
East Orange, NJ | Official Website

Welcome to East Orange! 

I am honored to welcome you to the great city of East Orange: One City, One Community, One Goal — Progress.  As the 14th Mayor of East Orange, I invite you to learn more about our city through the official city website, where you will find useful information as a resident, visitor or business owner. 

Our website serves as an entry point and will directly connect you with resources, events or online services that will assist you in accomplishing your goals with East Orange.

For residents,  our goal is to provide you with access to key municipal services right at your fingertips, including convenient online bill paying, up-to-date information on city news, events and programs, a portal to report issues and concerns, emergency alerts and more.

For visitors, our goal is to provide easily accessible information to help guide you through your journey and visit to our wonderful city, including arts, culture, special events and points of interest to enjoy during your time in East Orange.

For business owners, our goal is to provide user-friendly, one-stop access to permits and critical information that make conducting business in East Orange a seamless and satisfying experience.

Our mission and vision for East Orange is to provide extraordinary service to you with an ultimate goal of improving your quality of life and meeting your needs.

Thank you for choosing East Orange to live, work and/or play!


Ted R. Green
