Announcing the Guest Creative Team for NIGHTWING #13-14 | DC
Announcing the Guest Creative Team for NIGHTWING #13-14
BY: Alex Nagorski
Wednesday, August 8th, 2012
This fall, NIGHTWING’s Dick Grayson will battle against the villainous Lady Shiva. In issue #13, find out why one of the world’s most grave assassins returned to Gotham City. And in issue #14, watch the epic martial arts throwdown between the two. And even if Nightwing may be outmatched this time, he won’t go down without a fight!
Taking over as guest writer for NIGHTWING #13-14 is Tom DeFalco, the fan-favorite writer behind such titles as LEGION LOST, SUPERBOY and NIGHTWING #0. And joining him to take on artist duties are Andres Guinaldo and Mark Irwin.
“When writer Kyle Higgins needed a breather to gear up for the Joker’s monstrous return in issue #15, I turned to Tom, who pitched in on issue #0,” series editor Brian Cunningham told THE SOURCE. “I’ll just come out and say it: Tom ranks among the best ever at writing street-level heroes. And Tom really delivered with his first solo trip to Gotham, following the narrative that Kyle has developed without skipping a beat, and helping to set up the Joker arc. And it felt natural for Tom to continue exploring the character of Lady Shiva, who first appears in NIGHTWING #0."
"In this story, both Dick and Shiva have grown up some since their first encounter—they’re not teenagers anymore—so it’ll be fun to see how each fares in a fair fight. Wait, did I say fair fight? Forget it—Shiva remains by far the better fighter, so it’s up to Dick to find a way just stay alive!"
"On the art side, Andres Guinaldo is an on-the-rise artist to be reckoned with, and you can quote me. He’s extremely talented and has an idiosyncratic style that’s also perfectly suited for mainstream comics. Keep your eye on this guy—he will only get better. You’ll see what he’s capable of in these two issues, especially after Mark masterfully inks him.”
Below, take an exclusive first look at NIGHTWING #14 by checking out Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira’s cover for the issue, which hits stores on November 21.