
UEA -Urban Employment Area-

We created the statistical data aggregated by the MEA based on 2015 Population Census of Japan. The following are the details.

NOTICE: There were errors in the data for 2015 MEA: the values of indices No.7 to 13 in Tokyo. Excel and CSV files in the "Download" section have been already modified.

*The population in 1965 is reported in the 1970 Population Census.

NO Name Unit Year 1Total Areaha2015 2Inhabitable Land Areaha2015 3Nighttime Population in 2015Persons2015 4Past Population: Total Population in 1965Persons1965 5Past Population: Total Population in 1970Persons1970 6Past Population: Total Population in 1975Persons1975 7Past Population: Total Population in 1980Persons1980 8Past Population: Total Population in 1985Persons1985 9Past Population: Total Population in 1990Persons1990 10Past Population: Total Population in 1995Persons1995 11Past Population: Total Population in 2000Persons2000 12Past Population: Total Population in 2005Persons2005 13Past Population: Total Population in 2010Persons2010 14Estimated Population: Total Population in 2020Persons2020 15Estimated Population: Total Population in 2025Persons2025 16Estimated Population: Total Population in 2030Persons2030 17Estimated Population: Total Population in 2035Persons2035 18Estimated Population: Total Population in 2040Persons2040 19Estimated Population: Total Population in 2045Persons2045 20Employed Persons: TotalPersons2015 21Employed Persons: Agriculture and ForestryPersons2015 22Employed Persons: AgriculturePersons2015 23Employed Persons: FisheriesPersons2015 24Employed Persons: Mining and Quarrying of Stone and GravelPersons2015 25Employed Persons: ConstructionPersons2015 26Employed Persons: ManufacturingPersons2015 27Employed Persons: Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply and WaterPersons2015 28Employed Persons: Information and CommunicationsPersons2015 29Employed Persons: Transport and Postal ActivitiesPersons2015 30Employed Persons: Wholesale and Retail TradePersons2015 31Employed Persons: Finance and InsurancePersons2015 32Employed Persons: Real Estate and Goods Rental and LeasingPersons2015 33Employed Persons: Scientific Research, Professional and Technical ServicesPersons2015 34Employed Persons: Accommodations, Eating and Drinking ServicesPersons2015 35Employed Persons: Living-related and Personal Services and Amusement ServicesPersons2015 36Employed Persons: Education, Learning SupportPersons2015 37Employed Persons: Medical, Health Care and WelfarePersons2015 38Employed Persons: Compound ServicesPersons2015 39Employed Persons: Services, n.e.c.Persons2015 40Employed Persons by Occupation: Administrative and managerial workersPersons2015 41Employed Persons by Occupation: Professional and engineering workersPersons2015 42Employed Persons by Occupation: Clerical workersPersons2015 43Employed Persons by Occupation: Sales workersPersons2015 44Employed Persons by Occupation: Service workersPersons2015 45Employed Persons by Occupation: Security workersPersons2015 46Employed Persons by Occupation: Agriculture, forestry and fishery workersPersons2015 47Employed Persons by Occupation: Manufacturing process workersPersons2015 48Employed Persons by Occupation: Transport and machine operation workersPersons2015 49Employed Persons by Occupation: Construction and mining workersPersons2015 50Employed Persons by Occupation: Carrying, cleaning, packaging, and relatedPersons2015 51Employed Persons by Occupation: Workers not classifiable by occupationPersons2015 52Economic Census: Establishments: TotalNumber of Establishments2014 53Economic Census: Establishments: 01 AgricultureNumber of Establishments2014 54Economic Census: Establishments: 02 ForestryNumber of Establishments2014 55Economic Census: Establishments: 03 Fisheries, except aquacultureNumber of Establishments2014 56Economic Census: Establishments: 04 AquacultureNumber of Establishments2014 57Economic Census: Establishments: 05 Mining and quarrying of stone and gravelNumber of Establishments2014 58Economic Census: Establishments: 06 Construction work, general including public and private construction workNumber of Establishments2014 59Economic Census: Establishments: 07 Construction work by specialist contractor, except equipment installation workNumber of Establishments2014 60Economic Census: Establishments: 08 Equipment installation workNumber of Establishments2014 61Economic Census: Establishments: 09 Manufacture of foodNumber of Establishments2014 62Economic Census: Establishments: 10 Manufacture of beverages, tobacco and feedNumber of Establishments2014 63Economic Census: Establishments: 11 Manufacture of textile mill productsNumber of Establishments2014 64Economic Census: Establishments: 12 Manufacture of lumber and wood products, except furnitureNumber of Establishments2014 65Economic Census: Establishments: 13 Manufacture of furniture and fixturesNumber of Establishments2014 66Economic Census: Establishments: 14 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper productsNumber of Establishments2014 67Economic Census: Establishments: 15 Printing and allied industriesNumber of Establishments2014 68Economic Census: Establishments: 16 Manufacture of chemical and allied productsNumber of Establishments2014 69Economic Census: Establishments: 17 Manufacture of petroleum and coal productsNumber of Establishments2014 70Economic Census: Establishments: 18 Manufacture of plastic products, except otherwise classifiedNumber of Establishments2014 71Economic Census: Establishments: 19 Manufacture of rubber productsNumber of Establishments2014 72Economic Census: Establishments: 20 Manufacture of leather tanning, leather products and fur skinsNumber of Establishments2014 73Economic Census: Establishments: 21 Manufacture of ceramic, stone and clay productsNumber of Establishments2014 74Economic Census: Establishments: 22 Manufacture of iron and steelNumber of Establishments2014 75Economic Census: Establishments: 23 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals and productsNumber of Establishments2014 76Economic Census: Establishments: 24 Manufacture of fabricated metal productsNumber of Establishments2014 77Economic Census: Establishments: 25 Manufacture of general-purpose machineryNumber of Establishments2014 78Economic Census: Establishments: 26 Manufacture of production machineryNumber of Establishments2014 79Economic Census: Establishments: 27 Manufacture of business oriented machineryNumber of Establishments2014 80Economic Census: Establishments: 28 Electronic parts, devices and electronic circuitsNumber of Establishments2014 81Economic Census: Establishments: 29 Manufacture of electrical machinery, equipment and suppliesNumber of Establishments2014 82Economic Census: Establishments: 30 Manufacture of information and communication electronics equipmentNumber of Establishments2014 83Economic Census: Establishments: 31 Manufacture of transportation equipmentNumber of Establishments2014 84Economic Census: Establishments: 32 Miscellaneous manufacturing industriesNumber of Establishments2014 85Economic Census: Establishments: 33 Production, transmission and distribution of electricityNumber of Establishments2014 86Economic Census: Establishments: 34 Production and distribution of gasNumber of Establishments2014 87Economic Census: Establishments: 35 Heat supplyNumber of Establishments2014 88Economic Census: Establishments: 36 Collection, purification and distribution of water, and sewage collection, processing and disposalNumber of Establishments2014 89Economic Census: Establishments: 37 CommunicationsNumber of Establishments2014 90Economic Census: Establishments: 38 BroadcastingNumber of Establishments2014 91Economic Census: Establishments: 39 Information servicesNumber of Establishments2014 92Economic Census: Establishments: 40 Internet based servicesNumber of Establishments2014 93Economic Census: Establishments: 41 Video picture, sound information, character information production and distributionNumber of Establishments2014 94Economic Census: Establishments: 42 Railway transportNumber of Establishments2014 95Economic Census: Establishments: 43 Road passenger transportNumber of Establishments2014 96Economic Census: Establishments: 44 Road freight transportNumber of Establishments2014 97Economic Census: Establishments: 45 Water transportNumber of Establishments2014 98Economic Census: Establishments: 46 Air transportNumber of Establishments2014 99Economic Census: Establishments: 47 WarehousingNumber of Establishments2014 100Economic Census: Establishments: 48 Services incidental to transportNumber of Establishments2014 101Economic Census: Establishments: 49 Postal activities, including mail deliveryNumber of Establishments2014 102Economic Census: Establishments: 50 Wholesale trade, general merchandiseNumber of Establishments2014 103Economic Census: Establishments: 51 Wholesale trade (textile and apparel)Number of Establishments2014 104Economic Census: Establishments: 52 Wholesale trade (food and beverages)Number of Establishments2014 105Economic Census: Establishments: 53 Wholesale trade (building materials, minerals and metals, etcNumber of Establishments2014 106Economic Census: Establishments: 54 Wholesale trade (machinery and equipment)Number of Establishments2014 107Economic Census: Establishments: 55 Miscellaneous wholesale tradeNumber of Establishments2014 108Economic Census: Establishments: 56 Retail trade, general merchandiseNumber of Establishments2014 109Economic Census: Establishments: 57 Retail trade (dry goods, apparel and apparel accessories)Number of Establishments2014 110Economic Census: Establishments: 58 Retail trade (food and beverage)Number of Establishments2014 111Economic Census: Establishments: 59 Machinery and equipmentNumber of Establishments2014 112Economic Census: Establishments: 60 Miscellaneous retail tradeNumber of Establishments2014 113Economic Census: Establishments: 61 Nonstore retailersNumber of Establishments2014 114Economic Census: Establishments: 62 BankingNumber of Establishments2014 115Economic Census: Establishments: 63 Financial institutions for cooperative organizationsNumber of Establishments2014 116Economic Census: Establishments: 64 Non-deposit money corporations, including lending and credit card businessNumber of Establishments2014 117Economic Census: Establishments: 65 Financial products transaction dealers and futures commodity transaction dealersNumber of Establishments2014 118Economic Census: Establishments: 66 Financial auxiliariesNumber of Establishments2014 119Economic Census: Establishments: 67 Insurance institutions, including insurance agents, brokers and servicesNumber of Establishments2014 120Economic Census: Establishments: 68 Real estate agenciesNumber of Establishments2014 121Economic Census: Establishments: 69 Real estate lessors and managersNumber of Establishments2014 122Economic Census: Establishments: 70 Goods rental and leasingNumber of Establishments2014 123Economic Census: Establishments: 71 Scienteific and development research institutesNumber of Establishments2014 124Economic Census: Establishments: 72 Professional services, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2014 125Economic Census: Establishments: 73 AdvertisingNumber of Establishments2014 126Economic Census: Establishments: 74 Technical services, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2014 127Economic Census: Establishments: 75 AccommodationsNumber of Establishments2014 128Economic Census: Establishments: 76 Eating and drinking placesNumber of Establishments2014 129Economic Census: Establishments: 77 Food take out and delivery servicesNumber of Establishments2014 130Economic Census: Establishments: 78 Laundry, beauty and bath servicesNumber of Establishments2014 131Economic Census: Establishments: 79 Miscellaneous living-related and personal servicesNumber of Establishments2014 132Economic Census: Establishments: 80 Services for amusement and hobbiesNumber of Establishments2014 133Economic Census: Establishments: 81 School educationNumber of Establishments2014 134Economic Census: Establishments: 82 Miscellaneous education, learning supportNumber of Establishments2014 135Economic Census: Establishments: 83 Medical and other health servicesNumber of Establishments2014 136Economic Census: Establishments: 84 Public health and hygieneNumber of Establishments2014 137Economic Census: Establishments: 85 Social insurance and social welfareNumber of Establishments2014 138Economic Census: Establishments: 86 Postal servicesNumber of Establishments2014 139Economic Census: Establishments: 87 Cooperative associations, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2014 140Economic Census: Establishments: 88 Waste disposal businessNumber of Establishments2014 141Economic Census: Establishments: 89 Automobile maintenance servicesNumber of Establishments2014 142Economic Census: Establishments: 90 Machine, etc. repair services, except otherwise classifiedNumber of Establishments2014 143Economic Census: Establishments: 91 Employment and worker dispatching servicesNumber of Establishments2014 144Economic Census: Establishments: 92 Miscellaneous business servicesNumber of Establishments2014 145Economic Census: Establishments: 93 Political, business and cultural organizationsNumber of Establishments2014 146Economic Census: Establishments: 94 ReligionNumber of Establishments2014 147Economic Census: Establishments: 95 Miscellaneous servicesNumber of Establishments2014 148Economic Census: Establishments: 97 National government servicesNumber of Establishments2014 149Economic Census: Establishments: 98 Local government servicesNumber of Establishments2014 150Economic Census: Persons Engaged: TotalPersons2014 151Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 01 AgriculturePersons2014 152Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 02 ForestryPersons2014 153Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 03 Fisheries, except aquaculturePersons2014 154Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 04 AquaculturePersons2014 155Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 05 Mining and quarrying of stone and gravelPersons2014 156Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 06 Construction work, general including public and private construction workPersons2014 157Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 07 Construction work by specialist contractor, except equipment installation workPersons2014 158Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 08 Equipment installation workPersons2014 159Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 09 Manufacture of foodPersons2014 160Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 10 Manufacture of beverages, tobacco and feedPersons2014 161Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 11 Manufacture of textile mill productsPersons2014 162Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 12 Manufacture of lumber and wood products, except furniturePersons2014 163Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 13 Manufacture of furniture and fixturesPersons2014 164Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 14 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper productsPersons2014 165Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 15 Printing and allied industriesPersons2014 166Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 16 Manufacture of chemical and allied productsPersons2014 167Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 17 Manufacture of petroleum and coal productsPersons2014 168Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 18 Manufacture of plastic products, except otherwise classifiedPersons2014 169Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 19 Manufacture of rubber productsPersons2014 170Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 20 Manufacture of leather tanning, leather products and fur skinsPersons2014 171Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 21 Manufacture of ceramic, stone and clay productsPersons2014 172Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 22 Manufacture of iron and steelPersons2014 173Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 23 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals and productsPersons2014 174Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 24 Manufacture of fabricated metal productsPersons2014 175Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 25 Manufacture of general-purpose machineryPersons2014 176Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 26 Manufacture of production machineryPersons2014 177Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 27 Manufacture of business oriented machineryPersons2014 178Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 28 Electronic parts, devices and electronic circuitsPersons2014 179Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 29 Manufacture of electrical machinery, equipment and suppliesPersons2014 180Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 30 Manufacture of information and communication electronics equipmentPersons2014 181Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 31 Manufacture of transportation equipmentPersons2014 182Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 32 Miscellaneous manufacturing industriesPersons2014 183Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 33 Production, transmission and distribution of electricityPersons2014 184Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 34 Production and distribution of gasPersons2014 185Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 35 Heat supplyPersons2014 186Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 36 Collection, purification and distribution of water, and sewage collection, processing and disposalPersons2014 187Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 37 CommunicationsPersons2014 188Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 38 BroadcastingPersons2014 189Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 39 Information servicesPersons2014 190Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 40 Internet based servicesPersons2014 191Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 41 Video picture, sound information, character information production and distributionPersons2014 192Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 42 Railway transportPersons2014 193Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 43 Road passenger transportPersons2014 194Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 44 Road freight transportPersons2014 195Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 45 Water transportPersons2014 196Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 46 Air transportPersons2014 197Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 47 WarehousingPersons2014 198Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 48 Services incidental to transportPersons2014 199Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 49 Postal activities, including mail deliveryPersons2014 200Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 50 Wholesale trade, general merchandisePersons2014 201Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 51 Wholesale trade (textile and apparel)Persons2014 202Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 52 Wholesale trade (food and beverages)Persons2014 203Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 53 Wholesale trade (building materials, minerals and metals, etcPersons2014 204Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 54 Wholesale trade (machinery and equipment)Persons2014 205Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 55 Miscellaneous wholesale tradePersons2014 206Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 56 Retail trade, general merchandisePersons2014 207Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 57 Retail trade (dry goods, apparel and apparel accessories)Persons2014 208Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 58 Retail trade (food and beverage)Persons2014 209Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 59 Machinery and equipmentPersons2014 210Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 60 Miscellaneous retail tradePersons2014 211Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 61 Nonstore retailersPersons2014 212Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 62 BankingPersons2014 213Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 63 Financial institutions for cooperative organizationsPersons2014 214Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 64 Non-deposit money corporations, including lending and credit card businessPersons2014 215Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 65 Financial products transaction dealers and futures commodity transaction dealersPersons2014 216Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 66 Financial auxiliariesPersons2014 217Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 67 Insurance institutions, including insurance agents, brokers and servicesPersons2014 218Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 68 Real estate agenciesPersons2014 219Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 69 Real estate lessors and managersPersons2014 220Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 70 Goods rental and leasingPersons2014 221Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 71 Scienteific and development research institutesPersons2014 222Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 72 Professional services, n.e.c.Persons2014 223Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 73 AdvertisingPersons2014 224Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 74 Technical services, n.e.c.Persons2014 225Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 75 AccommodationsPersons2014 226Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 76 Eating and drinking placesPersons2014 227Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 77 Food take out and delivery servicesPersons2014 228Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 78 Laundry, beauty and bath servicesPersons2014 229Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 79 Miscellaneous living-related and personal servicesPersons2014 230Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 80 Services for amusement and hobbiesPersons2014 231Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 81 School educationPersons2014 232Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 82 Miscellaneous education, learning supportPersons2014 233Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 83 Medical and other health servicesPersons2014 234Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 84 Public health and hygienePersons2014 235Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 85 Social insurance and social welfarePersons2014 236Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 86 Postal servicesPersons2014 237Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 87 Cooperative associations, n.e.c.Persons2014 238Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 88 Waste disposal businessPersons2014 239Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 89 Automobile maintenance servicesPersons2014 240Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 90 Machine, etc. repair services, except otherwise classifiedPersons2014 241Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 91 Employment and worker dispatching servicesPersons2014 242Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 92 Miscellaneous business servicesPersons2014 243Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 93 Political, business and cultural organizationsPersons2014 244Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 94 ReligionPersons2014 245Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 95 Miscellaneous servicesPersons2014 246Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 97 National government servicesPersons2014 247Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 98 Local government servicesPersons2014

We created the statistical data aggregated by the MEA based on 2010 Population Census of Japan. The following are the details. The production, the private capital and the social overhead capital are divided proportionally by the estimation procedure of Kurima and Ohkawara (2001).

We added the population data between 1965 and 2005 by the MEA based on 2010 Population Census.

We added 2009 Economic Census data by the MEA based on 2010 Population Census.

*The population in 1965 is reported in the 1970 Population Census.

NO Name Unit Year Proportional Division Standard 1Nighttime PopulationPersons2010- 2Employed Persons: TotalPersons2010- 3Employed Persons: Agriculture and ForestryPersons2010- 4Employed Persons: AgriculturePersons2010- 5Employed Persons: FisheriesPersons2010- 6Employed Persons: Mining and Quarrying of Stone and GravelPersons2010- 7Employed Persons: ConstructionPersons2010- 8Employed Persons: ManufacturingPersons2010- 9Employed Persons: Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply and WaterPersons2010- 10Employed Persons: Information and CommunicationsPersons2010- 11Employed Persons: Transport and Postal ActivitiesPersons2010- 12Employed Persons: Wholesale and Retail TradePersons2010- 13Employed Persons: Finance and InsurancePersons2010- 14Employed Persons: Real Estate and Goods Rental and LeasingPersons2010- 15Employed Persons: Scientific Research, Professional and Technical ServicesPersons2010- 16Employed Persons: Accommodations, Eating and Drinking ServicesPersons2010- 17Employed Persons: Living-related and Personal Services and Amusement ServicesPersons2010- 18Employed Persons: Education, Learning SupportPersons2010- 19Employed Persons: Medical, Health Care and WelfarePersons2010- 20Employed Persons: Compound ServicesPersons2010- 21Employed Persons: Services, n.e.c.Persons2010- 22Employed Persons: Government, except elsewhere classifiedPersons2010- 23Employed Persons: Industries Unable to ClassifyPersons2010- 24Production: Agriculture, Forestry and FisheryMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Agriculture and Forestry and Employed Persons: Fisheries 25Production: MiningMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Mining and Quarrying of Stone and Gravel 26Production: ManufacturingMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Manufacturing 27Production: ConstructionMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Construction 28Production: Electricity, Gas and WaterMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply and Water 29Production: Wholesale and Retail TradeMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Wholesale and Retail Trade 30Production: Finance and InsuranceMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Finance and Insurance 31Production: TransportMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Transport and Postal Activities 32Production: Information and CommunicationsMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Information and Communications 33Production: Service ActivitiesMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Scientific Research, Professional and Technical Services, Employed Persons: Accommodations, Eating and Drinking Services, Employed Persons: Living-related and Personal Services and Amusement Services, Employed Persons: Education, Learning Support, Employed Persons: Medical, Health Care and Welfare, Employed Persons: Compound Services and Employed Persons: Services, n.e.c. 34Production: Producers of Government ServicesMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Government, except elsewhere classified 35Production: Producers of Private Non-profit Services to HouseholdsMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Employed Persons: Total 36Production: Real EstateMillion Yen, 2005 base2010Nighttime Population and Employed Persons: Total (α=0.85) 37Production: Non-manufacturingMillion Yen, 2005 base2010- 38Production: TotalMillion Yen, 2005 base2010- 39Private Capital Stock: ManufacturingMillion Yen, 2000 base2009Production: Manufacturing 40Private Capital Stock: Non-manufacturingMillion Yen, 2000 base2009Production: Non-manufacturing 41Private Capital Stock: TotalMillion Yen, 2000 base2009- 42Social Overhead Capital: RoadsMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Production: Total 43Social Overhead Capital: Airports and HarborsMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Production: Manufacturing 44Social Overhead Capital: Public Rental HousingMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Nighttime Population 45Social Overhead Capital: SewerageMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Nighttime Population 46Social Overhead Capital: Waste DisposalMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Nighttime Population 47Social Overhead Capital: Water SupplyMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Nighttime Population 48Social Overhead Capital: City ParksMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Nighttime Population 49Social Overhead Capital: Schools and Social Educational FacilitiesMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Nighttime Population 50Social Overhead Capital: Disaster Management and State ForestsMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Production: Total 51Social Overhead Capital: Agriculture, Forestry and FisheryMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Production: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery 52Social Overhead Capital: Industrial WaterMillion Yen, 2005 base2009Production: Manufacturing 53Social Overhead Capital: TotalMillion Yen, 2005 base2009- 54Past Population: Total Population in 1965Persons1965- 55Past Population: Total Population in 1970Persons1970- 56Past Population: Total Population in 1975Persons1975- 57Past Population: Total Population in 1980Persons1980- 58Past Population: Total Population in 1985Persons1985- 59Past Population: Total Population in 1990Persons1990- 60Past Population: Total Population in 1995Persons1995- 61Past Population: Total Population in 2000Persons2000- 62Past Population: Total Population in 2005Persons2005- 63Estimated Population: Total Population in 2015Persons2015- 64Estimated Population: Total Population in 2020Persons2020- 65Estimated Population: Total Population in 2025Persons2025- 66Estimated Population: Total Population in 2030Persons2030- 67Estimated Population: Total Population in 2035Persons2035- 68Estimated Population: Total Population in 2040Persons2040- 69Total AreaHectare2011- 70Inhabitable Land AreaHectare2011- 71Economic Census: Establishments: Total: A-SNumber of Establishments2009- 72Economic Census: Persons Engaged: Total: A-SPersons2009- 73Economic Census: Establishments: A Agriculture and ForestryNumber of Establishments2009- 74Economic Census: Persons Engaged: A Agriculture and ForestryPersons2009- 75Economic Census: Establishments: 01 AgricultureNumber of Establishments2009- 76Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 01 AgriculturePersons2009- 77Economic Census: Establishments: 02 ForestryNumber of Establishments2009- 78Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 02 ForestryPersons2009- 79Economic Census: Establishments: B FisheriesNumber of Establishments2009- 80Economic Census: Persons Engaged: B FisheriesPersons2009- 81Economic Census: Establishments: 03 Fisheries, except aquacultureNumber of Establishments2009- 82Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 03 Fisheries, except aquaculturePersons2009- 83Economic Census: Establishments: 04 AquacultureNumber of Establishments2009- 84Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 04 AquaculturePersons2009- 85Economic Census: Establishments: C Mining and Quarrying of Stone and GravelNumber of Establishments2009- 86Economic Census: Persons Engaged: C Mining and Quarrying of Stone and GravelPersons2009- 87Economic Census: Establishments: 05 Mining and quarrying of stone and gravelNumber of Establishments2009- 88Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 05 Mining and quarrying of stone and gravelPersons2009- 89Economic Census: Establishments: D ConstructionNumber of Establishments2009- 90Economic Census: Persons Engaged: D ConstructionPersons2009- 91Economic Census: Establishments: 06 Construction work, general including public and private construction workNumber of Establishments2009- 92Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 06 Construction work, general including public and private construction workPersons2009- 93Economic Census: Establishments: 07 Construction work by specialist contractor, except equipment installation workNumber of Establishments2009- 94Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 07 Construction work by specialist contractor, except equipment installation workPersons2009- 95Economic Census: Establishments: 08 Equipment installation workNumber of Establishments2009- 96Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 08 Equipment installation workPersons2009- 97Economic Census: Establishments: E ManufacturingNumber of Establishments2009- 98Economic Census: Persons Engaged: E ManufacturingPersons2009- 99Economic Census: Establishments: 09 Manufacture of foodNumber of Establishments2009- 100Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 09 Manufacture of foodPersons2009- 101Economic Census: Establishments: 10 Manufacture of beverages, tobacco and feedNumber of Establishments2009- 102Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 10 Manufacture of beverages, tobacco and feedPersons2009- 103Economic Census: Establishments: 11 Manufacture of textile mill productsNumber of Establishments2009- 104Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 11 Manufacture of textile mill productsPersons2009- 105Economic Census: Establishments: 12 Manufacture of lumber and wood products, except furnitureNumber of Establishments2009- 106Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 12 Manufacture of lumber and wood products, except furniturePersons2009- 107Economic Census: Establishments: 13 Manufacture of furniture and fixturesNumber of Establishments2009- 108Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 13 Manufacture of furniture and fixturesPersons2009- 109Economic Census: Establishments: 14 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper productsNumber of Establishments2009- 110Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 14 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper productsPersons2009- 111Economic Census: Establishments: 15 Printing and allied industriesNumber of Establishments2009- 112Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 15 Printing and allied industriesPersons2009- 113Economic Census: Establishments: 16 Manufacture of chemical and allied productsNumber of Establishments2009- 114Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 16 Manufacture of chemical and allied productsPersons2009- 115Economic Census: Establishments: 17 Manufacture of petroleum and coal productsNumber of Establishments2009- 116Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 17 Manufacture of petroleum and coal productsPersons2009- 117Economic Census: Establishments: 18 Manufacture of plastic products, except otherwise classifiedNumber of Establishments2009- 118Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 18 Manufacture of plastic products, except otherwise classifiedPersons2009- 119Economic Census: Establishments: 19 Manufacture of rubber productsNumber of Establishments2009- 120Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 19 Manufacture of rubber productsPersons2009- 121Economic Census: Establishments: 20 Manufacture of leather tanning, leather products and fur skinsNumber of Establishments2009- 122Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 20 Manufacture of leather tanning, leather products and fur skinsPersons2009- 123Economic Census: Establishments: 21 Manufacture of ceramic, stone and clay productsNumber of Establishments2009- 124Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 21 Manufacture of ceramic, stone and clay productsPersons2009- 125Economic Census: Establishments: 22 Manufacture of iron and steelNumber of Establishments2009- 126Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 22 Manufacture of iron and steelPersons2009- 127Economic Census: Establishments: 23 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals and productsNumber of Establishments2009- 128Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 23 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals and productsPersons2009- 129Economic Census: Establishments: 24 Manufacture of fabricated metal productsNumber of Establishments2009- 130Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 24 Manufacture of fabricated metal productsPersons2009- 131Economic Census: Establishments: 25 Manufacture of general-purpose machineryNumber of Establishments2009- 132Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 25 Manufacture of general-purpose machineryPersons2009- 133Economic Census: Establishments: 26 Manufacture of production machineryNumber of Establishments2009- 134Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 26 Manufacture of production machineryPersons2009- 135Economic Census: Establishments: 27 Manufacture of business oriented machineryNumber of Establishments2009- 136Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 27 Manufacture of business oriented machineryPersons2009- 137Economic Census: Establishments: 28 Electronic parts, devices and electronic circuitsNumber of Establishments2009- 138Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 28 Electronic parts, devices and electronic circuitsPersons2009- 139Economic Census: Establishments: 29 Manufacture of electrical machinery, equipment and suppliesNumber of Establishments2009- 140Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 29 Manufacture of electrical machinery, equipment and suppliesPersons2009- 141Economic Census: Establishments: 30 Manufacture of information and communication electronics equipmentNumber of Establishments2009- 142Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 30 Manufacture of information and communication electronics equipmentPersons2009- 143Economic Census: Establishments: 31 Manufacture of transportation equipmentNumber of Establishments2009- 144Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 31 Manufacture of transportation equipmentPersons2009- 145Economic Census: Establishments: 32 Miscellaneous manufacturing industriesNumber of Establishments2009- 146Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 32 Miscellaneous manufacturing industriesPersons2009- 147Economic Census: Establishments: F Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply and WaterNumber of Establishments2009- 148Economic Census: Persons Engaged: F Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply and WaterPersons2009- 149Economic Census: Establishments: 33 Production, transmission and distribution of electricityNumber of Establishments2009- 150Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 33 Production, transmission and distribution of electricityPersons2009- 151Economic Census: Establishments: 34 Production and distribution of gasNumber of Establishments2009- 152Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 34 Production and distribution of gasPersons2009- 153Economic Census: Establishments: 35 Heat supplyNumber of Establishments2009- 154Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 35 Heat supplyPersons2009- 155Economic Census: Establishments: 36 Collection, purification and distribution of water, and sewage collection, processing and disposalNumber of Establishments2009- 156Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 36 Collection, purification and distribution of water, and sewage collection, processing and disposalPersons2009- 157Economic Census: Establishments: G Information and CommunicationsNumber of Establishments2009- 158Economic Census: Persons Engaged: G Information and CommunicationsPersons2009- 159Economic Census: Establishments: 37 CommunicationsNumber of Establishments2009- 160Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 37 CommunicationsPersons2009- 161Economic Census: Establishments: 38 BroadcastingNumber of Establishments2009- 162Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 38 BroadcastingPersons2009- 163Economic Census: Establishments: 39 Information servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 164Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 39 Information servicesPersons2009- 165Economic Census: Establishments: 40 Internet based servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 166Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 40 Internet based servicesPersons2009- 167Economic Census: Establishments: 41 Video picture, sound information, character information production and distributionNumber of Establishments2009- 168Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 41 Video picture, sound information, character information production and distributionPersons2009- 169Economic Census: Establishments: H Transport and Postal ActivitiesNumber of Establishments2009- 170Economic Census: Persons Engaged: H Transport and Postal ActivitiesPersons2009- 171Economic Census: Establishments: 42 Railway transportNumber of Establishments2009- 172Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 42 Railway transportPersons2009- 173Economic Census: Establishments: 43 Road passenger transportNumber of Establishments2009- 174Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 43 Road passenger transportPersons2009- 175Economic Census: Establishments: 44 Road freight transportNumber of Establishments2009- 176Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 44 Road freight transportPersons2009- 177Economic Census: Establishments: 45 Water transportNumber of Establishments2009- 178Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 45 Water transportPersons2009- 179Economic Census: Establishments: 46 Air transportNumber of Establishments2009- 180Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 46 Air transportPersons2009- 181Economic Census: Establishments: 47 WarehousingNumber of Establishments2009- 182Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 47 WarehousingPersons2009- 183Economic Census: Establishments: 48 Services incidental to transportNumber of Establishments2009- 184Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 48 Services incidental to transportPersons2009- 185Economic Census: Establishments: 49 Postal activities, including mail deliveryNumber of Establishments2009- 186Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 49 Postal activities, including mail deliveryPersons2009- 187Economic Census: Establishments: I Wholesale and Retail TradeNumber of Establishments2009- 188Economic Census: Persons Engaged: I Wholesale and Retail TradePersons2009- 189Economic Census: Establishments: 50 Wholesale trade, general merchandiseNumber of Establishments2009- 190Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 50 Wholesale trade, general merchandisePersons2009- 191Economic Census: Establishments: 51 Wholesale trade (textile and apparel)Number of Establishments2009- 192Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 51 Wholesale trade (textile and apparel)Persons2009- 193Economic Census: Establishments: 52 Wholesale trade (food and beverages)Number of Establishments2009- 194Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 52 Wholesale trade (food and beverages)Persons2009- 195Economic Census: Establishments: 53 Wholesale trade (building materials, minerals and metals, etcNumber of Establishments2009- 196Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 53 Wholesale trade (building materials, minerals and metals, etcPersons2009- 197Economic Census: Establishments: 54 Wholesale trade (machinery and equipment)Number of Establishments2009- 198Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 54 Wholesale trade (machinery and equipment)Persons2009- 199Economic Census: Establishments: 55 Miscellaneous wholesale tradeNumber of Establishments2009- 200Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 55 Miscellaneous wholesale tradePersons2009- 201Economic Census: Establishments: 56 Retail trade, general merchandiseNumber of Establishments2009- 202Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 56 Retail trade, general merchandisePersons2009- 203Economic Census: Establishments: 57 Retail trade (dry goods, apparel and apparel accessories)Number of Establishments2009- 204Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 57 Retail trade (dry goods, apparel and apparel accessories)Persons2009- 205Economic Census: Establishments: 58 Retail trade (food and beverage)Number of Establishments2009- 206Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 58 Retail trade (food and beverage)Persons2009- 207Economic Census: Establishments: 59 Machinery and equipmentNumber of Establishments2009- 208Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 59 Machinery and equipmentPersons2009- 209Economic Census: Establishments: 60 Miscellaneous retail tradeNumber of Establishments2009- 210Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 60 Miscellaneous retail tradePersons2009- 211Economic Census: Establishments: 61 Nonstore retailersNumber of Establishments2009- 212Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 61 Nonstore retailersPersons2009- 213Economic Census: Establishments: J Finance and InsuranceNumber of Establishments2009- 214Economic Census: Persons Engaged: J Finance and InsurancePersons2009- 215Economic Census: Establishments: 62 BankingNumber of Establishments2009- 216Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 62 BankingPersons2009- 217Economic Census: Establishments: 63 Financial institutions for cooperative organizationsNumber of Establishments2009- 218Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 63 Financial institutions for cooperative organizationsPersons2009- 219Economic Census: Establishments: 64 Non-deposit money corporations, including lending and credit card businessNumber of Establishments2009- 220Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 64 Non-deposit money corporations, including lending and credit card businessPersons2009- 221Economic Census: Establishments: 65 Financial products transaction dealers and futures commodity transaction dealersNumber of Establishments2009- 222Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 65 Financial products transaction dealers and futures commodity transaction dealersPersons2009- 223Economic Census: Establishments: 66 Financial auxiliariesNumber of Establishments2009- 224Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 66 Financial auxiliariesPersons2009- 225Economic Census: Establishments: 67 Insurance institutions, including insurance agents, brokers and servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 226Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 67 Insurance institutions, including insurance agents, brokers and servicesPersons2009- 227Economic Census: Establishments: K Real Estate and Goods Rental and LeasingNumber of Establishments2009- 228Economic Census: Persons Engaged: K Real Estate and Goods Rental and LeasingPersons2009- 229Economic Census: Establishments: 68 Real estate agenciesNumber of Establishments2009- 230Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 68 Real estate agenciesPersons2009- 231Economic Census: Establishments: 69 Real estate lessors and managersNumber of Establishments2009- 232Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 69 Real estate lessors and managersPersons2009- 233Economic Census: Establishments: 70 Goods rental and leasingNumber of Establishments2009- 234Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 70 Goods rental and leasingPersons2009- 235Economic Census: Establishments: L Scientific Research, Professional and Technical ServicesNumber of Establishments2009- 236Economic Census: Persons Engaged: L Scientific Research, Professional and Technical ServicesPersons2009- 237Economic Census: Establishments: 71 Scienteific and development research institutesNumber of Establishments2009- 238Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 71 Scienteific and development research institutesPersons2009- 239Economic Census: Establishments: 72 Professional services, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2009- 240Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 72 Professional services, n.e.c.Persons2009- 241Economic Census: Establishments: 73 AdvertisingNumber of Establishments2009- 242Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 73 AdvertisingPersons2009- 243Economic Census: Establishments: 74 Technical services, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2009- 244Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 74 Technical services, n.e.c.Persons2009- 245Economic Census: Establishments: M Accommodations, Eating and Drinking ServicesNumber of Establishments2009- 246Economic Census: Persons Engaged: M Accommodations, Eating and Drinking ServicesPersons2009- 247Economic Census: Establishments: 75 AccommodationsNumber of Establishments2009- 248Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 75 AccommodationsPersons2009- 249Economic Census: Establishments: 76 Eating and drinking placesNumber of Establishments2009- 250Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 76 Eating and drinking placesPersons2009- 251Economic Census: Establishments: 77 Food tale out and delivery servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 252Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 77 Food tale out and delivery servicesPersons2009- 253Economic Census: Establishments: N Living-Related and Personal Services and Amusement ServicesNumber of Establishments2009- 254Economic Census: Persons Engaged: N Living-Related and Personal Services and Amusement ServicesPersons2009- 255Economic Census: Establishments: 78 Laundry, beauty and bath servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 256Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 78 Laundry, beauty and bath servicesPersons2009- 257Economic Census: Establishments: 79 Miscellaneous living-related and personal servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 258Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 79 Miscellaneous living-related and personal servicesPersons2009- 259Economic Census: Establishments: 80 Services for amusement and hobbiesNumber of Establishments2009- 260Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 80 Services for amusement and hobbiesPersons2009- 261Economic Census: Establishments: O Education, Learning SupportNumber of Establishments2009- 262Economic Census: Persons Engaged: O Education, Learning SupportPersons2009- 263Economic Census: Establishments: 81 School educationNumber of Establishments2009- 264Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 81 School educationPersons2009- 265Economic Census: Establishments: 82 Miscellaneous education, learning supportNumber of Establishments2009- 266Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 82 Miscellaneous education, learning supportPersons2009- 267Economic Census: Establishments: P Medical, Health Care and WelfareNumber of Establishments2009- 268Economic Census: Persons Engaged: P Medical, Health Care and WelfarePersons2009- 269Economic Census: Establishments: 83 Medical and other health servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 270Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 83 Medical and other health servicesPersons2009- 271Economic Census: Establishments: 84 Public health and hygieneNumber of Establishments2009- 272Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 84 Public health and hygienePersons2009- 273Economic Census: Establishments: 85 Social insurance and social welfareNumber of Establishments2009- 274Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 85 Social insurance and social welfarePersons2009- 275Economic Census: Establishments: Q Compound ServicesNumber of Establishments2009- 276Economic Census: Persons Engaged: Q Compound ServicesPersons2009- 277Economic Census: Establishments: 86 Postal servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 278Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 86 Postal servicesPersons2009- 279Economic Census: Establishments: 87 Cooperative associations, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2009- 280Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 87 Cooperative associations, n.e.c.Persons2009- 281Economic Census: Establishments: R Services, n.e.c.Number of Establishments2009- 282Economic Census: Persons Engaged: R Services, n.e.c.Persons2009- 283Economic Census: Establishments: 88 Waste disposal businessNumber of Establishments2009- 284Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 88 Waste disposal businessPersons2009- 285Economic Census: Establishments: 89 Automobile maintenance servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 286Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 89 Automobile maintenance servicesPersons2009- 287Economic Census: Establishments: 90 Machine, etc. repair services, except otherwise classifiedNumber of Establishments2009- 288Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 90 Machine, etc. repair services, except otherwise classifiedPersons2009- 289Economic Census: Establishments: 91 Employment and worker dispatching servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 290Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 91 Employment and worker dispatching servicesPersons2009- 291Economic Census: Establishments: 92 Miscellaneous business servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 292Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 92 Miscellaneous business servicesPersons2009- 293Economic Census: Establishments: 93 Political, business and cultural organizationsNumber of Establishments2009- 294Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 93 Political, business and cultural organizationsPersons2009- 295Economic Census: Establishments: 94 ReligionNumber of Establishments2009- 296Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 94 ReligionPersons2009- 297Economic Census: Establishments: 95 Miscellaneous servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 298Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 95 Miscellaneous servicesPersons2009- 299Economic Census: Establishments: S Government, Except Elsewhere ClassifiedNumber of Establishments2009- 300Economic Census: Persons Engaged: S Government, Except Elsewhere ClassifiedPersons2009- 301Economic Census: Establishments: 97 National government servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 302Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 97 National government servicesPersons2009- 303Economic Census: Establishments: 98 Local government servicesNumber of Establishments2009- 304Economic Census: Persons Engaged: 98 Local government servicesPersons2009-

The MEA economic data are constructed by Kurima and Ohkawara (2001) .