Deutsche Fotothek

  • ️SLUB Dresden

The Deutsche Fotothek at SLUB Dresden is one of the most important image archives in Europe with a collection of around seven million photographs and an online offering of currently around 2,362,000 image media. Our aim is to preserve and activate important examples of analogue and digital photography through online presentation, exhibitions and publications.

Archiv der Fotografen — Archive of photograhers

With the Archive of Photographers, the Deutsche Fotothek offers a showcase for the works of important German photographers or photographers working in Germany — from the Deutsche Fotothek's holdings and from the collections of its partners .

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New at Deutsche Fotothek

Original prints of around 75 portraits by Fritz Kempe were donated to the Deutsche Fotothek collection in September 2024. The estate of publisher and photographer Hansgert Lambers, who died on 23 June 2024 and left behind impressive city and street photographs spanning seven decades, was newly added to the archive of photographers. At the end of 2023, it was agreed to take over the archive of Barbara Metselaar Berthold, one of the great photographers of the GDR, who died in Berlin on 21 September 2024. Few photographers in the GDR have searched for traces of individual confrontation with the agony of the system as insistently as she did.

Fotothek classic

Townscapes, art, architecture or portraits - these and other thematic focuses characterise the Fotothek's holdings from the period from 1924 to the early 2000s. Browse through these central subject areas of our historic collection or simply use the search slot at the top.


The thematic approach presents results from third-party funded projects such as "Weltsichten" and "Die Gute Form" as well as portfolios compiled by individual photographers and selected focal points of the collection of the Deutsche Fotothek and its partners .

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The Map Forum is an information portal of libraries, museums and archives within our image database, which is maintained by the Deutsche Fotothek and funded by the DFG. It currently offers over 32,000 of the most important high-resolution digitised cartographic sources.

Our portal for Architectural and Machine Drawings presents 108,000 sheets from the collections of the SLUB Dresden, the architecture museums of the Technical University of Berlin and the Technical University of Munich, the so-called Mecklenburg Planschatz and the results of our DFG project "Architektur- und Ingenieurzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance".


For us, collecting always also means "activating" archives - through consistent digitisation, publications and regular exhibitions.


Latest publication:
100 Jahre - 100 Positionen
The catalog book for the 100th anniversary of the Deutsche Fotothek
600 pages, 578 ill.