
Dark Roasted Blend: Category: Gadgets

"Weird Inventions by Guys" (DRB Series)

It's a Guy Thing!

Videophones from the Future PastSkype? Smartphone? Google Hangouts?
Antique Digital Calculators & Other Steampunk GearYou know you want these retro masterpieces
Let's "Go!": Ancient Chinese Game BoardsA long, passionate duel... with less victory
Gorgeous Espresso MachinesAwesome steam: retro & modern examples
Cinerama: "The Next Big Thing That Was"Curved screens, gigantic projectors & "out-of-this-world" picture
A Codebreaker's Dream: The Bombe!"The Bombe" vs. "The Enigma" code battle
Toy Robots to Have and to HoldShare your life with a bunch of cute Japanese toy robots!
Joystick Car DashboardsJoyful, Joyful Joystick Driving!
Sleek Vintage Salon Hair DryersChrome Coolness, Gentle Breeze and Space Age Fashion
Unique Wedding Rings & Engraving IdeasFrom Valentine's Day to Wedding Day: Love Messages
Attractive, Unique Vintage TelephonesGo ahead, call your mother
Awesome Vintage CalculatorsHighly desirable objects of technological genius
Mixing it Up: Drink Stirrers and Cocktail SticksKitsch & Cool: signature swizzle sticks
Strange Eye Exam ChartsOffbeat Optometry: Testing, Testing...
Wild'n'Wooly Printer ConceptsPrinters cannot always be evil. Here is proof.
Coolest Gadgets, Modern & Retro.The Weird and the Marvelous
Extraordinary Clocks and Watches"Time does not exist. Clocks exist."
Perpertuum Mobile: The Quest for Perpetual MotionPerpetual Futility, or Triumph of Imagination?
Vintage Arcade Machines ShowcaseColour! Action! Thunder! Weirdness, too
Hansen's Writing Ball & Other Unusual TypewritersLinear, Ball & Other Gorgeous Writing Machines
The Rubik's Fix!Rubik Cubes, Spheres, Warps...
Pipe Dreams: The Art of the Hookah"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs"
Mega Dashboards and Instrument PanelsMind-boggling Arrays of Dials and Switches

A Round-up of Unusual GlobesMeasure Your Ego with a Globe

Kitchen Appliances That Bite"The Brave Little Toaster That Changed My Life"

Vintage Construction Toys: Blasts from the PastIn the age of LEGO, this reads like a blasphemy

The Evolution of the CameraMachine gun camera, compass camera, and more!

Car Record Players & Other Cool Retro DevicesBefore there was an iPod, there were these...

Bad, Twisted & Bizarre ToysYour kid may still like them, but...

Weirdest Cell Phones Ever!Totally non-conventional looks and futuristic specs.
Real Life Spy Gadgets - For the secret agent in all of us

Ignorance is bliss... no more
The Cutting Edge of Retro TechThey will be renaming HiFi to HyFy, starting April 1st
Office Geekgasm via USBCubicle Ambiance Enhanced and Boss Penetration Reduced
Stunningly Intricate: Curta Mechanical CalculatorsPerfected in a concentration camp, as a gift to Hitler!
Unexpected Creativity
(found in unusual places)
Wild designs lurking in everyday world
World's Weirdest GadgetsEccentric devices that will blow your mind.
Miniature Spy Guns, Part 2Do not move while I destroy you, Mr Bond
The Geekiest LEGOs &
Rubik's Cubes
The world of twisted dimensions
Strangest Christian Products & SignsRepent! the end of good taste is in sight!
Russian Imperial Faberge EggsNestled Wonders, killed by Revolution
Coolest Retro DevicesSome were more portable than others
Robots in ArtsCompelling Art from Found Objects
Miniature Spy GunsThe smaller, the deadlier
Light Bulb CreativityLucy in the Sky (with Light Bulbs)
Slightly Suicidal: GadgetsThese guns will make you wonder...
Cool Art from Everyday ObjectsCreative recycling at its best
Stationery with BitePimp your office the right way
New Ways to Play with an Old HardwareCreative Recycling of your old PC
Vending Machines Craze in JapanInstant Gratification, to the Nth degree!
Unusual Musical InstrumentsSpoil your inner "music geek"
Robotic Art Bliss

Miniature Robots, Insects & Animals
Automated Musical InstrumentsMusic Robots: No Performer Necessary
Satellite Dish Art!

Yet Another Urban Art Form?
How To Become a (Real) Cyborg

The DIY guide for the discerning nerd :)
Unusual Clock Mechanisms

To simply tell the time is not the point
It's a Geek Thing

One Day in the Life of an Office Computer Worker (funny)
Mystery Devices, Issue 2

Can you tell what they are?
Russian Cold War PhonesBeautiful? ugly? paranoia-infected devices
Bio-Robots (funny)Swat that fly! It's spying on you
Mystery DevicesPuzzling gadgets from past and present
Decorative Robot Creations"Made out of junk" coolness

Computer Gadgets Roundup (funny)What every programmer & sysadmin wants, but would never admit it

Vintage Miniature & Spy CamerasCollectible Cameras for Inconspicuous Photography

Kitchen Tech for GeeksSomething is brewing in the kitchen, and it's not just coffee

Future of Personal Computing :
Amazing Concepts from Japan
a Pen with a Paper all over again...

Wooden Laptop
& Other Steampunk'd Computers
working model made out of wood

It's Tokyo Time!Catalog of crazy watches from Japan

ALSO:Don't miss this incredible HUGE series of weird gadgets from DRB!

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