- ️David Darling
Pegasus (abbreviation: Peg), the Winged Horse, is a large northern constellation. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Peg, together with Alpha Andromedae (which was originally Delta Peg), form the Square of Pegasus. The most prominent deep-sky object is the globular cluster M15 (NGC 7078), one of the densest of its type and notable for its many variable stars and pulsars (magnitude 6.3; diameter 12.3 arcminutes; RA 21h 30.0m, Dec +12° 10'). Binoculars and small telescopes show it as a misty patch; telescopes of at last 15-centimeter aperture resolve individual stars. See below for details of the constellation's brightest stars.
Square of Pegasus
The Square of Pegasus is a large, approximate square of conspicuous stars in an otherwise barren part of the northern sky. Three of the corner-stars, Markab, Scheat and Algenib, belong Pegasus. The fourth, Sirrah, was lost to Pegasus when the constellation boundaries were formalised, and now lies just within the borders of Andromeda.
Stars brighter than magnitude 4.0 | ||||||
star | vis mag | abs mag | spec type | distance (ly) | RA (h m s) | Dec (° ' ") |
Epsilon (Enif) | 2.38 | -4.19 | K2Ib | 673 | 21 44 11 | +09 52 30 |
Beta (Scheat) | 2.44 | -1.49 | M2.5II | 199 | 23 03 46 | +28 04 58 |
Alpha (Markab) | 2.49 | -0.67 | B9III | 140 | 23 04 46 | +15 12 19 |
Gamma (Algenib) | 2.83v | -2.22 | B2IV | 333 | 00 13 14 | +15 11 01 |
Eta (Matar) | 2.93 | -1.17 | G2II+F0V | 215 | 22 43 00 | +30 13 17 |
Zeta (Homan) | 3.41 | -0.62 | B8V | 209 | 22 41 28 | +10 49 53 |
Mu (Sadalbari) | 3.51 | 0.74 | M2III | 117 | 22 50 00 | +24 36 06 |
Theta (Biham) | 3.52 | 1.16 | A2V | 97 | 22 10 12 | +06 11 52 |
Iota | 3.77 | 3.42 | F5V | 38 | 22 07 01 | +25 20 42 |