Data Mining Grid home page
DataMiningGrid Math
We developed a set of generic tools and services for deploying data mining applications on standards compliant grid service infrastructures. The developed software was released recently and it is available under an Open Source License.
Future and emerging complex problem-solving environments are characterised by increasing amounts of digital data and rising demands for coordinated resource sharing across geographically dispersed sites. Next generation grid technologies are promising to provide the necessary infrastructure facilitating seamless sharing of computing resources. Currently there exists no coherent framework for developing and deploying data mining applications on the grid. The DataMiningGrid project addressed this gap by developing generic and sector-independent data-mining tools and services for the grid. To demonstrate the developed technology, the project implemented eight demonstrator applications in e-science and e-business (...more).
Math Websites for Middle School Students
Math can be a difficult subject for middle school students so try math for children with It's not uncommon for them to struggle with certain concepts. Fortunately, there are many online resources available that can help students hone their math skills. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best math websites for middle school students.
Few demonstration examples are available on YouTube.
High-level overview
The article Digging Deep in the Data Mine with DataMiningGrid, which was published in the November/December 2008 issue of the IEEE Internet Computing magazine presents a high-level overview of the DataMiningGrid system and its applications.
Technical overview
The DataMiningGrid system is described in detail in the paper Grid-enabling data mining applications with DataMiningGrid: An architectural perspective of the authors Vlado Stankovski, Martin Swain, Valentin Kravtsov, Thomas Niessen, Dennis Wegener, Joerg Kindermann and Werner Dubitzky, published in Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 24, Issue 4, April 2008, Pages 259-279.
Software release
Over 1600 downloads as of December 2008.
DataMiningGrid tools and services version 1.0 beta was released under Apache License V2.0. DataMiningGrid API version 1.0 beta is also availabe on CVS.
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Updated on June 26, 2009