
WCW Monday Nitro - Monday, 03/29/99

  • Greetings, fellow Nitro fans. I'm back for another week of fun in the sun!

  • Let's take a dip into the mailbag....

    • Grimace writes:

      Just a quick remark on the 80's Hogan epileptic shake thing. Back then I had a theory. I figured if I was ever in the ring with the Hulkster, I would beat him into a pulp (yes!) and when he started to shake, I would just leave the ring and let him shake and shake and shake and maybe he'd finally die from lack of nutrition.

      You see, that's the mistake all of his opponents made. He'd start shaking, and then they'd hit him that One More Time, and that would stop the shaking and unleash the leg drop of doom. They shoulda just let him be.

    • Gale writes:
      Hi, I really like your Nitro report, keep up the good work. I just wanted to say that I saw your comment on ECW and thought I'd mention something. I am a fan of ECW, but I'm not gonna say anything because I respect your opinion. I will however, ask that you find a copy of ECW's latest PPV and watch at least some of it. I know you are a big fan of good technical wrestling and so am I, so I know you would appreciate several of the matches on it, especially the RVD vs Jerry Lynn match. It was incredible, as well as the Taijiri vs Super Crazy match. I have to say that they were better than anything I have ever seen on WWF or WCW. And at any rate, the ECW PPV was definitely 1000 times better than the recent WCW PPV's and even WWF PPV's. Of course that's just my opinion, but I would think you would at least enjoy it.

      I realize that there are quite a few people (Aldo and official DDT Digest Fraternity Brother A.C. Leex included) who love the ECW product as it's being presented now. And I've tried to like it. I've watched the TV shows, I ordered N2R '97, and may even go to a house show when they swing through the Raleigh area. But I can't get into it. The ECW product, to me, looks more contrived than Lucha, but if others dig it, all the best. Again, I respect the job Heyman has done, and appreciate that the ECW wrestlers give 110% when they go out there, but I don't think the ECW style has a future. I may be wrong, but I stand by my prediction that they'll be out of business in a year.

    • A.C. (not Leex) writes:

      The Schiavone/Heenan tension is terrible. Their sniping at each other was distracting to the program last night, especially during Flair's match. Not that Flair vs. the Human Dart was that great to start with. And what is with Schiavone in Bischoff's old jacket?

      So true. I'm taking a workshop with the Raleigh branch of the improv comedy troupe ComedySportz, and one of the first things they teach you is not to "deny." What that means is that if your partner (Heenan, in this example) puts forth an "offer," then you should accept it. What Tony does is that, each time Heenan puts forth anything, Tony responds with "No, it's not" or "Shut up." That makes for awkward listening. I think Tony's the big problem in the WCW announcer booth, and he's outlived his usefulness.

    • Peter Stein gives us the 4-1-1 on Jericho's sash:

      Heya... I can read Japanese, and Chris Jericho's sash said...


      ..."Chris Jericho".

  • We start off with David and Torrie/Samantha in front of a fire, talking about how Hogan treats Dave like a father, which Dave never had. Dave can't believe that Flair is dodging Hogan.

  • And we're LIVE from Toronto, Ontario, Canada for WCW Monday Nitro!
    • They show a new VW Beetle that they're giving away in a contest on wcw.com.
    • It's a promotional tie-in with "Beetle Adventure Racing" for the N64.

  • The Talking Idiots are in the booth.
    • Big "Larry" chant in Canada.
    • Tony talks about the Hart interview from last week, where he challenged Goldberg to a five-minute match.
    • HUGE "We want Bret" chant.

  • Footage from the Hart interview.

  • Lots of Canadians at ringside, for some reason.

  • In what may be a harbinger of things to come, we're forced to experience Konnan's damn rap video.
    • Haven't they figured out how much this sucks yet?
    • Don't tell me that we're going to go through another Hour #1 like a few weeks ago.....
    • I wonder what's on VH-1?
    • Hm. Something crappy with Shannen Doherty. I can't win.
    • There's always the old standby. WEATHER CHANNEL, baby!!
    • Very nice weather in North Carolina.
    • Damnit! It's still on! They're showing the whole thing!

  • Match 1: Konnan (w/catchphrases) vs. Vincent (w/angle that will never die)
    • Speak of the Gonnad, and he shall appear. Unfortunately.
    • Tony: "I can't get enough of that video."
    • Spring Stampede - Gonnad vs. Disco.
    • Gonnad hits the catchphrases, but he blows up in the process.
    • Vincent comes out to interrupt!!!
    • Vince says he's the boss, and since the nWo kicked Konnan out, Vince will take Konnan out.
    • Vince comes in the ring the hard way, though, and the bell rings.
    • Konnan takes time to scratch.
    • Konnan with a crappy float-around bulldog.
    • Seated dropkick.
    • Vince pulls the rope down, and Konnan hits the floor.
    • Vince applies a clubberin' on the outside.
    • Vince rolls Konnan back in the ring, and applies a bit of a beating.
    • Vince locks on a chinlock.
    • Vince with a Japanese armdrag.
    • Konnan escapes with a belly-to-back.
    • Inverted atomic drop by Vince!
    • The announcing team is completely off-sync tonight. Either this is an angle, or they all need to be shot.
    • Vince with a jawbreaker.
    • Vince eats boot on a corner charge.
    • Rolling clothesline by Gonnad.
    • Stevie Ray walks down the aisle.
    • Vince cheap-shots Konnan, then HE argues with Stevie.
    • Konnan with a mule kick, carpetmuncher, and applies the Tequila Sunrise for the submission win.

  • Tenay plugs the Hotline.

  • An un-special look at Hogan and Torrie, talking about how David thinks Hogan is his father
    • MAN, Torrie is hot.
    • Torrie asks about a fight with Nash.
    • Apparently, she's talking about the faux title match.
    • Torrie asks if Hogan could beat Nash again. Hogan whispers something in her ear.

  • Mean Gene calls out Hogan
    • Poor Canada. They don't deserve this.
    • Tony: "Maybe we've been a little hard on the nWo...."
    • Hogan: "Well you know somethin' Mean Gene..."
    • Hogan: "Hollywood and the Wolfpac is definately in the house, bruddah."
    • Has Hogan made a trip to Canada since he lost to Jacques Rougeau? It'd be pretty funny if he hadn't.
    • Hogan talks about the Largest Arms in the World, but Scott Steiner is nowhere to be seen.
    • Hogan talks about "his" belt.
    • Hogan's getting a decent face pop, which doesn't really help my opinion of Canada.
    • Gene is playing up Hogan as a face, too.
    • Crowd: "Hogan! Hogan!"
    • Hogan poses, cups his ear, etc. I fear for the future.
    • Tony says that someone in Customs reported seeing Sting in Toronto.

  • The special look at Goldberg, or "Sixty Seconds with Jobbers and Grunting."

  • Tony talks about Sting.
    • They want to know what he'll be wearing. What is this, a wrestling show, or freakin' GQ?

  • Tenay talked to DDP. Damnit, I'd almost forgotten about him. Thanks for reminding me. See if I ever do anything for YOU, Tenay.
    • We take a look back at the Scott Steiner/DDP/Kim thing.
    • DDP says Kim is doing fine.
    • DDP says Steiner gave him a herniated L-4 disk.
    • DDP doesn't want Tenay to make excuses for him, and says that Steiner laid him out on that night.
    • Tenay wants to know about the "Steiner gets Kim for 30 days" stipulation. DDP asks if Tenay is an idiot. DDP says that stip was never enforced.
    • DDP says "Don't buy the hype about 'the people's champion.'" DDP says he's coming back his way.

  • Match 2: Kenny Kaos vs. Wrath

  • Tenay plugs the Hotline.

  • More fun with Nash and Torrie.
    • Nash wants to know about David.
    • Torrie wants to know about when Hogan beat him.
    • Torrie says Hogan says that when Hogan beat Nash, it was real.
    • Nash isn't happy Hogan was talking about that.

  • Mean Gene calls out Ric Flair, to a chorus of boos
    • Flair walks the aisle.
    • Flair insults someone I don't know.
    • Flair says coming to Canada isn't a good decision, because he doesn't like being here.
    • Flair says he can spend a week in Canada with $100.
    • Flair says he has a surprise for wrestling fans tonight.
    • Chant: "Asshole"
    • Flair says that someone has been after him all night, so Flair said he could come out on Flair's time and make a presentation to the President.
    • DDP makes his way out.
    • Page has his own mic.
    • Page: "My my my . . . how things have changed"
    • Page says Bischoff must have beamed into Flair's body.
    • Flair: "Because I got the book, I can do whatever I want to with you, like I used to."
    • Flair says that DDP came here because DDP wants a match with Steiner.
    • DDP insults the Canadian fans, calling them, I believe, "Jackoffs".
    • Flair is going to make a corporate decision - since Hogan's complaining, and DDP's complaining, they'll wrestle each other.
    • Hogan comes down the aisle.
    • Flair retreats to the apron.
    • Crowd: "Hogan! Hogan!"
    • Wade: "Shoot me! Shoot me!"
    • Hogan threatens Flair.
    • Hogan also threatens DDP.
    • DDP and Hogan both agree to go through each other.
    • Flair says that he'll be DDP's manager tonight.
    • We cut to a shot in the rafters, and the black-and-white Sting is up there.
    • Flair orders Sting down.

  • We now see the normal Nitro opener.
    • The Nitro Girls are in the ring.

  • Match 3: Scott Norton vs. Rick Steiner
    • B-Team music brings out....
    • Scott Norton.
    • He will be jobbing tonight to the S****Y BULLDOG OF DEATH.
    • Norton beats on Steiner in the corner.
    • Steiner no-sells, though.
    • A Steinerline staggers Norton, and another one sends him over the top rope.
    • Norton eats some boot.
    • Steiner with punches in the corner, but Norton gets out with an inverted atomic drop.
    • Steiner sells a chop!!!
    • Steiner suplexes Norton out of the ring.
    • Commercial. I didn't know they were allowed to take commercial breaks during anything but cruiserweight matches.
    • We come back and both men are down.
    • Norton tries the powerbomb, but ends up just kind of dropping Steiner.
    • Steiner ducks a clothesline, and executes a sloppy German suplex on Norton.
    • Norton sets up for the powerbomb again, but gets backdropped.
    • A Norton eye-poke sends Steiner to the floor.
    • Steiner escapes an attempted posting.
    • Steiner goes up top, hits the aforementioned s****y bulldog, and gets the win.

  • In the back, Rey is asking Kidman to be his partner against Benoit and Malenko.
    • Kidman isn't sure, but eventually agrees.

  • Match 4: Chris Adams vs. World TV Champion Booker T
    • WCW Superstar Chris Adams gets a TV Title shot against Booker T.
    • Zbyszko is still in the booth, because they can't find Heenan.
    • Booker shoulderblocks Adams down.
    • Adams gets a hiptoss.
    • Booker with a takedown, floatover, and facelock.
    • Adams reverses.
    • Booker with a HUGE dropkick!!!! Man! He was up there on that one!
    • Adams comes back in the corner.
    • Booker with a sloppy avalanche clothesline, followed by the axe kick.
    • They brawl on the floor.
    • Adams lands the Superkick on the floor.
    • Adams powerbombs Booker T!
    • Tenay: "How often do we see a powerbomb from Adams?"
      Tony: "Never!"
      Wade: "Almost every match recently!"
    • Adams with a belly-to-back suplex.
    • Booker flapjacks Adams, and breakdances up.
    • Harlem sidekick floors the Brit.
    • Booker goes up top, and lands the missile dropkick for the title defense.

  • Wade learns a lesson: Don't try a kernel recompile when you're doing something important. I've lost PPP access, and can't even mount my CD drive. D'oh!

  • More Nitro Girls.

  • Footage from Rey offering Kidman another Cruiser shot at Spring Stampede.

  • Match 5: Jerry Flynn vs. Chris Jericho
    • Jerry Flynn makes his way down.
    • Chris Jericho is his opponent!
    • The announcers continue to bicker.
    • Jericho gets a mic, and welcomes Toronto to Monday Night Jericho.
    • Jericho says he's 100% Canadian. Heenan: "What's that with the exchange rate?" Tenay: "About 85%"
    • Jericho says he grew up and became everything he is in Canada.
    • But now he lives in the US.
    • Jericho says as he was walking through Toronto, he had one thought: "I'm glad I moved to the States."
    • Flynn attacks, and starts putting the hurt on Lionheart.
    • Flynn with his over-the-ropes kick.
    • Flynn rips off the Monday Night Jericho shirt.
    • Jericho gets some kicks in, but Flynn has none of it.
    • Jericho with a spinwheel kick.
    • Jericho chokes Flynn with the remains of his shirt.
    • Chant: "We Want Bret."
    • Jericho suplexes Flynn.
    • Jericho chops Flynn, calls a spot, and misses a dropkick.
    • Flynn blows a slingshot, but turns it into a half-crab.
    • They blow an Irish whip, and Flynn clotheslines Jericho.
    • Jericho hits a Fishermanbuster, and the Lionsault.
    • Jericho goes up top, but gets crotched.
    • Jericho shoves Flynn to the mat, but gets caught with a kick to the gut on the way down.
    • Jericho ducks a kick, takes Flynn down by the leg, and tries the Liontamer.
    • Flynn rolls him up for two.
    • Jericho tries a sunset flip, but he's too close to the ropes.
    • Jericho gets a boot up on a corner charge, then rolls Flynn up, puts his feet on the ropes, and gets the pin.

  • Mean Gene has Spice with him.
    • Mmmmm....Spice....
    • They're talking about the Beetle contest.
    • Spice actually speaks, and she even sounds hot.....

  • Someone has a framed movie poster for "Wrestling with Shadows."

  • WCW comes to the Patriot Center in Fairfax, VA, on Friday, April 2nd.

  • Bret Hart makes his way out.
    • The Candians go apeshit over Hart.
    • Heenan: "You used to be able to say that Gene Kiniski was Canada's greatest athlete..." I thought "Iron" Mike Sharpe held that distinction...
    • HUGE ovation for Hart.
    • Hart: "It's nice to be in a place where you get a little respect."
    • Hart says everyone's upset about the ratings, but he'll start off with a little bit of "O Canada."
    • Hart quotes some of O Canada. The crowd likes that.
    • Hart: "Hey Bischoff, put that in your pipe and smoke it."
    • Hart mentions that he's a five-time World champion, and he can't get a match with anyone.
    • The mention of Flair gets big boos.
    • Hart says Hogan is afraid of him.
    • Hart says he came to WCW to earn a reputation, not to lose it.
    • The mention of William Goldberg gets boos.
    • Hart calls Goldberg out.
    • Hart says that he beat Steve Austin every time he ever fought him.
    • Hart says Goldberg likes to fancy himself a big tough football player, but [Hart removes Calgary Hitmen jersey to reveal a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey underneath] this is hockey country. The crowd goes absolutely nuts.
    • Goldberg's music hits, and the crowd boos, but a HUGE "Goldberg" chant starts up. That was definitely piped in.
    • Goldberg spears Hart, and both men are down and not moving.
    • This is odd.
    • An unconcious Goldberg is laying on top of an unconcious Hart. This is so bizarre.
    • Hart starts twitching, rolls Goldberg over, and counts his own three-count on an unconcious Goldberg.
    • Hart pulls the Leafs jersey off to reveal a steel torso protector. Nice!
    • Hart: "Go ahead and respect that. Hey, Bischoff, and the WCW, I quit."
    • Hart then walks away as we go to commercial.

  • As we come back, we see a very grey Bischoff confronting Bret Hart, but Hart just walking past him.

  • A special look at Buff/Scott Steiner.

  • Match 6: Buff Bagwell vs. Norman Smiley
    • Buff Bagwell comes out in new white tights.
    • Buff gets the mic.
    • Buff tells Toronto that Big Poppa Pump and Buff Daddy are no more.
    • Buff says that the crowd can choose who they want, but they should remember that he loves them, as much as they love him. After all, he's buff, and he's the stuff.
    • His opponent - Norman Smiley!!! YES! This match should rule!
    • Buff mocks the SMBU, and does his pose dance.
    • Buff with an armdrag, and another dance.
    • Buff with a hiptoss.
    • Smiley works Buff over in the corner, and tosses him to the floor.
    • The camera stays on Buff but the crowd reacts, and we see Norman teasing the SMBU.
    • Buff with a backdrop and a nice dropkick. He then clotheslines Norm over the top rope.
    • Someone at ringside is cheering for Norman.
    • Bagwell blocks a flip with a stomp to the head, and hits an inverted atomic drop.
    • Bagwell slams Smiley, but Norman gets his knees up on a splash.
    • Norman hits the spinning bodyslam, teases the SMBU, but doesn't deliver.
    • Smiley vertical suplexes Buff.
    • Smiley mocks Buff's dance, but gets rolled up for two.
    • Extended resthold sequence.
    • Buff with a sunset flip for two.
    • Norman continues to work on the neck.
    • Buff avoids a dropkick, hits a diving shoulder, bodyslam, and dropkick.
    • Buff gets a boot up, hops up to the second buckle, and nails the Buff Blockbuster for the win!
    • Good match!

  • More useless blabber with the announcers.

  • Match 7: WCW World Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman
    • The champs make their way down first.
    • What Canadians are we missing tonight? Vampiro? I think he's the only one.
    • The challengers make their way down. Rey is wearing Gangsta-cool camoflauge, though, so I can't see him.
    • Benoit and Kidman lock up, and Benoit FLOORS Kidman with a chop, and a HUGE backdrop!
    • Pendulum backbreaker from the Crippler.
    • Another huge chop from Benoit.
    • Kidman won't be able to move tomorrow if these chops keep up.
    • Some reversals, and Benoit hits Kidman in the back of the head.
    • Kidman with the Spine Bomb on Benoit.
    • Both sides tag.
    • Malenko runs over Mysterio with a shoulderblock.
    • Benoit tags back in.
    • Mysterio with a floating frankensteiner.
    • Benoit and Malenko get their doubleteam powerbomb-clothesline.
    • Mysterio tags Kidman, who is a house o' fire.
    • Malenko makes the mistake of trying to powerbomb Kidman, with predictable results.
    • Malenko catches Kidman on top with the Exploding Gutbuster!!!
    • Rey breaks the pin.
    • As the champs double-gut-drop Kidman, we go to commercial.
    • As we come back, Benoit is working over Kidman.
    • Benoit snots on Kidman.
    • Malenko tags in.
    • Walking vertical suplex by Malenko.
    • Malenko hits a belly-to-back suplex.
    • A Kidman sunset flip gets two.
    • Double gorilla-press from the champs.
    • Benoit with a gutwrench gut-drop.
    • Malenko works over Kidman on the floor.
    • Kidman dropkicks his way out of another double-gorilla-press.
    • Rey gets out of a tilt-a-whirl with a frankensteiner.
    • Kidman and Benoit go to the floor to brawl.
    • Raven and Saturn come to the ring.
    • Rey tries a top-rope frankensteiner, but Malenko applies the Texas Cloverleaf.
    • Raven runs in and Evenflows Malenko.
    • The ref was distracted with Benoit and Kidman, so he didn't see it.
    • The ref turns around after Raven leaves.
    • Rey covers for the win and the belts! Damn. Good match, weird result.
    • I guess WCW figures they've given Benoit a belt, now they can bury him for the next couple of years, starting in his home country.

  • Nitro Girls.

  • Match 8: Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Diamond Dallas Page (w/WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair)
    • Michael Buffer is out to do the honors.
    • Hogan gets the first entrance.
    • Sign: "NO DUMP"
    • Hogan jives out.
    • Hogan soaks in the cheers.
    • Well, they've set Hogan up as the face in this match.
    • DDP comes out solo.
    • Flair follows a good distance behind.
    • Page gets a lukewarm reception.
    • Hogan's got a bad case of "Do-Rag Head"
    • The crowd is going crazy with the "Hogan" chants.
    • A shoving match to start.
    • They trade punches.
    • Hogan with an avalanche clothesline.
    • Hogan applies a clubberin' to Page.
    • Hogan with a clothesline across the chest, and punches him in the head.
    • Hogan clotheslines Page over the top as we go to commercial.
    • As we come back, DDP and Hogan are fighting up to the entrance.
    • Tony says they've torn up the announcers' booth, and they tear up the rest of the set. This is a lead-in to the new set, I believe.
    • Hogan reverses a stair whip.
    • Hogan, of course, pulls out the weight belt and whips Page with it.
    • Page gets it away, and whips Hogan with it, much to the chagrin of the Canadians.
    • Hogan gets choked by Flair, then DDP decks Flair.
    • Hogan whips DDP some more.
    • Page gets a discus clothesline.
    • Page pulls on Hogan's face.
    • Hogan pulls out another avalanche clothesline.
    • Hogan locks on an abdominal stretch.
    • Flair gets on the apron. Hogan breaks the hold to chase him down.
    • Page starts a comeback.
    • Page suplexes Hogan for two.
    • Back-elbows from Page in the corner and a foot to the face on the mat.
    • Hogan suplexes Page, and drops a series of elbows.
    • Hogan with a stepover armbar into an inverted cross-armbreaker!
    • Hogan with a moderately smooth small package for two, and Page reverses for two.
    • Page lariats Hogan down for two.
    • Ref bump.
    • Page falls victim to the big boot.
    • Hogan misses the leg as Charles Robinson runs in.
    • Page with a lariat, and signals for the Diamond Cutter, but Hogan starts the lame Hulkup.
    • Flair mistakenly hits Page with the weakest chairshot I've ever seen, but Page sells it.
    • Flair's chops have no effect on Hogan, see, because Hogan's a REAL AMERICAN!!! He's INVINCIBLE!!!! Whatever.
    • Hogan big boots Flair out of the ring, and drops the leg on Page.
    • Robinson refuses to count, so Hogan decks him.
    • Mickey Jay recovers and counts the pin. Hogan wins.
    • Hogan rants about getting the belt. This is sad.