Abiquo and DigitalOcean Team to Deliver Enterprise-Grade Hybrid Cloud,Abiquo and DigitalOcean Team to Deliver Enterprise-Grade Hybrid Cloud - Digital Engineering

  • ️@digitaleng
  • ️Wed Dec 05 2001

Abiquo, creators of the platform Abiquo anyCloud, have announced a new generation of services through its partnership with DigitalOcean.

According to a company press release, this partnership adds to the enterprise-grade management and control over public clouds from Google Compute Engine, HP Cloud, Amazon EC2 and Rackspace through one interface. This is possible through the integration of an Apache jclouds connector.

With the Abiquo anyCloud, Digital ocean users can manage their cloud accounts, obtain a full audit trail of activity and utilize new compliance measures.

“The motivation to integrate with DigitalOcean was clear; we already used the DigitalOcean platform in our development process, and our developers felt so strongly about the functionality that DigitalOcean provides that they have gone to the extent of automating part of our continuous integration software development process,” said Xavier Fernandez, co-founder and CTO at Abiquo. “To do this in a standard way, they created the jclouds connector for DigitalOcean, integrated it to Abiquo anyCloud and contributed it to the open source community for anyone to use.”