


PDBePISA (Proteins, Interfaces, Structures and Assemblies)

PDBePISA is an interactive tool for the exploration of macromolecular interfaces.

    With PDBePISA, you can:
  • Retrieve pre-calculated results for the whole PDB archive.
  • Calculate results interactively for structures uploaded as PDB or mmCIF files
    These calculated results include:
    • structural and chemical properties of macromolecular surfaces and interfaces
    • probable quaternary structures (assemblies), their structural and chemical properties and probable dissociation pattern
  • search the PDB archive for particular interfaces formed by structural homologs.
  • search the PISA database of pre-calculated results using a wide range of options, such as:
    • multimeric state,
    • symmetry number,
    • space group,
    • accessible/buried surface area,
    • free energy of dissociation,
    • presence/absence of salt bridges and disulphide bonds,
    • homomeric type,
    • ligands
    • keywords
  • assess the significance (biological role) of macromolecular interfaces
  • download and visualise structures, interfaces and assemblies using Rasmol (Unix/Linux platforms), Rastop (MS Windows machines) and Jmol (platform-independent server-side java viewer)

We welcome your feedback! Please send any questions, comments, suggestions and bug reports using the FEEDBACK button from the top of the page.
PISA queries may be launched from any web site by following these instructions.
PISA data may also be downloaded using direct URL links (instructions) here.