
Aerospace Energy


Military member examines a sample of liquid oxygen

DLA Energy Aerospace Energy manages the worldwide acquisition of missile fuels, liquid propellants for space launch and satellites, aviator’s breathing oxygen and other bulk industrial chemicals and gases – including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, hydrogen, and helium. Aerospace Energy provides centralized, cradle-to-grave contracting and logistics support via aggregation of customer requirements and award of government contracts for supplies and services that support customers worldwide, ranging from those in theater – helium to aerostats, aviator breathing oxygen to fighter jets, and hydrazine to the F16s for their emergency power unit – to those in the continental U.S. – Defense Department, space launch, cruise missiles, Homeland Security and NASA, as well as federally funded research and development at universities.

A helium aerostatAerospace Energy provides product distribution and transportation and inventory management of assigned products. Aerospace Energy also provides the services in support of customer requirements, as well as support during the research and development phase of customers’ space and launch programs. It drafts sales contracts with commercial space and launch companies under the authority of the Commercial Space Launch Act and other commercial companies under FAR Part 51 and other regulatory authority. It also provides technical support for the safe transportation of assigned products as well as other hazardous materials. DLA Energy’s Aerospace Energy team hosts technical conferences for the exchange of ideas within customer groups and participates in industry forums to optimize support.

Aerospace Energy solicitations are available on the www.SAM.gov  website by searching Contract Opportunities for "SPE601" under keyword.

Product Prices

The below pricing is for reference only. For additional information and a complete listing of all products offered by Aerospace Energy and current DoD Standard Pricing click on the link to current standard prices for aerospace products.

Commonly ordered hydrazine fuels standard prices effective Oct. 1, 2022.
NSN O&G NSN Materials Unit Current Price
9135010499592 9135016661107 HYDRAZINE-WATER, H70 LB $151.70
9135012321852 9135016660593 HIGH PURITY HYDRAZINE, HPH LB $151.70
9135000822455 9135016660625 MONOMETHYLHYDRAZINE, MMH LB $230.83

Commonly ordered oxidizers standard prices effective Oct. 1, 2022.
NSN O&G NSN Materials Unit Current Price
9135011465135 9135016659301 NITROGEN TETROXIDE, MON-3 LB $151.00
9135015459491 9135016659314 NITROGEN TETROXIDE, MON-3UL LB $151.00
9135013838173 9135016659209 NITROGEN TETROXIDE, MON-25 LB $235.25
9135015194787 9135016659189 NITROGEN TETROXIDE, MON-15 LB $158.49
9135010577408 9135016659185 NITROGEN TETROXIDE, MON-10 LB $154.76


The following offices can be contacted for more information about working with DLA Energy for your aerospace product needs:

Title Phone Number
Chief of Supplier Operations 210-780-4870
Deputy of Supplier Operations 210-780-4916
Chief of Customer Operations 210-209-6630
Deputy of Customer Operations 210-780-5036 
Helium Customer Relationship Branch 210-780-4941
Cryogens Customer Relationship Branch 210-780-4926
Space Launch & Propellants Branch 210-780-4941
Business Operations Branch 210-780-4930