Register your vehicle as off the road (SORN)
Tell DVLA you’re taking your vehicle off the road, for example if you’re keeping it in a garage. This is sometimes called a ‘Statutory Off Road Notification’ (SORN).
You’ll get a refund for any full months of remaining tax. You cannot use the vehicle on the road until you tax it again.
You do not need to make a SORN for a vehicle you’ve already sold. Tell DVLA you’ve sold a vehicle instead.
Apply to take your vehicle off the road
Your SORN will start immediately if either:
your vehicle tax has expired
you’re not applying in the month your vehicle tax is due to expire
Your SORN will start on the first day of the next month if you apply in the month your vehicle tax is due to expire.
Apply online
You can apply online if the vehicle is registered in your name.
Start when you’re ready to take your vehicle off the road.
You can apply using the:
- 11-digit number in your vehicle log book (V5C)
- 16-digit reference number on your vehicle tax reminder
Your vehicle tax reminder can be a letter (V11), email or text message.
Before you start
If your address is wrong on your log book (V5C)
Change your address online, then register your vehicle as off the road.
You can also update your address by post. Write your new address in:
- section 3 if you have a new style log book (with multi-coloured numbered blocks on the front cover)
- section 6 if you have the older style log book
Send a filled in V890 form with your log book to DVLA.
If the vehicle is not registered in your name
Fill in the appropriate part of the log book and send it with a filled in V890 form.
If you do not have a log book
Fill in and send an application for a log book (V62) and V890 form to DVLA - a new log book costs £25.
You can get a duplicate log book (V5C) if your original one is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
Other ways to apply
By phone
By post
Send an application form (V890) to DVLA.
You can apply to take your vehicle off the road either:
- this month
- next month or the month after - include a letter saying why you cannot send the form nearer the time