Extract from the Annals of the Four Masters - Devlin Name

The Annals of the Four Masters

THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1231. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred thirty-one Keleher O'Devlin, Erenagh of Camma, a charitable, pious, wise, and prayerful man died.

THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1248. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-eight. Faghartach O'Devlin, Lord of Corran in the county of Sligo, died.

THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1309. The Age of Christ, one thousand three hundred nine. Hugh, the son of Owen, son of Rory, son of Hugh, son of Cathal Crovderg, King of Connaught, and worthy heir to the monarchy of Ireland, the most hospitable and expert at arms of all the Irish born in his time, was slain by Hugh Breifneach, the son of Cathal O'Conor, at Coill-an-clochain, together with many of the chiefs of his people about him. Among these were Conor Mac Dermot; Dermot Roe, son of Teige O'Conor; Dermot, son of Cathal Carragh; Mac Dermot; Hugh, son of Murtough, son of Teige, son of Mulrony; and Dermot O'Healy, a princely brughaidh, the best of his time. On the other side fell Gilla-na-naev Mac Egan, Chief Brehon of Connaught, and the most illustrious of the Brehons of his time; Faghartach O'Devlin, and others not mentioned. The Sil-Murray then conferred the lordship upon Rory,the son of Cathal O'Conor. Rory O'Conor and O'Flynn afterwards led a troop of cavalry to the Plain, and slew Mac Feorais Bermingham.

THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1316. The Age of Christ, one thousand three hundred sixteen. A great army was mustered by Felim O'Conor, by Mac Feorais Birmingham, and the English of West Connaught. They marched to Tochar-mona-Coinneadha; Rory, the son of Cathal O'Conor, king of Connaught, came against them with all his forces; and a battle was fought between them, inwhich Rory was defeated, and he himself slain, together with Dermot Gall MacDermot, Lord of Moylurg, Cormac Mac Keherny, Chief of Ciarraighe, and many others of the chiefs of his gallowlasses, and of his own particular friends. Felim again assumed the government of Connaught; he mustered another army, and marched against Ath-leathan; he burned the town, and slew Slevin de Exeter, Lord of the town, and also Goganagh De Cogan, the noblest baron in his time in Ireland, and many others of the English, and acquired much booty. A very great army was mustered by Felim O'Conor and the chiefs of the province of Connaught. Among these chiefs were the following, viz. Donough O'Brien, with the chiefs of Munster; O'Melaghlin, King of Meath; Malgary O'Rourke, Lord of Breifny; O'Farrell, Lord of Annaly; Teige O'Kelly, Lord of Hy-Many; Manus, son of Donnell O'Conor, Tanist of Connaught; Art 0'Hara, Lord of Leyny; and Brian O'Dowda, Lord of Hy-Fiachrach. They all marched to Athenry. The English of West Connaught mustered their forces, to oppose them, namely, William Burke; the Baron Mac Feorais Bermingham, Lord of Athenry; and the greater part of the English of Leath Chuinn. A fierce and spirited engagement took place between them, in which the Irish were at last defeated. Felim O'Conor, from whom the Irish had expected more than from any other Gael then living, was slain. There were also slain Teige O'Kelly, Lord of Hy-Many, and twenty-eight gentlemen of the O'Kellys; Manus, son of Donnell O'Conor, Tanist of Connaught; Art O'Hara, Lord of Leyny; Melaghlin Carragh O'Dowda; Conor Oge O'Dowda; Murtough, son of Conor O'Dowda; Dermot Mac Dermot, heir apparent to Moylurg; Murtough, son of Taichleach Mac Dermot; Murtough, son of Dermot O'Farrell; Melaghlin Oge Mac Manus; John, son of Murrough O'Madden; Donnell, son of Hugh O'Concannon, Lord of Hy-Diarmada, and his brother Murtough; Murrough O'Madden; Donnell O'Boyle; Donough O'Molloy, and his people along with him; Murrough, the son of Murrough Mac Mahon, and one hundred of his people; Niall Sinnagh the Fox, Lord of the men of Teffia, and his people; Farrell, son of John Gallda O'Farrell; William, son of Hugh Oge O'Farrell; Thomas, son of Auliffe O'Farrell; and five of the Clann-Donough, namely, Tomaltagh, son of Gilchreest; Murrough, son of Donough; Conor, son of Teige; Murtough, son of Donough; and Melaghlin, son of Donough. In this battle were also slain John Mac Egan, O'Conor's Brehon; Gilla-na-naev, son of Dailredocair O'Devlin; O'Conor's standard-bearer; and Thomas O'Conallan. In short, it is impossible to enumerate or tell all the chiefs of Connaught, Munster, and Meath, who fell in this battle. This terrible battle was fought on the festival day of St. Lawrence lOth of August. Felim O'Conor was twenty-three years of age at the time. Rory na-bhFeadh, the son of Donough, son of Owen, son of Rory O'Conor was then inaugurated king of Connaught.

THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1475 A circuitous hosting was made by Hugh Poe O'Donnell, the son of Niall Garv, accompanied by Maguire, O'Rourke, and the chiefs of Lower Connaught. They proceeded first to Beal-atha-Chonaill (Ballyconnell, Co Cavan), to rescue Brian, the son of Felim O'Reilly, who was O'Donnells friend and confederate, and to make peace between O'Rourke and O'Reilly. O'Reilly came to Beal-atha-Chonaill to O'Donnell, who reconciled O'Rourke and O'Reilly with each other, and also Brian the son of Felim; and Philip O'Reilly was given up to O'Donnell, to be detained and kept by him as hostage for the observance of this peace, besides such others as he himself wished to demand. After this O'Donnell marched to Fenagh-Moy-Rein, wither Mac Randall came to him. From thence he went to Annaly, to assist the sons of Irial O'Farrell, who were his friends; and he spoiled and burned Annaly, excepting only that part of it which belonged to the sons of Irial, whom he left in power and might. He afterwards proceeded through Westmeath, and burned the castle-towns of Devlin, and all the circumjacent country. He remained for one night encamped in Cuircne (barony of Kilkenny west), in Meath; and the Dillons and Daltons came into his house, and made peace with him. He then proceeded to Offaly, at the request of Cahir O'Conor Faly, the son of Con, son of Calvagh, who was his relative, to take vengance on the English for his father, Niall Garv. He remained for some time in Offaly, plundering and ravaging Meath on each side of him. He demolished and burned Castle-Carbury and Bally-Meyler (Meylerstown); he also burned and plundered the territories of Tir-Briuin and Fertullach, and obtained presents from the inhabitants of Mullingar, as a condition for sparing their town from pillage, the country on all sides of it having been a lready destroyed. Afterwards, at the instance of Colman O'Melaghlin, he proceeded to Coille-an-rubha (Killinroe, in the north of Kings County), and commenced spoiling Clann-Colman (barony of Clonlonan), ie O'Melaghlins country; he burned the castle of Magh-Tanhnach (Moyhownagh), and the castle of Mag-Eille (noe Moyelly Castle). It was on this occasion that O'Donnell gave O'Melghlin, with all his muster and forces, the defeat of Garbh-Eisgir (Esker). This was otherwise called the defeat of Bealach-na-g-Corr-Ghad, from the gads or withes which the people of the country suspended about their necks of some of the army, in consequence of the narrowness of that passage. It was on the same day that O'Donnell gained the battle of Baile-Locha-Luatha (town of Lough Luatha, now Ballyloughloe), where the son of Magawley and many others were slain, and he remained encamped for a night there. The next day O'Donnell proceeded with his army to the Shannon. Some of the O'Kellys, who accompanied him on this expedition, collected and brought together all the vessels they found in the neighbourhood, so that in these O'Donnell, with his army, crossed the Shannon into Hy-Many, and there he remained until he rested and recruited himself after his long expedition. He then proceeded through Clanrickard, Conmaicne-Cuile, and Clann-Costello, and marched back again through Machaire-Chonnacht (Iochtar Connacht), and from thence to his own country, having received submission, and gained victory and triumph in every place through which he had passed.

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