How-to Guides | DCC
Our Guides and Checklists are aimed at the those in research data management support roles.
How-to Guides
How-to Guides provide working-level knowledge of curation topics. Each provides background concepts and practical steps aiming to help people in research or support roles implement data management capabilities in their organisation, or better align them with best practices.
- Using ACME-FAIR to self-assess capability maturity and engagement with FAIR-enabling practice (developed as part of the DCC's contribution to the FAIRsFAIR project)
- Using RISE, as a capability model for self-assessing RDM services
- Appraise and select research data
- Cite datasets and link to publications
- Develop a data management and sharing plan
- Develop research data management services
- Discover requirements for RDM services
- License research data
- Track the impact of research data with metrics
- Write a lay summary
Checklists also provide working-level knowledge, but cover less of the relevant background. Each aims to ensure practitioners have addressed the full scope of a challenging curation topic, and provides further sources of guidance.
- Where to keep research data
- Checklist for a data management plan
- Five things you need to know about RDM and the Law
- Five steps to decide what data to keep
Some of our guides are available in print and can be ordered online.