Cylinder Recordings

Historical Background

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and known as the Wizard of Menlo Park. Edison's favorite invention was the phonograph. In 1877, he created a way to record sound on tinfoil cylinders by using two needles, one for recording and one for playback. The first words that Edison recorded were "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Ten years later, in 1887, Edison formed the Edison Phonograph Company to sell the phonograph to the public. This marked the beginning of the sound recording industry. The first records sold by the Edison and Columbia Phonograph Companies were on wax cylinders. These were brittle and broke easily. Columbia ceased production of wax cylinders in 1909 when discs became popular. The Edison National Phonograph Company continued making cylinders and discs until 1929. Cylinder records and other recordings made throughout the twentieth century are valuable primary resources.For the first time in political history, candidates in the 1908 presidential election (William Howard Taft, Republican and William Jennings Bryan, Democrat ) recorded speeches that were sold to the public. Theodore Roosevelt also recorded speeches.

Many institutions such as the Smithsonian and Library of Congress are trying to preserve recordings such as these under a program called Saving America's Sounds. To learn more about Thomas Edison and listen to early recordings, visit the Websites listed at the bottom of the page.

Edison Cylinder Samples is an iBook available for free. It provides some examples of the various types of recordings with lillustrations from advertisements and performers.

Photo of Edison with cylinder phonograph in 1878

CREDIT: Edison, Thomas A.. "Edison with Cylinder Phonograph; Washington, DC; April 18, 1878." 1878. Photo courtesy of U. S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, Edison National Historical Site.

Cylinder Care

  • Hold with middle and index fingers, open to a V shape, in the cylinder
  • Do not touch the outer, grooved surface (the playing surface) of the cylinder
  • Allow wax cylinders from cool storage to acclimate to room temperature before touching to avoid thermal shock
  • Store cylinders standing on end

Cylinder Containers

Carboard tubes were used to package and protect the cylinder records. Each record company made their own generic labels for the boxes. There was no information on the label to identify the contents. Thus, a record slip was included inside the box.

Record Containers Author's Collection

Record Slip

A slip of paper to identify the recording and performer was placed inside the box with the cylinder. At first this information was hand-written or typed on each slip, but printed versions became more common once cylinders were sold in large enough quantities to justify the printing set-up cost.

Record Slip
Author's Collection
Listening Lesson Download the Printable Lesson
Directions: Listen to one of the cylinder recordings. Using the guide below, describe what you hear.
Objective Observations

Describe what you hear in the recording by investigating its parts. For example: Is the recording musical or nonmusical? Are there any recognizable instruments? If so, identify them. Are the words sung or spoken? Is there any slang or dialect used in the recording? Is a story being told? If so, what is the story about?


What was happening in history during this time period? Did history or culture have any influence on the words or music?

Subjective Observations

Describe your personal feelings and what you think about the recording. Always base your subjective reaction on something that is heard. For example, "I heard ..., and it makes me feel or imagine ..."

Do you have any Questions about the recording?

Saving Our Sounds

Cylinder Record List

The cylinders were played on either an Edison Standard Phonographor or an Amberola 30 and recorded using Garage Band on a MacPro. The files were edited in Audacity. These recordings are from the author's collection. Please do not upload these files to other sites without attribution.

Children's Stories

Number Title MP3 Type Category Company Year
2963 Story of the Little Red Hen - Little Maud's Story - Alice Goddard 4M Blue Amberol Bed-Time Story Edison 1916
3157 The Story of Chicken Little - Edna Bailey 4M Blue Amberol Bed-Time Story Edison 1917 
2697 The Three Bears - Edna Bailey 4M Blue Amberol Bed-Time Story Edison 1915

Christmas Music

2771 Angels from the Realms of Glory - Carol Singers 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1915
3330 Christmas Memories (Celeste Solo) -  Robert Gayler 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Songs Edison 1917
3030 The First Nowell - The Carol Singers 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1916
3346 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Carol Singers 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1917
2482 Hark the Herald Angels Sing - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1914
2769 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear - The Carol Singers 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1915
3029 Joy to the World - The Carol Singers 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1916
23144 The Mistletoe Bough - British Male Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1913
2464 The Night Before Christmas - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Recitation Edison 1914
2478 O Come, All Ye Faithful - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1914
2091 Ring Out the Bells for Christmas - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1912
8270 Santa Claus Song - George P. Watson 2M Black Wax Yodel Edison 1902
1606 Silent Night - Elizabeth Spencer, Harry Anthony & James F. Harrison 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1912
26067 Stille Nacht, Heilage Nacht - Steidl Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1913
3349 We Three Kings - Carol Singers 4M Blue Amberol Christmas Song Edison 1917
10257 While Shepherds Watched - Edison Concert Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1909

Comic/Novelty Songs

2468 Aba Daba Honeymoon - Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1914
960 Aunt Nancy and Uncle Josh in New York - Cal Stewart 2M Blacvk Wax Comic Indestructible 1905

The Arkansas Traveler  - Harry Spencer & George Schweinfest

Arkansas Traveler Lithograph and Music

The melody originated with a Lithograph created by Currier and Ives

2M Black Wax Descriptive Talk Columbia 1901
3020 The Arkansas Traveler - Len Spencer 4M Black Wax Descriptive Talk Oxford 1910
2674 Bird Imitations - Charles Crawford Gorst 4M Blue Amberol Whistling Edison 1915
2347 Chicken Reel - Edward Meeker 4M Blue Amberal Comic Song Edison 1914
1656 Clancy's Wooden Wedding - Edward Meeker 4M Blue Amberol Comic Song Edison 1919
3476 The Darktown Strutters Ball - Premier Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1917
3542 Derby Day in Dixie - Elaine Gordon 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1918
1725 Flanagan's Irish Jubilee - Steve Porter 4M Blue Amberol Vaudeville Sketch Edison 1913
2326 Fourth of July at Punkin Center - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1914
1929 Funny Doings at Sleepy Hollow - Harlan E. Knight and Company 4M Blue Amberol Vaudeville Sketch Edison 1913
2684 Gasoline Guss and His Jittney Bus - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1915
32896 Ground Hog Day at Pumpkin Center - Cal Stewart 2M Black Wax Laughing Story Columbia 1906
2194 He'd Have to Get Out and Get Under - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1914
9523 How Matt Got the Mitten - Ada Jones & Len Spencer 2M Black Wax Vaudeville Sketch Edison 1907
1422 Huckleberry Pie - Ada Jones and Walter Van Brunt 4M Indestructible Duet Comic U.S. Everlasting 1912
10021 The Last Day of School at Pumpkin Centre - Cal Stewart 2M Black Wax Comic Edison 1908
2556 The Little Ford Rambled Right Along - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1915
4942 Oh You Can't Fool An Old Horse Fly - Billy Jones and Earnest Hare (The Happiness Boys) 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1925
1534 Oh! You Circus Day Medley - Belmont 4M Blue Amberol Whistling Edison 1912
5060 The Old Grey Mare - Billy Jones and Earnest Hare (The Happiness Boys) 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1925
2561 On the 5:15 - Pete Murray 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1915
3830 Opera at Pun'kin Center - Cal Smith 4M Blue Amberol Vaudeville Sketch Edison 1919
1971 Peaches and Cream - Ada Jones and Len Spencer 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1913
1893 Railroad Jim - Edward Meeker 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1915
2009 The Revival Meeting at Pumpkin Center - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1913
383 The Rube and the Country Doctor - Byron Harlan & Frank Stanley 4M Black Amberol Rube Sketch Edison 1910
2920 Since Mother Goes to Movie Shows - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1916
3506 Snookey Ookums - Collins and Harlan 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1913
9448 Spring-tide Revels - Mrs. Alice Shaw and twin daughters 4M Black Wax Novelty Edison 1907
728 Steamboat Bill - Edward Meeker 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1911
9707 Street Scene, Three Rubes Seeing New York - Edison Vaudeville Company 2M Black Wax Comic Edison 1907
1767 Three Little Owls and the Naughty Little Mice & I'm Old But I'm Awfully Tough - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1913
3904 Train Time at Pun'kin Center - Cal Stewart & Company 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1920
3890 Uncle Josh & Aunt Nancy Put up the Kitchen Stove - Cal Stewart & Ada Jones 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1920
3862 Uncle Josh and the Honey Bees - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1919
4318 Uncle Josh and the Soldier - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1921
912 Uncle Josh at a Bug House - Cal Stewart 2M Indestructible Comic Columbia 1908
10048 Uncle Josh st a Roller Skating Rink - Cal Stewart 2M Black Wax Comic Edison 1909
1583 Uncle Josh Buys an Automobile - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1912
911 Uncle Josh Gets a Letter from Home - Cal Stewart 2M Indestructible Comic Columbia 1908
1714 Uncle Josh Keeps House - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1913
2108 Uncle Josh in a Photograph Gallery - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1913
3923 Uncle Josh's Birthday - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1920
1866 Uncle Josh's Huskin Bee - Cal Stewart & Company 4M Blue Ambero Comic Edison 1913
1594 The Village Gossips - Cal Stewart and Steve Porter 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1912
2657 War Talk at Punkin Center - Cal Stewart 4M Blue Amberol Comic Edison 1915
4778 Yes We Have No Bananas - Billy Jones 4M Blue Amberol Novelty Edison 1923
1203 Zep Green's Airship - Len Spencer and Ada Jones 4M Comic Everlasting 1902

Foreign Language

26209 S Almstrausli Landler - Oberbayerische Bauernkapelle 4M Blue Amberol Folk Dance Edison 1921
28221 Am Rheinland Und Bein Wein - Otto Coritz 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1915
26164 Der Tyroler Und Sein Kind - Julia Kubler 4M Blue Amberol Songs Edison 1914
26113 Die Grosse Kanone Potpourri - Johann Strauss 4M Blue Amberol Orchestra Edison 1913
26034 Die Post Im Walde with kornet solo - Nebe Quartett 4M Blue Amberol Kornet and Song Edison 1910
3611 Donna Juanita Selection - Creatore and His Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1918
3661 La Danse Des Sorcieres - Solero's Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1919
28065 Unter Schwingen Des Deutschen Aars - Johann Strauss Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Marches Edison 1913
26187 Volksliedercouplet - Stolberg 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1914
26188 Volksleider Pot Pourri No. 2 - Military-Kapelle 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1910
26190 Wacht Am Rhein and Deutschland and Uber Alles - Manhattan Quartette 4M Blue Amberol Natioanl Anthem Edison 1914

Instrumental Music

1864 Alexander's Ragtime Band Medley - Fred Van Epps 4M Blue Amberol Banjo Edison 1912
3395 Ballet Egyptian No. 5 1&2 - American Symphony Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Orchestra Edison 1918
2480 Ballin' the Jack - National Promenade Band 4M Blue Amberol Band - Foxtrot Edison 1914
1165 Barn Yard Galop - Indestrutible Military Band 2M Indestructibl Band Indestructible 1909
4217 Battle of the Nations - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1916
3460 Battle Song of Liberty March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1918
3733 Beautiful Ohio - Judes Society Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Waltz Edison 1919
1553 Bell ,Solo from the Magic Flute 4M Blue Amberol Opera Edison 1912
7282 Ben Hur Chariot Race - 71st Regiment Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1902
3434 Blackthorn Stick Medley of Jigs -Charles D'Almaine 4M Blue Amberol Violin Edison 1918
1026 Buck Reel, Dance ,- Charles D'almane 2M Indestructible Fiddle Columbia 1909
3036 Side A Cloud Chief - Ossman Side B Medley of JIgs - D'Almaine 4M Blue Amberol Banjo & Violin Edison 1910
4136 Celestial Chimes - Robert Gaylor 4M Blue Amberol Celesta Music Edison 1920


Champagne Galop - Edison Concert Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1903
23346 Colonel Bogey March - National Military Band 4M Blue Amberol British Series Band Edison 1915
3844 Colonel Stuart March - Conway's Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1919
4667 Concert Fantasie - Huston Ray 4M Blue Amberol Piano Solo Edison 1923
2755 Coronation March - Sodero's Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1915
2712 Dance of the Skeletons - Sodero's Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1915
3875 A Day in Toyland - Frederick Hager 4M Blue Amberol Orchestra Edison 1919
80 Death of Custer - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1908
1532 Dixie Medley - Fred Van Epps 4M Blue Amberol Banjo Edison 1912
3185 Down South - Vess Ossman 4M Everlasting Banjo Columbia 1911

Durang Hornpipe - John Baltzell (violin), John Burchardt (piano)

4M Blue Amberol Violin & Piano Edison 1923
3859 Echo - Weyert A. Moor & Pietro Capodiferro 4M Blue Amberol Duet Flute & Cornet Edison 1919
1770 Fisher's hornpipe - Charles D'Almaine 4M Blue Amberol Violin Edison 1913
2056 Garry Owen Medley - E. Jaudas 4M Blue Amberol Violin Edison 1913
2329 Gippsland March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1914
8529 The Girl I Left Behind Me, Medley - U.S. Marine Fife and Drum Corps
4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1903
12800 The Girl I Left Behind Me - Columbia Drum, Fife, & Bugle Corps. 2M Brown Wax Band Columbia 1899
2708 Gladiator March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1915
980 Glowworm - Indestructible Concert Band 2M Indestructible Band Columbia 1909

He'd Have to Get under Get out and Get Under - National Promenade Band

4M Blue Amberol Medley - Band Edison 1916
10132 Hallow'een Dance - American Symphony Orchestra 2M Black Wax Orchestra Edison 1909
Special Hermit's Bell Overture - American Concert Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Orchestra Edison 1913
8347 Hiawatha - Edison Concert Band 2M Black Wax Instrumental Edison 1902
4448 How Many Times Fox Trot - Club De Vingt Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Fox Trot Edison 1922
2405 Humoreske - Samuel Gardner 4M Blue Amberol Violin Edison 1914
4310 I Found a Rose in the Devil's Garden - Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Dance Edison 1921
5138 I'm Sitting pon Top of the World - Fre4 Van Eps 4M Blue Amberol Banjo Edison 1926
3129 In the Clock Store (Fantasia) - Edison Concert Band 4M Indestructible Band Everlasting 1907
3033 In the Toymaker's Workshop - Babes in Toyland - American Symphony Orchastra 4M Blue Amberol Orchestra Edison 1916
10125 Irish Melodies - London Regimental Band 2M Black Wax Band Ediison Bell  
538 Kerry Mills" Nantucket - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1910
3191 King Cotton March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1917
2653 King of the Air March - Charles Daab 4M Blue Amberol Xylophone Solo Edison 1915
3361 La Paloma - Indestructible Symphony Orchestra 4M Indestructible Orchestra Columbia 1911
4939 Let Me Call You Sweetheart - Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Waltz Edison 1925
754 Love's Ol;d Sweet Song -Venetian Instrumental Trio 4M Black Wax Song Edison 1913
2853 Massa's in The Cold, Cold, Ground - Fred Bacon 4M Blue Amberol Banjo Edison 1916
706 Medley from the Merry Widow 4M Black Wax Band Indestructable 1912
1716 Medley of Country Dances - Eugene A. Jaudas 4M Blue Amberol Violin Edison 1913
3205 Medley of Indian Hits - Indestructible Military Band 4M Indestructible Band Columbia 1911
3122 Medley of Southern Airs - F.J. Bacon 4M Blue Ambero Banjo Edison 1917
1539 Medley of Southern Plantation Songs - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1912
9789 Merry Widow Selection - Edison Symphony Orchestra 2M Black Wax Opera Edison 1908
3104 The Messenger Boy March - Imperial Marimba Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1917
1752 Midnight Cho Choo - National Promenade Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1913
1522 Money Musk Medley Virginia Reel - National Promenade Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1912
1768 Monte Cristo - Quinteto Instrumental 4M Blue Amberol Instrumental Edison 1913
9434 The Mouse and the Clock - Edison Concert Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1907
2604 The Music Box Rag - Jaudas' Society Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Ragtime Edison 1915
2239 My Old Kentucky Home - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1914
1595 Mystic Dream Waltz 4M Black Wax Xylaphone Edison 1912
1014 New Tipperary March - John J. Kimmel 2M Black Wax Accordion Solo Columbia 1909 
2149 The Nightingale - Henry Heidelberg 4M Blue Amberol Piccolo Edison 1914
2287 O Canada - Henry Burr 4M Blue Amberol National Song Edison 1914
3153 One Two Three Four Medley - Waikiki Hawaiian Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Waltz Edison 1917
51 Overture 1812 - Edison Concert Band 4M Amberol Band Edison 1908
8131 Overture to the Poet and Peasant - Edison Concert Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1902
2645 Pick a Chicken - Jaudas' Society Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Band - One-step Edison 1915
3194 Pop Goes the Weasel Medley - Charles D'Almaine 4M Indestructible Violin Solo Albany 1902
2739 Porcupine Rag - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1915
2433 Romance from "L'Eclair" - Kitty Berger 4M Blue Amberol Zither Edison 1914
3592 Sabre and Spurs March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1918
1964 Sailor's Hornpipe Medley - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1913
1998 Silver Bell - American Standard Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1913
1937 Silv'ry Bells Medley - National Promenade Band 4M Blue Amberol
Band - Two-step Edison 1913
1155 Sounds from the Operas - National Promenade Band. 4M Blue Amberol Opera Edison 1908

Sousaland: Medley of Marches - Jphn Lacalle's Bandm

4M Blue Amberol Band Indestructable 1910
3778 Southern Melodies - John F. Burchardt 4M Blue Amberol Bells Edison 1919
707 Spinning Song - Karel Bondam 4M Blue Amberol Piano Solo Edison 1911
1764 Stradella Overture - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Opera Edison 1913
596 Sweet Dreams of Home - Charles Daab 4M Blue Amberol Xylophone Edison 1910
9441 Swedish Guard - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1912
9871 Turkey in the Straw Medley - Edison Military Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1904
2532 Turkish Patrol - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1920
3458 Uncle Tom's Cabin - A Dream Picture - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1918
2063 Virginia Reel - National Promenade Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1913
2967 Walkin' the Dog - National Promenade Band
4M Blue Amberol Fox Trot Edison 1917
2873 Waltz Orchid - Vecsey & His Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Waltz Edison 1916
9107 Whistler and His Dog - Edison Military Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1905
1 William Tell Overture - Edison Concert Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1908
770 With Sword and Lance - Indestructible Military Band. 4M Indestructible Band Columbia 1908

Patriotic Music

2631 America - Mixed Quartette 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Song Edison 1915
2964 Battle Cry of Freedom - Walter Van Brunt & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Song Edison 1916
3460 Battle Songs of Liberty March- New York Militaey Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1918
3402 Camp Songs U.S. Army No. 1 - Chorus of Male Voices 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Songs Edison 1918
3403 Camp Songs U.S. Army No. 2 - Chorus of Male Voices 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Songs Edison 1918
2203 Columbian Exposition March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1914
412 A Day at West Point - New York Military Band 4M Amberol Band Edison 1910
1648 Dixie - New York Military Band Fife and Drum Corps and Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Army Song Edison 1913
3006 For Dixie and Uncle Sam - George Ballard 4M Blue Amberol Army Song Edison 1916
2325 Fourth of July Patrol - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Edison 1914
3603 General Pershing March - Imperial Marimba Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1918


Hail to, the Spirit of Liberty March -- New York Military Band

4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1917
8755 I Want to be a Soldier - Byron G. Harlan 2M Black Wax Song Edison 1904
1308 Infantry Calls No. 1 - John Fletcher 2M Indestructible Military Music Columbia 1910
8141 Infantry Calls {Bugle) - John Hazel 2 M Black Wax Military Music Edisonz 1902
3243 It's Time for Every Boy to be a Soldier - Gladys Rice 4M Blue Amberol Recruiting Song Edison 1917
3220 The Liberty Bell March- New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1917
5362 Lindberg Eagle of the U.S.A. - Vernon Dalhart 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Song Edison 1927
2633 Listen to that Dixie Band - I. Kaufman and Company 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1915
8638 Medley of National Airs - U.S. Marine Fife and Drum Core 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1904
2029 National Emblem March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1913
3887 Naval Reserve March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1918

North and South Medley - U.S, Marine Fife and Drum Corps

2M Black Wax Fife and Drum Corps Edison 1903
1804 On Parade Medley - National Guard Fife & Drum Corps. 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Songs Edison 1913
1626 Patriotic Songs of America - New York Military Band & Premier Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Songs Edison 1913
32749 Roosevel's Inaugural Parade - Columbua Band with the Columbia Quartet 2M Black Wax Band Columbia 1905
10365 A Salute to Washington March - United States Marine Band 2M Black Wax Band Edison 1910
4046 Semper Fideles - U.S. Marine Band 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Song Edison 1920
3358 Spirit of America - A Patriotic Patrol - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1919
1612 Spirit of Independance March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1912
2652 The Star Spangled Banner - Thomas Chalmers & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol National Anthem Edison 1915
2104 Stars and Stripes Forever - Sousa's Band 4M Blue Amberol March Edison 1913
2845 Stop! Look Listen When I Get Back, etc. - Billy Murray & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Musical Play Song Edison 1916
3218 Uncle Sam Medley No. 1 - National Fife and Drum Corps 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Songs Edison 1917
3219 Uncle Sam Medley No. 2 - National Fife and Drum Corps 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Songs Edison 1917
2169 Under the Double Eagle March - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1914
1100 U.S. Army Bugle Calls Part 2 - Buglers of the New York Military Band. 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Edison 1908
8057 U.S. Cavalry Calls - Albert C. Sweet 2M Black Wax Patriotic Edison 1902
2919 Wake Up America - Joseph A. Phillips 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1916
997 Washington Post March - Edison Grand Concert Band   2M Indestructible March Edison 1909
2746 We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall - Frederick Wheeler & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol British Patriotic Edison 1915
2914 Yankee Doodle- Metropolitan Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Patriotic Song Edison 1916
8910 The Yankee Doodle Boy - Billy Murray 2M Black Wax Patriotic Song Edison 1905
9256 You're a Grand Old Flag - Billy Murray 2M Black Wax Patriotic Song Edison 1906

Popular Songs

10522 Alexander's Ragtime Band - Billy Murray 2M Black Wax Song Edison 1911
4108 Alice Blue Gown from Irene- Helen Clark 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1920
2942 Are You From Dixie, Cause I'm From Dixie Too - Murray and Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1916
2986 Arrah Go On, I'm Gonna Go Back To Oregon - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1916
8860 Back, Back, Back to Baltimore - Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan 2M Black Wax Duet Edison 1905
4757 Barney Google - Billy Jones and Earnest Hare 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1923
1330 By the Light of the Silvery Moon - Ada Jones 2M Indestructible Song Columbia 1909
5173 Bye Bye Blackbird - National Male Quartette 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1926
1550 Casey Jones - Billy Murray & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song/Story Edison 1912
1949 Come Josephine in My Flying Machine - Ada Jones & Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1911
1933 Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming - Knickerbocher Quartett 4M Blue Amberol Vocal Quartett Edison 1913
2719 Daisies Won't Tell - Helen Clark & Joseph A. Phillips 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1915
1860 Darling Nellie Gray - Metropolitan Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Vocal Quartet Edison 1913

Dixie Days - Bert Fitzgibbon and Owen J. McCormack

4M Blue Amberol Vocal Edison 1914
3413 Dixieland Memories No. 2- Opheus Male Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1918
1829 Down by the Old Mill Stream - Vernon Archibald 4M Blue Amberol Vocal Edison 1913
2868 Down Where the Swanee River Flows - C. Ballard and Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1916
1635 A Day Dream - Helen Clark 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1913
9611 Every Little Bit of What You've Got Makes Just a Little Bit More - Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan 2M Black Wax Duet Edison 1907
1740 Favorite Airs from the Geisha - Edison Light Opera Company 4M Blue Amberol Opera Edison 1913
3222 For Me and My Gal - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1917
3765 The Glowworm - We Girls Quartet & Lincke Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1919
9148 The Golden Wedding - Ada Jones and Len Spencer 2M Black Wax Duet Edison 1905
4082 Good-Bye Sunshine - Helen Clark and Company 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1920
5151 The Governor's Pardon - Vernon Dalhart 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1926
3315 Hail Hail the Gang;s All Here - Shannon Quartette 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1917
5185 Hi Diddle Diddle - Billy Jones and Ernest Hare 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1926
2312 I Love You Just Like Lincoln Loved Me - Pierless Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1914
3255 I Want to be Back Home in Dixie - Billy Jones and Ernest Hare 4M Indestructible Duet Columbia 1925
1978 I Want to be Back Home in Dixie - Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan 4M Blue Ambero Duet Edison 1913
3841 I'm forever Blowing Bubbles -Tuxedo Dance Orchestra 4M Blue Amberol Orchestra + Duet Edison 1919
2834 I'm Dreaming of You - Ward Barton 4M Blue Ambero Yodel Edison 1916
4553 In the Little Red School House - Billy Jones & Ernest Hare 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1922
3206 In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree - Walter Van Brunt 4M Indestructible Song Columbia 1911
3498 K-K-K-Katy - Billy Murray and Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1918
1597 Kentucky Days - Billy Murray & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1912
1048 Les Petits Paves - Mne Rollini 2M IIndestructible French Vocal Columbia 1902
2462 Lovers's Last Word - Walter Van Brunt and Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1914
5013 Many Many Years Ago - Vernon Dalhart 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1925
3003 Medley of 1909 Hits 4M Indestructible Songs Columbia 1910
8722 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis - Billy Murray 2M Black Wax Song Edison 1904
725 The Mockingbird - Joe Belmont 2M Indestructible Whistling Solo Columbia 1908 
2278 Moonlight on the Lake - Knickerbocher Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1914
2814 M-O-T-H-E-R - George Ballard 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1916
2451 Navajo Indian Songs (with drums) - Geoffrey O'Hara (Announcer) 4M Blue Amberol Baritone Edison 1914
5032 New River Train - Vernon Dalhart 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1925
2287 O Canada - Gillette and Mixed Chorus 4M Blue Amberol National Song Edison 1914
7484 Old Black Joe - Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan 2M Black Wax Duet Edison 1900
3031 Old Black Joe Side A & Swanee River Side B 4M Indestructible Peerless Quartet Edison 1910
2584 Old Folks at Home - Christine Miller & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Vocal  Edison 1915
5241 The Old Hickory Cane - Ernest V. Stoneman 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1926
10227 The Old Oaken Bucket - Nat E. Wills 2M Black Wax Parody Edison 1909
4184 Old Pal - Why Don't You Answer Me - Lewis James 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1921
3264 On Moonlight Bay - Helen Clark & Walter Van Brunt Indestructible Song Columbia 1912
1848 On Moonlight Bay- Premier Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1911
3019 Pretty Baby - Gladys Rice 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1916
1575 Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet - Joseph A, Phillips and Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1912
1882 Put Your Arms Around Me Honey - Ada Jones & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1915
28 Quartette from Rigoletto - Metropolitan Quartet 4M Black Amberol Opera Quartet Edison 1908
3838 The Raggity Man - Edward Meeker and Ada Jones 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1919
5028 The Runaway Train - Vernon Dalhart and Company 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1925
9562 School Days - Byron Harlan 2M Black Wax Song & Chorus Edison 1907
10134 Shine on Harvest Moon - Ada Jones and Billy Murray 2M Black Wax Song Edison 1909
352 Shine on Harvest Moon - Ada Jones and William H. Thompson 2M Black Wax Duet Everlasting 1913
1547 Silver Threads Among the Gold - Will Oakland 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1912
5200 Sinking of the Titanic - Earnest V. Stoneman 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1926
2354 Somebody Cares - Homer Rodeheaver 4M Blue Ambero Song Edison 1914
2885 Songs of Other Days 2 - Metropolitan Mixed Chorus (Yankee Doodle Dandy, etc.) 4M Blue Amberol Songs Edison 1916
3003 Songs of Other Days 4 - Metropolitan Quartet (Good Bye Dolly I Must Leave You) 4M Blue Amberol Songs Edison 1916
3930 St. Louis Blues, Handy and Orchestra - Al Bernard 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1920
1717 Sympathy - Charlotte Kirwan and Harvey Hindermeyer 4M Blue Amberol Opera Excerpts Edison 1913
3988 Swanee - Al Bernard and Frank M. Kamplain 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1920
4863 That Old Gang of Mine - Billy Jones and Ernest Hare 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1924
4427 Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes - Billy Jones and Earnest Hare 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1922
3426 They Go Wild Simply Wild Over Me - Billy Murray & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1918
1062 TRANS-MAG-NI-PI-CAN-BAM-DAM-U-AL-I-TY - Byron Collins 2M Indestructible Song Columbia 1909
1915 WaiLae - Toots Paka's Hawaiians 4M Blue Amberol Hawaiian  Edison 1913
1467 Wait Till the Clouds Roll Bye - Will Oakland 2M Indestructible Song Columbia  
1897 Waiting for the Robert E. Lee - Arthur Collins & Byron Harlan 4M Blue Amberol Duet Edison 1913
9718 When the Sheep are in the Fold, Jennie Dear - Manuel Romain 2M Black Wax Song Edison 1907
2547 When You Wore a Tulip - Walter Van Brunt & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1915
5127 The Wreck of the 1256 - Vernon Dalhart & Company 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1926
4898 The Wreck on the Southern Old 97 - Vernon Dalhart 4M Blue Amberol Tenor Edison 1924
32900 Yankee Boodle - Billy Murray 2M Black Wax Baritone Solo Columbia 1906

Sacred Songs

1561 Glory Song - Harry Anthony and James F. Harrison 4M Blue Amberol Hymn/Duet Edison 1912
1849 Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1913
9592 The Hymns of the Old Church Choir - Frank Stanley 2M Black Wax Hymn Edison 1907

I Love to Tell the Story - Edison Mixed Quartet

4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1913
1390 In the Sweet Bye-and-Bye - Mixed Quartette 2M Indestructible Hymn Columbia 1908-1912
2370 Looking This Way - Eleanor Patterson and Elizabeth Spencer 4M Blue Amberol Sacred Duet Edison 1914
2578 Jesus Christ is Risen Today - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Easter Music Edison 1915
9012 Nearer My God to Thee - Lotus Quartet 2M Black Wax Hymn Columbia 1904-1909

Onward Christian Soldiers- Edward F. Rubsam & Edison Mixed Quartet

2M Black Wax Quartet Edison 1905
1633 Rock of Ages - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1913
3487 Safe in the Arms of Jesus - Calvery Choir 4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1918
3160 Shall We Gather at the River - Metropoitan Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1917
32792 Stand Up for Jesus - Henry Burr 2MXP Hymn Columbia 1905
2450 Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer - Marie Novelle 4M Blue Amberol Sacred Edison 1914
2420 Trust and Obey - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1914
871 What a Friend We have in Jesus - James Harrison 4M Indestrutible Hymn Columbia 1908
1811 When the Roll is Called Up Yonder - Edison Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Hymn Edison 1913
2125 Where is my Wandering Boy Tonight - Mixed Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Sacred Quartet Edison 1914

Speeches and Recitations

2630 An Old Sweet Heart of Mine - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Recitation Edison 1915
3708 The Farmer and the Businessman - Theodore Roosevelt 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1919
33007 Destruction of San Francisco - Prince's Military Band 2M Black Wax Descriptive Columbia XP 1906
8879 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Transformation Scene -Len Spencer 2M Black Wax Talking Ecdison 1905
1653 Finch's "The Blue and the Gray" - Harry E, Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Recitation Ecdison 1913
1656 Henry W. Grady's Speech on the New South - Harry E. Hunphrey 4M Blue Ambero Speech Edison 1913
9923 Immortality - William Jennings Bryan 2M Black Wax Speech Edison 1908
3756 Let Us Not Forget - Thomas A. Edison 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1919
1651 Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1913
2539 Out to Old Aunt Mary's - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Recitation Edison 1915
1652 Patrick Henry's Speech - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1913
3707 Right of the People to Rule - Theodore Roosevelt 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1919
9999 The Rights of Labor - William Howard Taft 2M Black Wax Speech Edison 1908
1957 Sheridan's Ride - Edgar Davenport 4M Blue Amberol Recitation Edison 1913
9040 Sleigh Ride Party - Greater New York Quartette 2M Brown Wax Descriptive Columbia 1901-1904
3709 Social and Industrial Justice - Theodore Roosevelt 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1919
8656 Uncle Tom's Cabin (The flogging Scene) - Len Spencer 2M Black Wax Talking Edison 1904
572 Uncle Tom's Cabin (Topsy's Entrance) - Len Spencer and Company 4M Blue Amberol Talking Edison 1910
1654 Washington's Farewell Address - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Recitation Edison 1913
1655 Webster's Speech in Reply to Hayne - Harry E. Humphrey 4M Blue Amberol Speech Edison 1913

War Songs

23363 A Call to Arms - Peerless Quartet 4M Blue Amberol British Series Edison 1914
3239 America Here's My Boy - George Wilton Ballard & Choir 4M Blue Amberol War Song Edison 1918
3214 American War Songs No. 1 - American Brass Quartet 4M Blue Amberol War Songs Edison 1915
3215 American War Songs No. 2 - American Brass Quartet 4M Blue Amberol War Songs Edison 1917
2175 The Bonnie Blue Flag - Polk Miller and his Old South Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Civil War Edison 1914
3479 The Dixie Volunteers - Premiert Quartet- 4M Blue Amberol Vocal WWI Edison 1917
2948 Don't Bite the Hand that's Feeding You - Walter Van Brunt 4M Blue Amberol Vocal Edison 1916
3726 How Ya Gonna Keep Em Down on the Farm - Byron Harlan 4M Blue Amberol Vocal WWI Edison 1919
1516 Just Before the Battle Mother - Will Oakland & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol Civil War Edison 1912
1888 Marching Through Georgia - James F. Harrison & Chorus 4M Blue Amberol War Song Edison 1913
3643 Keep the Home Fires Burning - The Homestead Trio 4M Blue Amberol War Song Edison 1919
8850 Medley of War Songs - Edison Military Band 4M Black Wax War Songs Edison 1904
1574 Medley of War Songs - New York Military Band 4M Blue Amberol War Songs Edison 1912
2619 My Buglar Boy - Helen Clark 4M Blue Amberol Vocal WWI Edison 1915
3639 Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning - Arthur Fields 4M Blue Amberol Vocal WWI Edison 1919
3275 Over There -- Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol Vocal WWI Edison 1917
4239 Reflections of 1861-1865 -Edna White 4M Blue Amberol Civil War Edison 1921


Ride of the Thuringia Hussars - United States Marine Band

The 12th (Thuringian) Hussar Regiment (German: Thüringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12) was a German Hussar regiment active during the Napoleonic Wars , the German revolutons of 1848-18459, the  Franco-Prussian Warr, and World WarI. The unit was disbanded in 1920.

4M Blue Amberol Band Edison 1913
3497 A Submarine Attack - Premier Quartet & Co. 4M Blue Amberol Military WWI Edison 1918
2773 Till the Boys Come Home- James E. Harrison 4M Blue Amberol Song Edison 1915
2432 Tramp, Tramp, Tramp - Knickerbocker Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Civil War Edison 1914
1881 We're Tenting Tonight - Knickerbocher Quartet 4M Blue Amberol Wartime Ballad Edison 1913
3569 When I Send You a Picture from Berlin - Billy Murray 4M Blue Amberol WWI Song Edison 1918

Early Recording Artists

Recording Artists

Visit this Cyberbee researched page to learn more about early artists who recorded for the major record comapnies like Edison, Columbia, and Victor. Geoffrey O'hara recorded Navajo Indian songs, Edna Bailey told bedtime stories, Harry Humphrey recited famous speeches, Ada Jones and Billy Murray were popular singers, Christine Mille demonstrated tone tests and sang beautiful songs. Cal Stewart enterained audiences with his Uncle Josh stories. Discover these "Oldies, but Goodies" and teach music using primary sources.

1908 Presidential Sound Recordings

Presidentrial Sound Recordings

In 1908 a series of speeches were recorded on wax cylinders for William Jennings Bryan and William Howard Taft and sold to the public. This was the first time that two candidtates for President recorded their positions on the current issues. Follow these links to learn more about these sound recordings and the 1908 election.

Foreign Language Instruction Cylinders

Foreign Language Instruction Cylinders

Language laboratories were made possible by Thomas Edison's invention of the tin foil phonograph in 1877. Learn about the earliest foreign language instruction recorded on cylinders. Listen to samples from French, German, Italian, and Spanish cylinder records. There are also images of the cylinder containers and some early advertisements.

GWTW Traditional Music

GWTW Traditional Music

In 1939, Gone with the Wind was released and considered one of the greatest films of all times, David O. Selznick produced the movie based on Margaret Mitchell's novel. Max Steiner provided the musical score that contained original music such as Tara's theme as well as preexisting traditional music such as My Old Kentucky Home.

Hornpipe Music

Hornpipe Music

According to the Harvard Dictionary of Music, the hornpipe dates to the 16th century. The hornpipe was a single reed woodwind instrument with a cowhorn bell Edison recorded several versions of this lively tune.,

Native American Cylinders

Native American Cylinders

A number of ethnographers recorded the stories, music, and traditions of Native Americans. Among these ethnographers were Francis La Flesche from the Omaha Tribe, Alice Cunningham Fletcher, Edward S. Curtis, Frances Densmore, Melville Jacobs, and Gertrude Bonnin also known as Zikala-Sa, a native Sioux. On this page are short biographies, locations housing these cylinder treasures, and a few recording samples. There are several digitization projects in the works to preserve these historical artifacts.

Websites for Learning and Listening

Belfer Cylinder Digital Collection

The Belfer Cylinders Digital Connection provides online access to digital audio files of cylinders in the Belfer Audio Archive. Belfer's cylinder collection includes over 22,000 cylinders, 12,000 of which are unique titles.

Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project

With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the UCSB Libraries have created a digital collection of nearly 8,000 cylinder recordings held by the Department of Special Collections. In an effort to bring these recordings to a wider audience, they can be freely downloaded or streamed online. The online catalog can be easily searched by keyword.

Edison National Historical Park

The archive at Edison National Historic Site includes approximately 48,000 disc and cylinder records produced by Edison in West Orange, New Jersey, between 1888 and 1929. Many of these, including unreleased and experimental recordings, have been at the Laboratory since Edison's lifetime. Ranging back to the first years of the invention and development of the phonograph, some of the earliest examples of recorded sound in existence are preserved within this unique collection. This site contains a compilation of selected recordings arranged by genre such as comedy sketches, documentary and political speeches, and popular songs.

Edison Sound Recordings at the Library of Congress

This site features 81 disc sound recordings, and other related materials, such as photographs and original magazine articles. In addition, histories are given of Edison's involvement with sound recordings, as well as a special page focusing on the life of the great inventor.