Brussels rules OK

  • ️Thu Sep 20 2007

How the European Union is becoming the world's chief regulator

A VICTORY for consumers and the free market. That was how the European Commission presented this week's ruling by European judges in favour of its multi-million euro fine on Microsoft for bullying competitors. American observers had qualms. Would a French company have been pursued with such vigour? Explain again why a squabble among American high-technology firms ends up being decided in Brussels and Luxembourg (where Euro-judges sit)? One congressman muttered about sneaky protectionism and “zealous European Commission regulators”. It certainly seemed zealous of the competition commissioner, Neelie Kroes, to say that a “significant drop” in the software giant's market share was “what we'd like to see”.

This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Brussels rules OK”

Will the credit crisis trigger a downturn?

From the September 22nd 2007 edition

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