
PDBe < Fold < EMBL-EBI


PDBeFold. Structure Similarity.

PDBeFold functionality:
  • pairwise comparison and 3D alignment of protein structures
  • multiple comparison and 3D alignment of protein structures
  • examination of a protein structure for similarity with the whole PDB archive or SCOP archive
  • best Cα-alignment of compared structures
  • download and visualisation of best-superposed structures using Rasmol (Unix/Linux platforms), Rastop (Windows machines) and Jmol(platform-independent server-side java viewer)
  • linking the results to other services - PDBeMotif, SCOP, GeneCensus, FSSP, CATH, PDBSum, UniProt
  • PDBeFold: A comparison with other protein matching services.
    PDBeFold is used as a structure search engine in PDBePISA.
    PDBeFold queries may be launched from any web site (instructions).

    We welcome your feedback! Please send any questions, comments, suggestions and bug reports using the FEEDBACK button on the top of the page.