Acts of Andrew
At a Glance
(2/5) **
Reliability of Dating
(3/5) ***
Length of Text
Estimated Range of Dating: 150-200 A.D.
Offsite Links
- Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ed., translation by R. McL. Wilson, New Testament Apocrypha : Writings Relating to the Apostles Apocalypses and Related Subjects (Louisville: John Knox Press, 1992), pp. 101-151.
- J.N. Bremmer, The Apocryphal Acts of Andrew (Peeters 2000).
- Stevan Davies, The Revolt of the Widows: The Social World of the Apocryphal Acts (Southern Illinois Univ Pr 1980).
Information on the Acts of Andrew
Jean-Marc Prieur writes concerning dating (The Anchor Bible Dictionary, v. 1, p. 246):
The Manichean Psalter, which contains some allusions to the content of Acts Andr. (Allberry 1938: 142, 143, 192), establishes the 3d century as the terminus ad quem for the redaction of the apocryphon, but the Acts had to have originated earlier, between 150 and 200, closer to 150 than to 200. The distinctive christology of the text, its silence concerning the historical and biblical Jesus, and its distance from later institutional organization and ecclesiastical rites militate for an early dating. Moreover, its serene tone and unawareness of any polemic against some of its ideas as heterodox, particularly in the area of christology, show that it derived from a period when the christology of the Great Church had not yet taken firm shape. One might repeat here the line of argumentation employed by Junod and Kaestli for locating the Acts of John in the same period (1983: 695). Moreover, Acts John displays several affinities with Acts Andr., such as the literary genre, structure, and theological orientations.
Some Contemporary Texts
- Testimony of Truth (150-200 A.D.)
- Acts of Peter (150-200 A.D.)
- Acts of John (150-200 A.D.)
- Acts of Paul (150-200 A.D.)
- Acts of Andrew (150-200 A.D.)
- Acts of Peter and the Twelve (150-225 A.D.)
- Book of Thomas the Contender (150-225 A.D.)
- Paraphrase of Shem (150-250 A.D.)
- Fifth and Sixth Books of Esra (150-250 A.D.)