallel Algorithms and Applications,
vol. 12, pp. 205-230, Aug. 1997.
Homburg, P., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
An Architecture for a Wide Area Distributed System,
Proc. Seventh ACM SIGOPS European Workshop,
pp. 75-82, 1996.
Hauck, F.J., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Location Service for Worldwide Distributed Objects,
Proc. of 10th ECOOP Workshop,
pp. 384-388, 1996.
Steen, M. van, Hauck, F.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Model for Worldwide Tracking of Distributed Objects,
Proc. TINA 96,
pp. 203-212, 1996.
Homburg, P., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Communication in GLOBE: An Object-Based Worldwide Operating System,
Proc. Fifth Int'l Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems,
IEEE, pp. 43-47, 1996.
Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
An Evaluation of the Amoeba Group Communication System,
Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems,
pp. 436-448, 1996.
Steen, M. van, Homburg, P., Doorn, L. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Jonge, W. de:
Towards Object-based Wide Area Distributed Systems,
Proc. Fourth Int'l Workshop on Object Orientation in Oper. Systems,
IEEE, pp. 224-227, 1995.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Comparison of Three Microkernels,
Journal of Supercomputing,
vol. 9, Nr. 1/2, pp. 7-22, 1995.
Doorn, L. van, Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Paramecium: An Extensible Object-Based Kernel,
Proc. Hot Topics in Oper. Systems V,
IEEE, pp. 86-89, 1995.
Doorn, L. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Using Active Messages to Support Shared Objects,
Proc. Sixth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop,
ACM, pp. 112-116, Sept. 1994.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Bal, H.E., Ben Hassen, S., and Kaashoek, M.F.:
An Object-Based Approach to Programming Distributed Systems,
Concurrency--Practice & Experience,
vol. 6, pp. 235-249, 1994.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Bal, H.E., and Kaashoek, M.F.:
Programming Multicomputers Using Shared Objects,
Proc. IWOOOS '93,
IEEE, pp. 199-202, Dec. 1993.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Distributed Operating Systems Anno 1992: What have we Learned so Far?,
Distributed Systems Engineering J.,
vol. 1, pp. 3-10, July 1993.
Kaashoek, M.F., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Verstoep, K.:
Group Communication in Amoeba and its Applications,
Distributed Systems Engineering J.,
vol. 1, pp. 48-58, July 1993.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Bal, H.E., and Kaashoek, M.F.:
Programming a Distributed System Using Shared Objects,
Proc. Second Int'l Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing,
IEEE, pp. 5-12, 1993.
Kaashoek, M.F., Tanenbaum, A.S., Verstoep, K.:
Using Group Communication to Implement a Fault-Tolerant Directory Service,
Thirteenth Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems,
IEEE, pp. 130-139, 1993.
Kaashoek, M.F., Renesse, R. van, Staveren, H. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
FLIP: an Internetwork Protocol for Supporting Distributed Systems,
ACM Trans. on Computer Systems,
vol 11, pp. 73-106, Feb. 1993.
Kaashoek, M.F., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Verstoep, K.:
An Experimental Comparison of Remote Procedure Call and Group Communication,
Proc. Fifth ACM SIGOPS Workshop,
Le Mont St. Michel, France, Sept. 1992.
Levelt, W.G., Kaashoek, M.F., Bal, H.E., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Comparison of Two Paradigms for Distributed Shared Memory,
Software--Practice & Experience,
vol. 22, pp. 985-1010, Nov. 1992.
Bal, H.E., Kaashoek, M.F., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Jansen, J.:
Replication Techniques for Speeding up Parallel Applications on Distributed Systems,
Concurrency--Practice & Experience,
vol. 4, pp. 337-355, Aug. 1992.
Bal, H.E., Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Parallel Programming on Amoeba Using Efficient Distributed Shared Memory,
(Proc. of Sixth Int'l Conf. on the Use of Supercomputers in Theoretical Science,
pp. 89-105, Plenum Press, 1992.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Kaashoek, M.F., and Bal, H.E.:
Parallel Programming Using Shared Objects and Broadcasting,
IEEE Computer,
vol. 25, pp. 10-19, Aug. 1992.
Bal, H.E., Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Orca: A Language for Parallel Programming of Distributed Systems,
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering,
vol. 18, pp. 190-205, March 1992; also in
Programming Languages for Parallel Processing,
IEEE CS Press, pp. 36-51, 1994.
Kaashoek, M.F., Michiels, R., Bal, H.E., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Transparent Fault-tolerance in Parallel Orca Programs,
Proc. Symp. on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems III,
Newport Beach, CA, pp. 297-312, March 1992.
Douglis, F., Ousterhout, J.K., Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Comparison of Two Distributed Systems: Amoeba and Sprite,
Computing Systems Journal,
vol 4., pp. 353-384, Fall 1991.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Kaashoek, M.F., Renesse, R. van, and Bal, H.E.:
The Amoeba Distributed Operating System - A Status Report,
Computer Communications,
vol. 14, pp. 324-335, July/Aug. 1991.
Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Group Communication in the Amoeba Distributed Operating System,
Proc. 11th Int'l Conf. on Distr. Comp. Systems,
IEEE, pp. 222-230, 1991.
Hummel, S., Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Scalable Object-Based Architecture,
Proc. Second Workshop on Scalable Shared-Mmemory Multiprocessors,
Toronto, May 1991.
Bal, H.E. and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Distributed Programming with Shared Data,
Computer Languages,
vol. 16, pp. 129-146, Feb. 1991.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Renesse, R. van, Staveren, H. van, Sharp, G.J., Mullender, S.J., Jansen, J., and Rossum, G. van:
Experiences with the Amoeba Distributed Operating System,
Commun. of the ACM,
vol. 33, pp. 46-63, Dec. 1990.
Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Fault Tolerance Using Group Communication,
Proc. Fourth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop,
1990; reprinted in
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 25, pp. 71-74, April 1991.
Mullender, S.J., Rossum, G. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., Renesse, R. van, and Staveren, H. van:
Amoeba--A Distributed Operating System for the 1990s,
IEEE Computer,
vol. 23, pp. 44-53, May 1990.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Renesse, R. van, Staveren, H. van, and Sharp, G.:
Beyond UNIX - A True Distributed System for the 1990s,
Proc. UKUUG Summer Conf.,
pp. 251-260, 1990.
Bal, H.E., Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Experience with Distributed Programming in Orca,
Proc. Int'l Conf on Computer Languages, 90
IEEE, pp. 79-89, 1990.
Baalbergen, E.H., Verstoep, K., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
On the Design of the Amoeba Configuration Manager,
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes,
vol. 17, Nov. 1989.
(\fIProc. Second Int'l Workshop on Software Configuration Management\fR)
ACM, 1989.
Bal, H.E., Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Distributed Implementation of the Shared Data-object Model,
Proc. Workshop on Experiences with Building Distributed and (Multiprocessor) Systems,
IEEE, pp. 1-19, Oct. 1989.
Kaashoek, M.F., Bal, H.E., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Experience with the Distributed Data Structure Paradigm in Linda,
Proc. Workshop on Experiences with Building Distributed and (Multiprocessor) Systems,
IEEE, pp. 175-191, Oct. 1989.
Bal, H.E., Steiner, J.G., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Programming Languages for Distributed Computing Systems,
Computing Surveys,
vol. 21, pp. 261-322, Sept. 1989.
Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Wilschut, A:
The Design of a High-Performance File Server,
Proc. Ninth Int'l Conf. on Distr. Comp. Systems,
IEEE, pp. 22-27, 1989.
Renesse, R. van, Staveren, H. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Performance of the Amoeba Distributed Operating System,
Software--Practice & Experience,
vol. 19, pp. 223-234, March 1989.
Bal, H.E., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Distributed Programming with Shared Data,
IEEE Conf. on Computer Languages,
IEEE, pp. 82-91, 1988.
Renesse, R. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Voting with Ghosts,
Proc. Eighth Int'l Conf. on Distr. Comp. Systems,
IEEE, pp. 456-461, 1988.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Renesse, R. van:
A Critique of the Remote Procedure Call Paradigm,
Proc. Euteco '88,
pp. 775-783, 1988.
Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Sharp, G.J.:
Functional specialization in distributed operating system,
SIGOPS European Workshop,
Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Sharp, G.J.:
The Workstation: Computing Resource or Just a Terminal?,
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems,
IEEE, Nov. 1987.
Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., Staveren, H. van, and Hall, J.:
Connecting RPC-Based Distributed Systems using Wide-Area Networks,
Proc. Seventh Int'l Conf. on Distr. Comp. Systems,
IEEE, pp. 28-34, 1987.
Jonge, W. de, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Riet, R.P. van de:
Two Access Methods Using Compact Binary Trees,
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering,
vol. SE-13, pp. 799-810, July 1987.
Bal, H.E., Renesse, R. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Implementing Distributed Algorithms using Remote Procedure Call,
Proc. National Computer Conf.,
AFIPS, pp. 499-505, 1987.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Renesse, R. van:
Reliability Issues in Distributed Operating Systems,
Proc. Sixth Symp. Reliability in Distr. Softw. and Database Syst.,
IEEE, pp. 3-11, 1987.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
MINIX: A UNIX Clone with Source Code,
Proc. Uniforum Conf.,
pp. 185-195, 1987.
Staveren, J.M., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Renesse, R. van:
Naming and Protection in Amoeba,
Proc. of COST-11ter Seminar,
GMD-Gesellschaft fur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung,
Mar. 1987.
Bal, H.E. and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Language and Machine-Independent Global Optimization on Intermediate Code,
Computer Languages,
vol. 11, pp. 105-121, 1986.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Mullender, S.J., and Renesse, R. van:
Using Sparse Capabilities in a Distributed Operating System,
Proc. Sixth Int'l Conf. on Distr. Computer Systems,
IEEE, pp. 558-563, 1986.
Mullender, S.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Design of a Capability-Based Distributed Operating System,
Computer Journal,
vol. 29, pp. 289-299, Aug. 1986.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Renesse, R. van:
Research Issues in Distributed Operating Systems,
Computing in High-Energy Physics,
Hertzberger, L.O, and Hoogland, W. (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 35-46, 1986.
Hertzberger, L.O., Mullender, S.J., Poletiek, G., Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., Tuynman, F., and Vermeulen, J.C.:
The Design of a Real-Time Distributed System,
Computing in High-Energy Physics,
Hertzberger, L.O, and Hoogland, W. (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 271-274, 1986.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Renesse, R. van:
Making Distributed Systems Palatable,
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop,
SIGOPS, 1986.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Renesse, R. van:
Distributed Operating Systems,
Computing Surveys,
vol. 17, pp. 419-470, Dec. 1985.
Mullender, S.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Distributed File Service Based on Optimistic Concurrency Control,
Proc. Tenth Symp. Oper. Syst. Prin.,
pp. 51-62, 1985.
Tanenbaum, A.S. and Renesse, R. van:
A Survey of Current Research on Distributed Operating Systems,
Proc. Eighth Australian Comp. Sci. Conf.,
.pp 21-1 to 21-23, Feb. 1985.
Mullender, S.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Protection and Resource Control in Distributed Operating Systems,
Computer Networks,
vol. 8, pp. 421-432, Oct. 1984.
Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S, and Mullender, S.J.:
Connecting UNIX Systems Using a Token Ring,
Proc. EUUG Conf.,
pp. 58-66, Sept. 1984.
Mullender, S.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Immediate Files,
Software--Practice & Experience,
vol. 14, pp. 365-368, April 1984.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Staveren, H. van, Keizer, E.G., and Stevenson, J.W.:
A Practical Toolkit for Making Portable Compilers,
Commun. of the ACM,
vol. 26, pp. 654-660, Sept. 1983.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Staveren, H. van, and Keizer, E.G.:
A UNIX Toolkit for Making Portable Compilers,
Proc. USENIX Annual Tech. Conf.,
Toronto, pp. 255-261, July 1983.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Mullender, S.J.:
Operating Systems Requirements for Distributed Data Base Systems,
Distributed Data Bases,
H.-J. Schneider (ed.)
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1982.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The ISO OSI Reference Model,
Network Architectures,
C. Solomonides (ed.),
Maidenhead, England: Pergamon Infotech, 1982.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Staveren, H. van, and Stevenson, J.W.:
Using Peephole Optimization on Intermediate Code,
ACM Trans. Prog. Lang. and Systems,
vol. 4, pp. 21-36, Jan. 1982.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Network Protocols,
Computing Surveys,
vol. 13, pp. 453-489, Dec. 1981;
also translated into Japanese and published as Nikkei Datapro Report 7;
also reprinted in
Computer Networks: A Tutorial,
Abrams, M. and Cotton, I. (eds.), IEEE, pp. 175-211, 1984;
also reprinted in
Distributed Database Management,
Larson, J.A. and Rahimoi, S. (eds.), IEEE, pp. 433-469, 1985;
also reprinted in
Computer Communications: Architectures, Protocols, and Standards,
Stallings, W. (ed.), IEEE pp. 27-63, 1985.
Tanenbaum, A.S. and Mullender, S.J.:
Amoeba - A Capability-Based Distributed Operating System,
Proc. Conf. Local Networks & Distributed Office Systems,
Online, pp. 363-377, 1981.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Comparison of Pascal and Algol 68,
Computer Journal,
vol. 21, pp. 316-323, Oct. 1978; reprinted in Japanese in
pp. 24-33, Jan. 1980, and pp. 22-31, Feb. 1980.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Implications of Structured Programming for Machine Architecture,
Commun. of the ACM,
vol. 21, pp.237-246, March 1978. Reprinted in
Tutorial on Advanced Microprocessors and High-Level Language Computer Architecture,
Milutinovic, V. (ed.), IEEE, 1986;
also reprinted in
Reduced Instruction Set Computers,
Stallings, V. (ed.), IEEE, 1986.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Klint, P., and Bohm, W.:
Guidelines for Software Portability,
Software--Practice & Experience,
vol. 8, pp. 681-698, 1978.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Tutorial on Algol 68,
Computing Surveys,
vol. 8, pp. 155-190, June 1976;
also in
Programming Languages: A Grand Tour,
Horowitz, E. (ed.), Rockville, MD: Computer Science Press, 1983.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A General Purpose Macro Processor as a Poor Man's Compiler-Compiler,
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering,
vol. SE-2, pp. 121-125, June 1976.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Heuristic for Playing Jotto,
Software--Practice & Experience,
vol. 3, pp. 397-401, 1973.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Benson, W.H.:
The People's Time Sharing System,
Software--Practice & Experience,
vol. 2, pp. 109-119, 1973.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Wilcox, J.M., and Howard, R.:
Five Minute Oscillations in the Solar Magnetic Field,
IAU Symposium 43, Solar Magnetic Fields,
R. Howard (ed.) D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 348-355, 1971.
Wilcox, J.M., Schatten, K.H., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Howard, R.:
Photospheric Magnetic Field Rotation: Rigid and Differential,
Solar Physics,
vol. 14, pp. 255-262, 1970.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Wilcox, J.M., Frazier, E.N., and Howard, R.:
Solar Velocity Fields: Five Minute Oscillations and Supergranulation,
Solar Physics,
vol. 9, pp. 328-342, 1969.
Howard, R., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Wilcox, J.M.:
A New Method of Magnetograph Observations of the Photospheric Brightness, Velocity, and Magnetic Fields,
Solar Physics,
vol 4., pp. 286-299, 1968.
Tanenbaum, A.S:
Clustering of the Cosmic Ray Ages of Stone Meteorites,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
vol 2, pp. 33-36, 1967.
Papers Published in Other Journals and Conference Proceedings
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Supporting and Exploiting Heterogeneity in the Storage Stack,
Proc. ASCI 2011,
Giuffrida, C., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Taxonomy of Live Updates,
Proc. ASCI 2010,
Appuswamy, R., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Loris - A Redundant Array of Independent Physical Layers,
Proc. ASCI 2010, Nov. 2010 (Best Paper award).
Tanenbaum, A.S., Appuswamy, R., Bos, H., Cavallaro, L., Giuffrida, C., Herder, J., Hruby, T., Kouwe, E. van der, and Moolenbroek, D. van:
MINIX 3: Status Report and Current Research,
USENIX ;login
vol. 35, pp. 7-13, June 2010.
Herder, J.N., Moolenbroek, D.C. van, Appuswamy, R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
End-to-End Integrity for File-Systems Data,
Proc. ASCI 2009, June 2009.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Roadmap to a Failure-Resilient Operating Systems,
USENIX ; login,
pp. 14-20, Feb. 2007.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
MINIX 3: A Highly-Reliable, Self-Repairing Operating System,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 40, pp. 80-89, Jul. 2006.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Is Your Cat Infected with a Computer Virus?,
Proc. ASCI 2006,
pp. 10-20, 2006.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
MINIX 3: Veilig en Betrouwbaar Besturingssysteem,
vol. 48, pp. 50-54, June 2006.
Nair, S.K., Gamage, C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Countering Digital Forensics,
Proc. ASCI 2006,
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Modular System Programming in MINIX 3,loghin
USENIX ; login,
pp. 19-29, April 2006.
Herder, J.N., Bos, H., Gras, B., Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Architecture of a Reliable Operating System,
Proc. ASCI 2006,
pp. 74-81, 2006.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Herder, J.N., and Bos, H.:
File Size Distribution in UNIX Systems--Then and Now,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 40, pp. 100-104, Jan 2006.
Rieback, M.R., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
RFID Guardian: A Battery-Powered Mobile Device for Personal RFID Privacy Management,
Proc. ASCI 2005,
pp. 42-48, 2005.
Nair, S.K., Popescu, B.C., Gamage, C., Crispo, B., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Enabling DRM-preserving Digital Content Redistribution,
Proc. ASCI 2005,
pp. 216-223, 2005.
Popescu, B.C., Gamage, C., Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Access Control, Reverse Access Control and Replication Control in a World Wide Distributed System,
Proc. ASCI 2002,
pp. 151-157, 2002.
Noordende, G. van 't, Brazier, F.M.T., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Steen, M. van:
A Room-based Object-based Agent Middleware,
Proc. ASCI 2001,
pp. 142-146, 2001.
Gamage, C., Leiwo, J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Personalized Digital Watermarking Protocol for Secure Online Content Distribution,
Proc. ASCI 2001,
pp. 476-483, 2001.
Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Characterizing Internet Performance to Support Wide-Area Application Development,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 34, pp. 41-47, Oct. 2000.
Bal, H.E., et al.:
The Distributed ASCI Supercomputer Project,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 34, pp. 76-96, Oct. 2000.
Pierre, H., Kuz, I., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Differentiated Strategies for Replicating Web Documents,
Proc. ASCI 2000,
pp. 273-280, 2000.
Haenle, C., Leiwo, J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Security Architecture for Distributed Shared Objects,
Proc. ASCI 2000,
pp. 350-357, 2000.
Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Exploiting Location Awareness for Scalable Location-Independent Ids,
Proc. ASCI 1999,
pp. 321-328, 1999.
Doorn, L. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
FlexRTS: An Extensible Orca Run-Time System,
Proc. ASCI 1997,
pp. 111-115, 1997.
Steen, M.J., Hauck, F.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Scalable Location Service for Distributed Objects,
Proc. ASCI 1996,
pp. 180-185, 1996.
Homburg, P., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Distributed Shared Objects as a Communication Paradigm,
Proc. ASCI 1996,
pp. 132-137, 1996.
Homburg, P., Doorn, L. van, Steen, M. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Jonge, W. de:
An Object Model for Flexible Distributed Systems,
Proc. ASCI 1995,
pp. 69-78, 1995.
Bal, H.E., Tanenbaum, A.S., and Kaashoek, M.F.:
Orca: A Language for Distributed Object-Oriented Programming,
SIGPLAN Notices,
vol. 25, pp. 17-24, May 1990.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Kaashoek, M.F., Langendoen, K.G., and Jacobs, C.J.H.:
The Design of Very Fast Portable Compilers,
Sigplan Notices,
vol. 24, pp. 125-131, Nov. 1989.
Kaashoek, M.F., Tanenbaum, A.S., Flynn Hummel, S., and Bal, H.E.:
An Efficient Reliable Broadcast Protocol,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 23, pp. 5-19, Oct. 1989.
Renesse, R. van, Staveren, H. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Performance of the World's Fastest Distributed Operating System,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 22, pp. 25-34, Oct. 1988.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A UNIX Clone with Source Code for Operating Systems Courses,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 21, pp. 20-29, Jan. 1987.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Keizer, E.G., and Staveren, H. van:
Does Anybody Out There Want to Write HALF of a Compiler?,
Sigplan Notices,
vol. 19, Nr. 8, pp. 106-108, Aug. 1984.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Renesse, R. van, and Mullender, S.J.:
Capability-Based Protection in Distributed Operating Systems,
Symp. Certificering van Software,
Ned. Genootsch. van Informatica, pp. 29-35, 1984.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Mullender, S.J.:
On Distributed File Servers,
Proc. Workshop on Distributed Systems,
Mont St. Michel, France, INRIA, pp. 53-59, 1983.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Hagen, T.:
Two programs, Many UNIX Systems,
European UNIX User Group Newsletter,
vol 3, no. 1, pp. 12-13, Spring 1983.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
EM-1 Compiler,
Pascal News,
Nr. 22-23, Sept. 1981, pp. 4-38.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Mullender, S.J.:
An Overview of the Amoeba Distributed Operating System,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 15, pp. 51-64, July 1981.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Future of Distributed Computer Architecture,
vol. 22, pp. 500-503, July-Aug. 1980; reprinted in Dutch in
De Ingenieur,
vol. 92, pp. 22-25, 18 Sept. 1980.
Stevenson, J.W., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Efficient Encoding of Machine Instructions,
Computer Architecture News,
vol. 7, pp. 10-17, June 1979.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Method of Implementing Paged, Segmented Virtual Memories on Microprogrammable Computers,
Operating Systems Review,
vol. 13, pp. 26-32, Apr. 1979.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Ambiguous Machine Architecture and Program Efficiency,
Computer Architecture News,
vol. 6, Nr. 3, pp. 11-13, Aug. 1977.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Survey of Operating Systems,
vol. 18, pp. 689-698, Dec 1976.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
In Defense of Program Testing, or Correctness Proofs Considered Harmful,
Sigplan Notices,
vol. 11, pp. 64-68, May 1976.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Modest Proposal,
Computer Architecture News,
vol. 3, p. 6, Sept. 1974.
Chapters in Books
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Kaashoek, M.F.:
The Amoeba Microkernel,
Distributed Open Systems,
Brazier, F., and Johansen, D. (eds.),
IEEE Press, pp. 11-30, 1994.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Kaashoek, M.F., and Bal, H.E.:
Using Broadcasting to Implement Distributed Shared Memory Efficiently,
Readings in Distributed Computing Systems,
Casavant, T.L., and Singhal, M. (eds), IEEE Press, pp. 387-408, 1994.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Operating Systems--The State of the Art,
Handbook of Operations Research,
Coffman, E.G. et al. (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 91-131, 1992.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Third ed.
A. Ralston and E.D. Reilly (eds.), Van Nostrand, 1992, pp. 184-185.
Tanenbaum, A.S., and Mullender, S.J.:
An Overview of the Amoeba Distributed Operating System,
CWI Syllabus 9: Parallel Computers and Computations,
Leeuwen, J. van and Lenstra, J.K. (eds), Centre for Mathematics and Comp. Sci.
pp. 91-114, 1985.
Technical Reports
Kuz, I., Verkaik, P., Wijk, I. van der, Steen, M.R., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Beyond HTTP: An Implementation of the Web in Globe,
VU Informatica Technical Report IR-465, Vrije Univ., 1999
Kermarrec, A.-M., Kuz, I., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.
Towards Scalable Web Documents,
VU Informatica Technical Report IR-452, October 1998.
Ballintijn, G., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Lightweight Crash Recovery in a Wide-area Location Service..
VU Informatica Technical Report IR-451, October 1998.
Steen, M. van, Homburg, P., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The Architectural Design of Globe: A Wide-Area Distributed System,
VU Informatica Technical Report IR-422, March 1997.
Hauck, F.J., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Algorithmic Design of the Globe Location Service - Basic Update Algorithms,
VU Informatica Technical Report IR-413, December 1996.
Homburg, P., Steen, M. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Unifying Internet Services Using Distributed Shared Objects,
VU Informatica Technical Report IR-409, October 1996.
Kaashoek, M.F., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Efficient Reliable Group Communication for Distributed Systems,
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Report IR-295, July 1992.
Moergestel, L.J. van, Bal, H.E., Kaashoek, M.F., Renesse, R. van, Sharp, G.J.,
Staveren, H. van, Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Amoeba on a Multiprocessor,
Report IR-206, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, V.U., Dec. 1989.
Mullender, S.J., Rossum, G. van, Tanenbaum, A.S. Renesse, R. van, Staveren, H. van:
High Performance Distributed Computing,
Report IR-203, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, V.U., Nov. 1989.
Renesse, R. van, Tanenbaum, A.S., and Mullender, S.J.:
The Evolution of the Amoeba Distributed Operating System,
Report IR-177, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, V.U., Nov. 1988.
Bal, H.E., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
The ACK Target Optimizer,
Report IR-107, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Dec. 1985.
Bal, H.E., Renesse, R.van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Distributed, Parallel, Fault Tolerant Computer System,
Report IR-106, Wiskundig Seminarium, 17 pp., Oct. 1985.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Staveren, H. van, Keizer, E.G., and Stevenson, J.W.:
Description of a Machine Architecture for Use with Block Structured Languages,
Report IR-81, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 80 pp., Aug. 1983
(Second edition of IR-54).
Mullender, S.J., and Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Protection in Distributed Operating Systems,
Report IR-73, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 14 pp., Oct. 1981.
de Jonge, W., Tanenbaum, A.S., and van de Riet, R.P.:
A Fast, Tree-based Access Method for Dynamic Files,
Report IR-70, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 20 pp., July 1981.
Revised as IR-85, 29 pp., July 1983.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Stevenson, J.W., and Staveren, H. van:
of a Machine Architecture for Use with Block Structured Languages,
Report IR-54, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 77 pp., April 1980.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Distributed Interactive Computer System,
Report IR-20, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 22 pp., June 1977.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Programming Languages and Hardware, Colloquium.
Programmeertalen, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, pp. 197-218, 1976.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Critique of the CDC Cyber Computers,
Report IR-5, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 46 pp., 1975.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Programming Language for Writing Operating Systems,
Report IR-3, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Univ., 67 pp., 1974.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A General Purpose Time Sharing System for the PDP-11/45,
Report IR-2, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, 162 pp., 1973.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
Design and Implementation of an Algol 68 Virtual Machine,
Report IW 4/73, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 82 pp., 1973,
also available from IEEE Computer Society repository as R77-311.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
PDP-11 Simulation and Performance Monitoring,
Report MR 140/72, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 73 pp., 1972.
Tanenbaum, A.S.:
A Study of the Five Minute Oscillations, Supergranulation, and.
Related Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere,
Report series 12, issue 38, University of Calif., Space Sciences Lab.,
Berkeley, 143 pp., 1971.
Published Book Reviews
Data Network Design, D.L. Spohn, Computing Reviews Nr. 9709-0622, Sept. 1997.
Business Data Communications and Networking, 5/e, J. Fitzgerald and A. Dennis,
Computing Reviews Nr. , Oct. 1996.
SMDS: Wide-Area Data Networking with Switched Multimegabit Data Service, Computing Reviews, Nr. 9506-0354.
Principles of Computer Communication Network Design, J. Seidler, Computing Reviews, Nr. 8403-0136.
Local Networks for Computer Communications, ed. by A. West and P. Janson,
Information Processing and Management,
vol. 19, Nr. 1, p. 62, 1983.
Local Networks: Motivation, Technology and Performance, by W. R. Franta and
I. Chlamtac, Computing Reviews Nr. 39061, March 1982.
Local Networks for Computer Communications, West and Janson, Inform. Proc. and Mgmt.
Distributed Systems, Computing Reviews Nr. 33642.
Processor Architecture, by S. Lavington, Computer Architecture News,
vol 6, no. 6, p. 31 Feb. 1978.
Microprogramming and System Architecture, Computing Reviews Nr. 31801
Aug. 1977.
Compiler Construction - an advanced course, ed. by F.L Bauer and
J. Eikel, Computing Reviews Nr. 31201, April 1977.
Computer Frontiers, ed. by T. Massam, Computer, Oct. 1976.
A Practical Guide to Algol 68, by F. Pagan, Computing Reviews Nr. 30051
July 1976.
Intercorrelated Satellite Observations Related to Solar Events,
ed. by V. Manno and D. Page, Science, May 1971.